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Dawn of War II: Retribution

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#1 MR.Kim

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 21:44

The 2nd expasion pack is comming next year.

Trailer: http://www.gametrail...0-dow-ii/702965

I hopefully 6th race will be Imperial Guard or Daemon Hunters? ;)

Edited by MR.Kim, 17 August 2010 - 22:00.

#2 Zhao

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 21:50

Imperial guard please!

#3 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 21:55

I fink not ladz. Dat lukz like Badrukk (or at least DoW's version uv 'im). You lot iz gunna 'av yer 'andz full wit 'im.

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#4 MR.Kim

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 22:00

Spoiler Warming: There will be Ork's campaing in this expansion.

More screenshots from IGN.

Edited by MR.Kim, 17 August 2010 - 22:02.

#5 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 22:13

View PostMR.Kim, on 17 Aug 2010, 18:00, said:

Spoiler Warming: Der'z gunna be WAAAGH!

Phix'd Posted Image
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#6 Anubis

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 22:20

I hope it will bring at least 2 more races in the game ( hopes up for my Necron biatches ), cause at this rate they will have all races in the game by 2020. Except for Winter assault all DoW addons had 2 races so my hope is same will happen for DoW 2. Though i don't think i care that much ... the game is dead for me anyway.

#7 Warlock


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 08:16

Oh Yeah, can't wait for this one ;)

#8 SquigPie

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Posted 18 August 2010 - 09:21



As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
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#9 n5p29


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 16:02

and glad the campaign is not a lame world/system domination like DoW1 2nd expansion. :xD:

#10 MR.Kim

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Posted 18 August 2010 - 17:20


Taking place years after the events in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, this title allows players to choose their perspective with the first multiple-race single player campaign in the Dawn of War II series. The first race to be revealed is the savage Orks, but no matter which race is chosen players will be taken on an epic journey through each story arc, revealing the answers to many questions left open in previous Dawn of War titles.

As well as the single player campaign, Retribution will feature new multiplayer units, maps and an entire new playable faction when it ships.

Jeff Lydell, Producer of Dawn of War II - Retribution commented: "We all love the Blood Ravens here at Relic Entertainment, but there are also a lot of fans of the other races and armies out there so we decided that Retribution should allow the player the freedom to experience the campaign from the perspective they select."

Now this is more like it. :xD:

#11 Wizard


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 18:25

View PostAnubis, on 17 Aug 2010, 23:20, said:

I hope it will bring at least 2 more races in the game ( hopes up for my Necron biatches ), cause at this rate they will have all races in the game by 2020. Except for Winter assault all DoW addons had 2 races so my hope is same will happen for DoW 2. Though i don't think i care that much ... the game is dead for me anyway.

I wouldn't pin too many hopes on 'Crons tbh. They would be tough to fit into the Aurelia System storyline (beyond a deus ex machina option). However, honestly, this franchise is far from dead. I will agree with you that the MP is no where near as epic as the original version, but it has it's charms. It's the campaign where DoW II and Chaos Rising shine. And I mean shine. DoW II was rich in fluff and character and even if the defensive missions became tiresome and the maps a little similar and small, these are only minor faults. Once you get past the "zomg-no-base-building" play style then you can really get involved in the game. Throwing your melee units into combat supported by precise ranged Devastors and the flexible Tactical squad is vastly more fun than the literal HB/Possessed/Immortal spam you ended up with in DC, although I am not really knocking DC combat, it's just that DoW II makes you more involved in the action, imho.

View Postn5p29, on 18 Aug 2010, 17:02, said:

and glad the campaign is not a lame world/system domination like DoW1 2nd expansion. :xD:

Tbh I was never a fan of the DoW/WA/DC/SS SP campaigns. They lacked any real detail or fluff and actually felt like a tack on to what was one of the most awesome MP RTS games I've played (so I guess I can't complain too much :sly: ).

View PostMR.Kim, on 18 Aug 2010, 18:20, said:


Taking place years after the events in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, this title allows players to choose their perspective with the first multiple-race single player campaign in the Dawn of War II series. The first race to be revealed is the savage Orks, but no matter which race is chosen players will be taken on an epic journey through each story arc, revealing the answers to many questions left open in previous Dawn of War titles.

As well as the single player campaign, Retribution will feature new multiplayer units, maps and an entire new playable faction when it ships.

Jeff Lydell, Producer of Dawn of War II - Retribution commented: "We all love the Blood Ravens here at Relic Entertainment, but there are also a lot of fans of the other races and armies out there so we decided that Retribution should allow the player the freedom to experience the campaign from the perspective they select."

