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iPhone 4 reception issues?

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#1 RaiDK

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 02:49

So there's been a bit of a buzz about the new iPhone's reception issue when touching the antenna on the side. As this is one of those moments when the hardcore Pro-Android and Anti-Apple crowds have a field day, sites like Engadget are pretty much being flooded with fanboy comments.

As I'm interested in getting an iPhone in the future, I'm curious to know the extend of these issues and if they really are as bad as people are making out: Has anyone purchased an iPhone 4 or had the opportunity to test one out for themselves?

Also please, PLEASE don't respond to this thread with the generic hate-replies which Engadget have been swarmed with. I seriously don't care if HURR DURR EVO 4G FTW or APPLE ARE EVAL COMPANY. I don't want to hear it, I hear enough of that from other websites.

Edit: Forgot to add a video of some of my own findings testing my current phone:

Edited by RaiDK, 03 July 2010 - 03:00.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#2 TheDR

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 13:51

BBC's impartial view, hopefully this will help you :P
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#3 RaiDK

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 21:13


HTC makes metal phones, but they seem to work just fine.

As proven above, this isn't entirely true...

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#4 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 10:30

It all depends on the antenna design. The thing about the iPhone's antenna is that your link it with the Wifi antenna which mixes things up to say the least. My HD2 has solid reception regardless of how hard I try to grip the bottom part which houses the antennae. Seems the hero has issues as well. Also, there is an article on Anandtech that shows that the iPhone apparently miscalulates reception signal and cuts off calls even when not needed. The bars should not convey just signal strength but rather SNR.
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#5 RaiDK

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 10:56

Wow, didn't know that. Does that basically mean that Apple wasn't actually lying when they said it was a software issue? Wow, if they actually do fix it then a lot of people will be eating their words.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#6 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 17:07

Well I'd say the external antenna was poorly designed in a way, and also improved in another. But yes, a software update should make this the iphone with the best reception yet.
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#7 Rich19

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 18:13

View PostRaiDK, on 6 Jul 2010, 11:56, said:

Wow, didn't know that. Does that basically mean that Apple wasn't actually lying when they said it was a software issue? Wow, if they actually do fix it then a lot of people will be eating their words.

They were lying. I reckon the issue is with the metal edging of the phone, which is used as the antenna. When you pinch it, it moves slightly and the conductivity changes (sweat on your fingers can conduct), so the phone thinks the signal strength has changed. They're releasing rubber rings to go around the outside to stop this. A software solution would be to change the way the signal strength is monitered to a time average, so the phone displays the average signal over the last, say, 5 minutes.

#8 RaiDK

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 08:21

I was reading on a site today that you lose about 20db when you touch the antenna, which is normal-ish for phones when touching their antennas. The rest is AT&T's rubbish service.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#9 RaiDK

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 02:22

So, free iPhone cases for all! :P

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#10 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 03:24

View PostRaiDK, on 7 Jul 2010, 4:21, said:

I was reading on a site today that you lose about 20db when you touch the antenna, which is normal-ish for phones when touching their antennas. The rest is AT&T's rubbish service.

20db is enough of a loss that calls can be dropped. It's not really "normal" if you drop a call when you touch/grip/look at the antenna of a phone. :P I guess it depends on where you are in the world though, that determines how well a cell phone provider does. In my area, T-Mobile is absolute garbage, but in other parts of the country, it flourishes. AT&T does well in my area, and my parents and I have never had an issue with them
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#11 RaiDK

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 06:04

In related news, RIM CEOs rage upon learning that their products cannot defy the laws of physics.

Wow, this whole thing is so overblown.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#12 Libains

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 06:47

The whole thing is just so massively out of proportion it's insane, if I'm honest. It's simply because it's Apple, and the design brought the placement of the antenna to the attention of the masses - most people wouldn't have known/cared had it been embedded in the hone itself, not been an outer component. Don't you know all the cool kids bash Apple? :P
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#13 TheDR

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 11:19

The reason this is getting attention is because Jobs denied it from being a problem, when it clearly is. It's a poor do when a phone can't make call correctly and it was a idiotic mistake from Apple. Exspecially when they sell themselves as a company who is always the best and never does anything wrong. The higher a company flys, the further they fall.
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#14 RaiDK

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 13:06

It's all been overblown. It's an issue happening to only a small percentage of users under VERY special circumstances. But hey, free cases!

