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#101 Kris

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 14:28


Edited by Kris, 30 April 2016 - 21:34.

#102 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:00

View PostKris, on 7 Jul 2010, 15:28, said:

Doing this to CodeCat is very disrespectful, he spent countless of man hours just to code and improve the very software the forum uses and you guys did this shitty move to one of the founding members of this forum. Lets see this happen to you, you spent countless hours to help the company / community and as a return for your hardwork, they kick you in the balls and fire / demote you.. I'm sure you'll be royally pissed off too just like codecat.

He may have spent hours a long time ago, but this is now. And he hasn't done anything for a while that justified his continuation as an admin.

Codecat has the right to be angry, but if anything he is just hurt, understandably so. The real anger is coming from people such as yourself.
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#103 Golan

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:12

View PostIon Cannon!, on 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, said:

He may have spent hours a long time ago, but this is now. And he hasn't done anything for a while that justified his continuation as an admin.

This would be more of a justification if certain recent promotions wouldn't have happened...
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#104 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:18

View PostGolan, on 7 Jul 2010, 17:12, said:

View PostIon Cannon!, on 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, said:

He may have spent hours a long time ago, but this is now. And he hasn't done anything for a while that justified his continuation as an admin.

This would be more of a justification if certain recent promotions wouldn't have happened...

The admin team was reduced from 5 to 4. Chyros resigned too remember. There was plenty of stuff code could have helped with, especially on the tech side of things, but he didn't. I don't know if he was asked or not, an admin can clarify that for you. Even if he wasn't asked, he could have taken some initiative.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 07 July 2010 - 16:22.

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#105 CodeCat

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:23

Let me reiterate that I don't mind not being an admin anymore. I was already thinking of stepping down and probably would've left if asked anyway. So my level of activity isn't even really important. The real issue at hand here is that I was forced down rather than asked.

Edited by CodeCat, 07 July 2010 - 16:23.


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#106 Golan

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:24

@Ion Cannon!
Just to get this straight. You're saying that after the admin count was already down to four, it was a sound decision to promote someone who just admitted he's not fit for the job and then kick the longest-serving admin who never was informed about the charges held against him?

Edited by Golan, 07 July 2010 - 16:25.

Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

#107 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:29

View PostGolan, on 7 Jul 2010, 17:24, said:

@Ion Cannon!
Just to get this straight. You're saying that after the admin count was already down to four, it was a sound decision to promote someone who just admitted he's not fit for the job and then kick the longest-serving admin who never was informed about the charges held against him?

Hobbesy made that post after this all blew up, and from the members responses, most disagree with him. I think he will make a good admin as well.

Codecat is very aware why he was demoted, he just didn't like the way they went about it, and on that I agree.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 07 July 2010 - 16:30.

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#108 R3ven


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:34

View PostZeke, on 7 Jul 2010, 8:19, said:

Afterall, we're in the middle of merging the community are we not?

That's supposed to be a secret Zeke! D:

#109 Zhao

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 17:12

it was REALLLLLLLLY obvious huhnu,

#110 n5p29


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 18:05

until now I'm still kinda lost and so speechless. I don't know what's actually going on there, so I will remain silent. :(
but this must be straighten up quickly.

#111 Ghostrider

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 18:39

I'm just curious what the rush was to get Codecat out of the admin position. I don't think any of the other admins probably meant anything bad by forcing him out, since him being there couldn't have hindered anything. :sly:

He does deserve at least an apology if he was not told beforehand, however, since Codecat has been a good admin for a long time. Thanks for all your help Codecat, please continue contributing to the forum! :P

As for Hobbesy and Nuker, you both are cool dudes, and I'm sure you'll run things well. Rock on.

Finally, don't be so harsh with one another guys, we all have bad days and make mistakes. Even admins.

Edited by Ghostrider, 07 July 2010 - 18:40.

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#112 retry_1

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 18:59

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 9:03, said:

View PostCodeCat, on 7 Jul 2010, 13:52, said:

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 14:50, said:

Code couldnt this have been handled over MSN or something, rather than bringing it on the forums? This has done far more harm to the forums than good for you.

edit: Stinger, please stop shit-stirring.

Making a problem invisible doesn't make it go away. The people of this community have a right to know the truth.

