Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 19:45, said:
AJ has asked for people to come together and support FS, do it favour instead, open Finalbig, Gmax and Photoshop and make something new. It doesn't have to be the most original model on the planet, just make something, ask for some criticism, do it again, then release it to others to play around with. And whilst you're there, let others know how you did it so they can do the same.
Is this enough?
Yes, this is for my mod. But i'm going to release it as a public model as well, pretty much like what hunter did to his sentry drone from shockwave.
Tactical_person, on 4 Jul 2010, 19:42, said:
Quite frankly, am I the only one to think that the Command and Conquer modding community has already, well, died?
It is my opinion, really, that there are much more open and interesting games other than ZH (and the rest) to consider modding. Fair be it if you wish to imagine that the dead horse is still galloping, but really, it is indeed dead. Or at least dying. I really don't see a good enough reason to continue modding this series; personally I think that we, as a community, should move on.
Well, the reason it's "dying" is because the members of the C&C modding community became too competitive and greedy. Yes, there are better and more interesting games than Zero Hour. But that doesn't mean it's not worth modding it anymore.
Just look at Sim City 4 for example, it has the same age of Zerohour and yet people still comes in and makes mod or custom content for it despite it's age. The community also is thriving even though there are other city building games that are better than Simcity 4. Why? because 1): people in the community is helpful, 2): provides free tips to beginner modders, 3): provides free assets for the public, 4): they cooperate and share stuff from community to community and so-on.
With that, they attract new members to the community to share stuff they made.
Now look at the community of C&C games, it's the exact opposite. Some people shoot down aspiring new modders because the quality of their content "sucks" or a "ripoff from other mods" and so on. Not only that, people hunt down aspiring modders who uses
FREE public models for their mods (Reborn for example) and the lack of free assets for the public because the members worries about copyright "problems" which doesn't even make any sense since mods are free to begin with and in the past, forums within the community attack each other instead of helping each other out.
Not only that, if a mod dies, they take all the assets with them instead of releasing it to the community to atleast attract aspiring modders.
In the end, mean people + no stuff to attract new members = a community in dire need of CPR.
If we get our acts straight or something, the community
might thrive once again. But i guess this is too late...but who knows?
Edited by Kris, 04 July 2010 - 13:15.