July 30 release for Aus, I'm so there.

Edit: Youtube is being SWAMPED with videos of other phones doing the 'Death grip'. Was totally doing this before it was cool.

Edited by RaiDK, 17 July 2010 - 13:41.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#15 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 23:07

This is one of those instances where, I'm kind of glad I upgraded from my Moto KRZR to the iPhone 3G. Sure I don't have all the features or gadgets that 4G has, but I also don't have the antenna problem (and therefore don't have to weather the storm of 4G hate).
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#16 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 07:10

The issue isnt being blown out of proportion. Apple has committed an engineering mistake and for the longest time refused to claim responsibilty. Free cases is the best move for the moment as a recall would cost tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars and really bad PR especially since it isnt a hazard issue. I just don't like how they sadle other manufacturers with some blame. Of course touching the antenna area of any phone will weaken reception, but the factor by which the iphone is dropping calls is ridculous. I was able to replicate the death grip with my phone but i pretty much had to envelop the bottom with both of my hands. At least companies like Nokia and Motorola admit that they had a bad product like the N97 or all the Razr clones.
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#17 RaiDK

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 08:00

The issue itself is real, however the element that's been blown out of proportion is how much of an effect is actually has on daily use: Yes, it's pretty bad that there's a point of the phone you can't really touch, but it's easy to get around with a case / just by being careful.

What's really interesting is that it doesn't even seem to be a consistent issue: Some people can recreate it, some outright can't.

I'm still planning on getting one, I always put my phones in cases so it won't affect me either way. The people who'll really suffer here are the people who rush out and get things on launch day: Which is honestly never a good idea when it comes to anything, especially electronics.

TL;DR: iPhone has issue, issue has workaround (Not fix), make up your own mind if you want one or not.

Edited by RaiDK, 18 July 2010 - 08:05.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#18 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 20:07

It would be nice if Apple would just suck it up and drop the work around and actually fix the silly thing. Hopefully in 2 years when I'm eligible for another phone upgrade, the 4G will be a proper phone and not have this ridiculous design flaw.
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#19 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 20:18

In 2 years hopefully all the networks will have upgraded to LTE and you won't be stuck with AT&T as your only carrier choice (plus 30mbps+ internet in your hand).
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#20 Libains

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 20:50

View Postscope, on 18 Jul 2010, 21:18, said:

In 2 years hopefully all the networks will have upgraded to LTE and you won't be stuck with AT&T as your only carrier choice (plus 30mbps+ internet in your hand).

Fingers crossed! Hopefully they'll fix the damn thing within the next year so when I'm eligible for an upgrade I can nab a new one, or whatever it is they're selling by then 8|
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#21 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 20:58

I expect my next phone (probably in a year and a half) to be powered by Android, MeeGo or possibly Windows Phone 7.
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#22 Libains

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 21:03

View Postscope, on 18 Jul 2010, 21:58, said:

I expect my next phone (probably in a year and a half) to be powered by Android, MeeGo or possibly Windows Phone 7.

It will be iOS for me. It's too pretty to give up for either: an open source format that is being locked down (Android on Droid X), anything to do with Nokia, ever (MeeGo), or anything concerning Microsoft (Windows Phone 7). Oh, and Symbian just lags behind the curve. All the time.
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#23 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 21:10

Yeah Symbian is being demoted to middle and low end consumer handsets. Also MeeGo isn't strictly Nokia. Intel is also involved. Plus after having tried an N8 (prototype through Twitter connections :P) in person, my faith in Nokia is back. And well I for one am totally excited about MS's approach to WP7. Finally, Motorola's policy will come back to bite it in the ass.
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#24 CJ

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 21:59

I wonder if there are any Nokia Phones with Droid on them... If so it might definitely be my next phone :o

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#25 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 23:09

AJ had no influence in this post, but, I believe I'm going to be sticking with the iPhone from here on out. It is incredibly simple to operate and is very aesthetically pleasing to my eye. Plus, it comes with a cable that pulls both sync and charging duty.
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