The right to know the truth? Give it a rest, what is this some political scandle? No, its a forum with a dwindling amount of active members, and your little expose' a few a pages back has probably permanently damaged this forum now. So thanks for your selfishness.

edit@ Stinger: all I see you're doing is jumping on everything thats said in here, just to continue stirring things up.

Are you fucking serious? One of the guys here at the beginning, who's done more for the community as a whole than any one who's still around gets booted without even being asked and HE'S being selfish? over they years codecat has been more selfless than anyone. The reason the community is dwindling is because the people in charge are immature. when the majority of the posts in serial spammers are admins, you know not much is getting done to keep people around. sure, code isn't around all the time, and he doesn't post much, but when he does post, it's always something worth reading.
Sig and avy by yours truly
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#113 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 19:13

View Postretry_1, on 7 Jul 2010, 19:59, said:

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 9:03, said:

View PostCodeCat, on 7 Jul 2010, 13:52, said:

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Jul 2010, 14:50, said:

Code couldnt this have been handled over MSN or something, rather than bringing it on the forums? This has done far more harm to the forums than good for you.

edit: Stinger, please stop shit-stirring.

Making a problem invisible doesn't make it go away. The people of this community have a right to know the truth.

The right to know the truth? Give it a rest, what is this some political scandle? No, its a forum with a dwindling amount of active members, and your little expose' a few a pages back has probably permanently damaged this forum now. So thanks for your selfishness.

edit@ Stinger: all I see you're doing is jumping on everything thats said in here, just to continue stirring things up.

Are you fucking serious? One of the guys here at the beginning, who's done more for the community as a whole than any one who's still around gets booted without even being asked and HE'S being selfish? over they years codecat has been more selfless than anyone. The reason the community is dwindling is because the people in charge are immature. when the majority of the posts in serial spammers are admins, you know not much is getting done to keep people around. sure, code isn't around all the time, and he doesn't post much, but when he does post, it's always something worth reading.

While pavs opinion is rather hostile. He has a very good point. Had it not been brought up none of this would have happened, and this is damaging the community at a somewhat fragile time. I'm sure code knew this when he posted it, so that is rather selfish.

At the beginning maybe he did loads, but he hasn't for a long time. I must also disagree with your point about " when he posts its always worth reading ", but thats your opinion and your entitled to it.

Once again I feel I must stress that codecat is aware why he was demoted, and most people agree with the decision. What they don't agree with, and rightly so is the manner in which codecat was demoted.

As for admin activity, I know for a fact AJ has been doing alot. The other admins not so much, and this was a point I made here - http://forum.falloutstudios.net/index.php?...t=0&start=0

I can also tell you that getting angry isn't going to help anything. Whats done is done. But the admins do owe the membership an explanation.
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#114 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 19:25

Sad to see you go Nem, but can't say I am that surprised, you have been absent as of late. Hope you can still find the time to stop by from time to time. :confused:

Also, good to have you back on the team, Nuker. :sly:

I'm not going to comment on the specifics of the situation with CodeCat, all I will say is that there were reasons for the demotion, there are reasons for the way it was done and contrary to popular belief, this was neither a quick nor easy decision to make. This situation obviously didn't go too well, but I hope people can appreciate we didn't do this out of spite, or anything like that. I still respect CodeCat, and greatly appreciate the work that he has done for the forums over the years. I am just sorry that it ended in this way.

I will not be saying anything further on the matter, as it would appear there are many members here, just to pick fights. If you want to hate us, so be it... it's what we are here for.

P.S. As I haven't had the chance to talk to you about this yet, Code, if you want to talk, you know where to find me. :P

Edited by Bob, 07 July 2010 - 19:26.

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#115 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 19:33

We, or at least, I don't hate you for CodeCat's demotion, nor the way of doing so, however, I am, and sure as hell others too, am angry about the how.

Edited by Sargeant Rho, 07 July 2010 - 19:33.

#116 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 19:36

View PostSargeant Rho, on 7 Jul 2010, 20:33, said:

We, or at least, I don't hate you for CodeCat's demotion, nor the way of doing so, however, I am, and sure as hell others too, am angry about the how.

Sorry, I didn't quite understand that. You said you weren't angry about how he was demoted *Nor the way of doing so*. But then you said your angry about the how?
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#117 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 19:43

No. I said I am angry about it, but I don't hate them for it.

Angry =/= Hate.

