Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 12:45, said:
Evening all (afternoon actually). Interesting topic. I haven't posted around these parts for a while but this is worth digging my keyboard out of retirement for a moment.
First off don't think that it's up to the Admins to make things happen around here. There is a limit to what they can do, even if they were the most active sods on the internet. 5 people can't make a community do things. The community drives the admins to do things, and I don't mean "change this rule here, or do stop posting in SYD there". Members have never arrived here expecting to see what the Admins do. They come/came here for the mods. That has literally dried up in the last year, even with a small surge a while back. Now FS has barely anything to offer people who actually want to mod a 7 year old game.
Summed up rather nicely I think. An excellent point. Nothing much more I need to add to this.
So why do we stick with this seven year old game, when it's clearly doing nothing for our community. I have still yet to see an opposite point which I would deem to be a good one, really.
Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 12:45, said:
That brings me on nicely to the next problem. Modding and ZH. Face facts, it's niche and there but for the grace of God, dead and/or dying. It worked quite well back in this alleged "Golden Era", when the game was the latest and best RTS out there. The next generation of gamers would rather play other games and spend less time faffing around in the code to make the changes to a game, they expect the developers to do it. Source modding is fun, but there aren't many people with the skills to do it and even less genuine interest here to make it viable. The literal rock that ES/FS was built on is now buried beneath the sands of time and disinterest.
Yes. Yes, yes and yes.
It's clear that the golden age has past, the roots of our community have gone out of the interest of the majority of the internet, so why do we dwell on it?
Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 12:45, said:
There are a whole host of other issues connected with this including a lack of community content, a problem that one could quite easily point the fingers of blame at several members here for. The number of people that can and do are miniscule in comparison to the rest. Well the Admins could do x or y to generate some interest, that would be pointless given the fact that few play anymore and even fewer mod it.
So you're blaming us for our lack of interest in a hobby fit for the few?
Please, if I were interesting in modding Zero hour I would've done when everyone else was doing it, so I didn't get the hostile replies of what happens now.
Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 12:45, said:
Move on to something new? Pfffft, please?! ZH was the only game we all (99% anyway) have an interest in and all have a copy of. This community was and is a ZH one, but all these concerns stem from the fact that FS, along with a very small number of others, are riding on the back of an old donkey that really is on it's last legs. Although the FS policy was never to discriminate on the engine, there is not the same level of interest in non-ZH games as the numbers don't play them.
Only game?
Perhaps the longest surviving game, but no, not only game. We have many more which a large portion of us play/have played. Frankly I've played ZH or one of it's mods with barely ANY of you here. Granted I joined late-ish, but for a community interested in Zero Hour shouldn't I get to play with more than than just 8 (at the most). Half of you only played with people involved in your projects. I never saw the likes of you Wiz in a ZH game. Perhaps it wasn't your cup of tea, but then again you're arguing for it.
Wizard, on 4 Jul 2010, 12:45, said:
If FS is to continue it's life (and I hope it does), it needs more people to use it for what Chrizz intended it to be used for, ZH modding. More people need to take it up, try their luck, then try again. Whilst I was part of the Admins we talked and worked bloody hard trying to attract new talent to FS, but that was ultimately futile due to the fact that no new talent wants to arrive here with their game as all they'll get is lots of "nice work", "keep it coming" and the such like and no actual players of their games.
AJ has asked for people to come together and support FS, do it favour instead, open Finalbig, Gmax and Photoshop and make something new. It doesn't have to be the most original model on the planet, just make something, ask for some criticism, do it again, then release it to others to play around with. And whilst you're there, let others know how you did it so they can do the same.
For the second time, I, and probably many others, do not hold
any interest in modding this game, that at most only a few people would play. Why should
I have to mod a game outdated by seven bloody years? Oh, and don't tell me this is the kind of attitude keeping this community separated. Or broken. Or inactive. It's the people who cannot move on from this ancient software. Sure, there are diehard people who will play it for longer, but the community as a whole should move on.
Why should FS stay a C&C community? It is at heart I admit, and it is currently our main modding interest. But why? Those forums are not very helpful, from what I've seen.
"Good start. Do another." is the
most helpful thing I've seen. You can't expect a flood of new modders if that's the best reply you lot are going to give.
Kris, on 4 Jul 2010, 14:07, said:
Tactical_person, on 4 Jul 2010, 19:42, said:
Quite frankly, am I the only one to think that the Command and Conquer modding community has already, well, died?
It is my opinion, really, that there are much more open and interesting games other than ZH (and the rest) to consider modding. Fair be it if you wish to imagine that the dead horse is still galloping, but really, it is indeed dead. Or at least dying. I really don't see a good enough reason to continue modding this series; personally I think that we, as a community, should move on.
Well, the reason it's "dying" is because the members of the C&C modding community became too competitive and greedy. Yes, there are better and more interesting games than Zero Hour. But that doesn't mean it's not worth modding it anymore.
Just look at Sim City 4 for example, it has the same age of Zerohour and yet people still comes in and makes mod or custom content for it despite it's age. The community also is thriving even though there are other city building games that are better than Simcity 4. Why? because 1): people in the community is helpful, 2): provides free tips to beginner modders, 3): provides free assets for the public, 4): they cooperate and share stuff from community to community and so-on.
With that, they attract new members to the community to share stuff they made.
That was part of the reason. Not the whole reason. It may be worth modding to you, but many more people are interested in newer games, and the generations will pass us by.
You keep citing this Sim city community as being a long lasting one. Granted, it's still there. Granted, it's still going. But it caters for one game. FS
does not.
Kris, on 4 Jul 2010, 14:07, said:
Now look at the community of C&C games, it's the exact opposite. Some people shoot down aspiring new modders because the quality of their content "sucks" or a "ripoff from other mods" and so on. Not only that, people hunt down aspiring modders who uses FREE public models for their mods (Reborn for example) and the lack of free assets for the public because the members worries about copyright "problems" which doesn't even make any sense since mods are free to begin with and in the past, forums within the community attack each other instead of helping each other out.
Not only that, if a mod dies, they take all the assets with them instead of releasing it to the community to atleast attract aspiring modders.
In the end, mean people + no stuff to attract new members = a community in dire need of CPR.
If we get our acts straight or something, the community might thrive once again. But i guess this is too late...but who knows?
Yes. That is the state. Want change? Pft. Good luck with that. A simple disagreeing of rules led SWR to leave (I hold no disrespect or grudges against them, by the way. But this next part will sound like I do). Why? Because they disagreed. They didn't like what was happening. And instead of toughening up, and swallowing their guts, they fractured a good community. They acted against the ZH community, for their own purpose. Interestingly enough, at FS they got a lot more traffic (from what I see) than where they do now. And you think this community can be revivied?
Look at us all. We're all competitors, and speaking bluntly here, out of the 4/5 forums I've seen, only FS has been active to the public eye. Not the mods. But the community. it isn't Zero Hour keeping us here. Not anymore. It is the
oppertunity to have a game of something else with people here. It is the opportunity to be part of this community.
Boidy, on 4 Jul 2010, 17:16, said:
Again, members here. But are not those members going away one by one? Isn't that why there is this trouble here? I love ZH too, just as much as the lot of you. I still want to see it more active. But this community is waning. We can try to postpone its diminishing, but expanding it just isn't incredibly realistic unless there is some way to totally revolutionize the game.
Summed up rather nicely.
You lot are too much of an optimist.