Posted 16 August 2010 - 06:55
Alright. The more cynical might say that for my age, I'm a little odd. I am not obsessed with sex. Not even really interested in it. I have never watched porn in my life. Ever. Not even an urge to. Maybe it's because I'm something of a prude (although I follow the maxim of 'to each their own', so I don't condemn people who are interested in these things); maybe because in real life, I'm cripplingly shy and/or emotionally walled-off. Maybe I have a lot more self-control then I think I do. Maybe it's this. I somewhat doubt I'm fully of this persuasion, the demisexual bit fits more, but it's a good explanation for my indifference.
My personal pet peeve is the extremely common macho belief that "You aren't a real man until you have had sex." and other such things, which I personally find to be more in the way of a large collection of equine feces. What business is it to them? It strikes me as primitive peer-pressure towards some sort of conformity; or a relic of bronze-age paranoias (which was almost justifiable, given the very high mortality rate of the old days).
Posted 16 August 2010 - 07:16

But really maybe this is a type of sexually that was shadowed for a long time and i haven't came across it
with any of my pears (well maybe 1 or 2 now that i think about it) interesting read.
Posted 16 August 2010 - 07:39
Must... resist... urge... to waste time... at TVTro... ah, heck... *clicks*
Edited by Golan, 16 August 2010 - 07:40.
Posted 16 August 2010 - 07:43
I wouldn't start drawing conclusions at all at this point in time. If you are so shy as you say you are it is likely that any of the other stages in a romantic relationship haven't passed you either. Sex is a product of such relationships, not something that stands on its own, and only by experience in the complete picture will you find out about it.
A good speaker on this subject would be ex-staff member Rayburn, a convinced asexual in the way you described it. He will probably share his thoughts here if the discussion sticks.
Edited by Shirou, 16 August 2010 - 07:45.

Posted 16 August 2010 - 10:17

I really do have doubts as I have had crushes before, but so far have dismissed/repressed them as being little more then senseless bollocktry. I haven't had the greatest experiences with people so far, and so that leads to my general misanthropy (It helps that they are shallow, mean-spirited idiots; 'What country is Asia in?' indeed. FROM A 10th GRADER). So yeah, shyness and misanthropy.*
*NOTE: I perfectly know not everyone are like this. I've met and actually got along with quite a few people were were quite smart. But most of them are MTV/Jersey Shore drones with the capacity of individual thought as a Hive Mind drone. I was surprised since I assumed these rare exceptions all thought I was a mute dickhead because I never talked unless someone else started the conversation. Ahh, perceptions. Aren't they just grand?
P.S.: If I seem rambling and/or confused of some sort, that has to do with it being 5 in the morning here and I have no caffeine or anything to do. RAEG.
Posted 16 August 2010 - 10:43
Posted 16 August 2010 - 11:58
Rich19, on 16 Aug 2010, 5:43, said:
I normally agree with you. I generally disapprove of labels. It's just that, at least for a while, it's comforting to give something eating away at you a name, so it becomes more failiar. It's the reason I have long wanted to go to a good psychiatrist to see if my Asperger's self-diagnosis is correct (I tick off on almost all of those; also, I'm aware of how many assholes try to hide behind the illness to justify their dickishness. It's considerably annoying, especially when it's obvious they have no idea how the illness actually works).
Posted 20 August 2010 - 03:44

Posted 20 August 2010 - 06:12
Areze, on 16 Aug 2010, 8:55, said:
I think mostly it's just a barrier you need to lift yourself over. It's not shaming to watch porn, and sex will come eventually when you have a relationship.
Shirou, on 16 Aug 2010, 9:43, said:
The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:38
Chyros, on 20 Aug 2010, 14:12, said:
Areze, on 16 Aug 2010, 8:55, said:
I think mostly it's just a barrier you need to lift yourself over. It's not shaming to watch porn, and sex will come eventually when you have a relationship.
This thread is a gold mine for making jokes but must resist the urge!
Yeah i find that hard to believe you have never watched a porn, I watch porn and it gets boring after a while. I also go to the strippers and get beewbs rubbed in my face its all good fun and it should be tried before you go and make a statement like that!
I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure
Posted 20 August 2010 - 17:40
Tl;dr: neither sex nor masturbation is anything to be ashamed of, regardless of what you've been told or what you may think.
Edited by Chyros, 20 August 2010 - 17:41.
The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:29
There's nothing wrong with it, if anything? It makes you different, and severely at that. Asexuality in itself would allow you to do things without certain distractions that others would surely succumb to.
Edited by Kalo, 21 August 2010 - 04:30.

[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.
Posted 06 September 2010 - 19:43

I think it's just in my nature....
Edited by -=ViCtOr=-, 06 September 2010 - 19:44.
Add me on Xbox Live!! My Xbox Live name = Th3DeaTH9!! :D
Posted 06 September 2010 - 21:25
-=ViCtOr=-, on 6 Sep 2010, 22:43, said:

I think it's just in my nature....
That would be hormones

Posted 06 September 2010 - 21:31
scope, on 6 Sep 2010, 22:25, said:
True, boobies are just one of those things really. Don't think any man truly outgrows that basic lust, which is ironic as it's not a natural lust, but one created by mankind due to how they've been shielded. Amazonian tribeswomen bounce around with their boobs out all the time, and you don't see all of the men getting horny-as. The concept of lust is only in such that they are things people don't often see - nowadays you're as likely to lust over a girl if she's wearing a backless dress or a shirt that doesn't cover her stomach as you are if she's walking around topless. Lust is what we make it, methinks.
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