#118 Wizard


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Posted 07 July 2010 - 20:46

Following the announcement that Codecat had been removed from the Admin position the remaining admins have come to the conclusion that the manner in which this was done was not befitting the man or the work that he has done for the community. The staff team took the decision to vote to move Codecat on without taking into account how the specifics of the move should have been conducted or the ramifications of how it would look to those seeing it from the outside. It goes without saying that this was not thought through as it should have been and that, public reaction or otherwise, now is the time to offer Codecat, and the community, an apology for way this matter has been handled.

It is never the intention to remove any person from a position within the community, be it regular member or admin with any prejudice. Ultimately, this case was not handled with the care that it should have been and that, in hindsight, Codecat should have been asked about his feelings to stepping down from his position and the reasons for this do not need to be discussed, needless to say, that at the moment in time when the decision was taken it was felt, quite incorrectly, that the way to proceed was as is now well known. The administration accept that this particular decision was wrong and that, for this, they should offer a long standing and well respected member their sincere apologies. There was and is no evil plan or coup d'etat involved, merely an error in judgement brought about in the heat in the moment.

The admins also feel that this matter has not covered the community in glory either and that perhaps some members feel that they have been left down by this incident. As such, and to help in restoring whatever confidence may have been lost, they have taken the decision to accept the assistance of a recently departed staffer, who has been uninvolved in the previous decision, to help them move forward on a temporary basis. In having me return to the position it is hoped that the community will understand that the admins wish to reassure the community that rash mistakes will not be made again and that having an experienced member return will go someway towards this goal and the betterment of FS in general.

We hope that Codecat can accept this apology and that we, once again, thank him for the service and dedication he has put into the community over the years and that we trust the community can draw a line under this incident and move forward together for the better of all.

#119 Ghostrider

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 21:08


More seriously, thanks for coming back Wizard. Now where's Dauth...
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#120 CJ

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 21:10

Well at least there's someone trying to fix up things now |8

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#121 Alias

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 21:19

An apology is all fine and dandy if it actually comes from the people who did the deed, it seems a bit well, insincere, to have someone who was uninvolved to do the dirty work. It might look good on paper but it really isn't a satisfying apology...

Well written post, but from the completely wrong person.

I'm sure myself and other members of the community would also like to know the 'reasons' behind going by it this way, as those involved have said there were 'reasons' but never saying why. I think the motive is just as important as the crime. I'm not here to 'pick fights', I just want to know the truth.

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#122 Chyros

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 21:21

View PostGhostrider, on 7 Jul 2010, 23:08, said:

Damn, I should've thought about that one |8 . Anyway do what you do best, Dan 8| .

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#123 Mbob61

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 21:39

View PostAlias, on 7 Jul 2010, 22:19, said:

I'm sure myself and other members of the community would also like to know the 'reasons' behind going by it this way, as those involved have said there were 'reasons' but never saying why. I think the motive is just as important as the crime. I'm not here to 'pick fights', I just want to know the truth.

Please for the love of god stop talking for the community |8

Also, good to see you back wizard 8|


Edit - Fixed my sentence so it makes sense now.

Edited by Mbob61, 07 July 2010 - 21:42.

Thanks to Pav3d for the awesome sigs
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#124 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 22:17

I have a few things to say.

I'm here for almost 2 years...i guess i joined Fs back in 2008.

I saw a lot of stuff going on.

I saw the SWR Departure - The departure was meant to kill this community. They made it with so professionalism, that clearly figure their evil objective regarding FS. And now you can see by yourself, with 2 of the SWR comming here, after a 2 year hiatus just to put more wood into the fire...What makes their objectives more clear tham ever.

You guys were wrong...so wrong that FS is stronger tham ever. You guys failed. And now you have a dead community to take care - at your own forums...Don't get me wrong, but what the hell are you doing here? Go mind your own business.

I saw CommanderJB's death - this was a great shock to the community and to the admin team here that were a little bit lost in nowhere. Nothing were done untill now...

Despite Wiz's "Gamming Revolution" with game servers and the "News Team" - a fail, as we members, never were considered part of the real staff... we were just ghosts. - And we all were lost in the middle of the lack of leadership here.

I saw a lot of Departures from the Old Admin Team...them AJ came.

AJ is the best thing that have ever happened with FS in the last 2 years, at least. Now things are getting done. Now new and upcomming projects yet-to-be-announcead are being created in order to make a Real FS Revolution. He's working hard. He's really doing something.

Sorry to all the "Old Gits" but now we, as a community can see something happening besides the LPTPW nonsence. We can see some iniciative.
No hard feelings, not that you guys haven't worked hard, but AJ is over-doing work here. AJ is a born-leader.

In life, demotions are part of the life. Even the virtual life. IF you are not doing the work you were hired to do, you can be fired with just-cause. Sorry, Codecat, you have all my respect, but since i joined, i heard that you would be codding the Fallout Studios V.2, but yet, 2 years after, nothing were done at all...at least nothing that we - as a community - know.

I know that you are an old and valued member of this community, but now you deserve your "Golden Member" badge. No hard feelings, i'm just saying what i saw.

I have created a small community years ago with my mates over GRANS. I know how hard it's to be an admin and work togheter in a team. We had fights, it's normal, but now we're friends again. And what really means is that my hard work is being rewarded with a small, but friendly community.

I have been working with Revora, as a Hosting & PR Admin. I have seen how hard the e-drama is for a community - even when somepeople say that we haven't a community there. It's hard. Everyone gets wounded. I have been doing my work there and i'm satisfied to see something happening there. I was able to get a copple of new mods to try to boost the community. Have i made sucess? I don't know. I know that i'm happy to be working there. I'm happy to be trying to do something for them. And i think i'm doing a good job there.

Sometimes the best rewards that we can get is more tham a simple "Red" or "Golden Badge" It's the ability to see your work going well.

Now it's time for a new revolution that you affect everything that you guys know about Community and FS. I'm not allowed to say much, but i'm also happy to be helping in this revolution.

PS: Forgive my english.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#125 Alias

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 22:35

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

I saw the SWR Departure - The departure was meant to kill this community. They made it with so professionalism, that clearly figure their evil objective regarding FS. And now you can see by yourself, with 2 of the SWR comming here, after a 2 year hiatus just to put more wood into the fire...What makes their objectives more clear tham ever.

You guys were wrong...so wrong that FS is stronger tham ever. You guys failed. And now you have a dead community to take care - at your own forums...Don't get me wrong, but what the hell are you doing here? Go mind your own business.
Stinger has been coming here for the past four of five days, long before this all started. Overdose has been on and off active here for a few months. They hardly came here to 'put wood on the fire'. Even then, Stinger isn't even part of SWR any more so I really cannot see where your giant conspiracy is coming from. Not to mention the SWR members have been as much a right to comment on this as you do, regardless.
FS is hardly stronger than ever, just a week ago we all admitted the whole place was dwindling and we needed to do something about it.

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

Despite Wiz's "Gamming Revolution" with game servers and the "News Team" - a fail, as we members, never were considered part of the real staff... we were just ghosts. - And we all were lost in the middle of the lack of leadership here.
You sound like you demand a rank just for posting an article once a fortnight.

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

AJ is the best thing that have ever happened with FS in the last 2 years, at least. Now things are getting done. Now new and upcomming projects yet-to-be-announcead are being created in order to make a Real FS Revolution. He's working hard. He's really doing something.
Perhaps. I don't think this new project is as revolutionary as you think, nor will it be as successful as you think.

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

I have been working with Revora, as a Hosting & PR Admin. I have seen how hard the e-drama is for a community - even when somepeople say that we haven't a community there. It's hard. Everyone gets wounded. I have been doing my work there and i'm satisfied to see something happening there. I was able to get a copple of new mods to try to boost the community. Have i made sucess? I don't know. I know that i'm happy to be working there. I'm happy to be trying to do something for them. And i think i'm doing a good job there.
Revora is itself extremely splintered. I wouldn't call it the ideal model. Revora is more a collection of forums rather than an individual one, like Fallout Studios.

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

Sometimes the best rewards that we can get is more tham a simple "Red" or "Golden Badge" It's the ability to see your work going well.
That isn't the issue here. Codecat has seen his work come to fruition over the years. The Wiki was simply born from a suggestion from Codecat in the Shockwave team forums, look at it now. The issue isn't about ranks. The issue is about how this was handled.

View PostGen.Kenobi, on 8 Jul 2010, 8:17, said:

Now it's time for a new revolution that you affect everything that you guys know about Community and FS. I'm not allowed to say much, but i'm also happy to be helping in this revolution.
As I said before, it is hardly revolutionary and has been attempted before. I will certainly be pleased if it succeeds but it is just as likely to fail, especially after this whole event.

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