Now this is more like it. 8|

Agreed :sly: But I am not sure how a campaign for the Orks will really work. Beyond "Letz kill da humiez 'ere", then "'ere", then "letz stealz their shiney bitz 'ere". I think they will have to come up with something interesting to make it work. As for a new faction, I won't speculate, and I doubt I'll play them much beyond once to see the storyline from all angles. It's no secret where my loyalties lie on that front :sly:

I am looking forward to this expansion a lot. Shame more people here don't play it regularly. Some MP CR would be funs.

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#12 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 August 2010 - 21:09

View PostWizard, on 18 Aug 2010, 14:25, said:

Agreed :sly: But I am not sure how a campaign for the Orks will really work. Beyond "Letz kill da humiez 'ere", then "'ere", then "letz stealz their shiney bitz 'ere". I think they will have to come up with something interesting to make it work.
Hope is the first step on the road to enlightenment

Remember in Soul Storm how the Eldar were using the Ork to do their dirty work? Perhaps that's something of the case here, though from the look of things, the Orkz will most definitely be raidin', lootin', krumpin', stompin', smashin', crushin', an' duffin'. You know, da stuff da Ork do best. Posted Image Or the Orkz could very well have haplessly stumbled (or landed on, more likely) something that both the Imperium of Man and the Eldar have been searching for and they're going after the Ork to get it.

View PostWizard, on 18 Aug 2010, 14:25, said:

As for a new faction, I won't speculate, and I doubt I'll play them much beyond once to see the storyline from all angles. It's no secret where my loyalties lie on that front :xD:

Stinkin' Beakie. Posted Image
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#13 Wizard


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 22:45

View PostSgt. Nuker, on 18 Aug 2010, 22:09, said:

Remember in Soul Storm how the Eldar were using the Ork to do their dirty work?

And done again in DoW II. Would be a bit of an ask to have the Orks do the same again when the 'Nids are gone and Eldar don't really concern themselves with Imperial/Chaos battles. I think the best you'll get is that the Blood Ravens will act out the
and the Orks et al will just figure along with others as having major/key confrontations along the Blood Ravens story arc.

Now I think about it, I would speculate that, given the ending to Chaos Rising, the most obvious choice of faction would be the Imperial Guard, with a very remote possibility of the Ordo Malleus/Inquistion being incorporated somehow.


Just found this over at PC Gamer


PCG: Dawn of War 2 was about very small-scale, tactical squad combat, and Orks tend to be about very large-scale hordes of troops–how did you reconcile those?

Lydell: Great question. We have a brand new feature for Retribution, where we let you build squads on the battlefield in addition to the heroes you bring down. We’ve also raised the limit on the number of troops you can control at once, so if you want a pile of Sluggas running around the map, be our guest.

PCG: Building! That’s a major change. Will that affect how familiar or analogous the Ork squads feel compared to the Space Marines? Will their weapons and abilities rely less on tactical timing and more on filling the air with Slugga bullets?

Lydell: There are some similarities between the races’ from a purely academic view. In reality, the Orks have a unique twist on everything. Mr. Nailbrain the mekboy, for example, can field lots of weapons similar to Avitus’ heavy weapons, but he also has access to lots of gadgetry. He can teleport and repair, use disruptive shields, but he isn’t very tough in melee. The Warboss is capable of calling in other Orks once you upgrade his Waaagh ability.

Edited by Wizard, 18 August 2010 - 22:50.

#14 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 August 2010 - 22:53

Orkz are single-minded, so it would be a lot to ask if their storyline were to suddenly include anything artistic, because, let's face it, Orkz are warriors. Their entire society is based on conflict. If something in an Ork's life doesn't easily and readily lend itself to the "WAAAGH!" it is cast out, or in more Ork friendly terms "stomped".
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#15 Wizard


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 12:53

View PostWizard, on 18 Aug 2010, 23:45, said:

Now I think about it, I would speculate that, given the ending to Chaos Rising, the most obvious choice of faction would be the Imperial Guard, with a very remote possibility of the Ordo Malleus/Inquistion being incorporated somehow.

I don't think I am far wrong either here

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Notice the motif on either corner and the variation of the"I"

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Dollars to donuts that it's the long awaited full inclusion of the Imperial Guard/Inquisition mix.

#16 Destiny

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Posted 19 August 2010 - 13:16

If the IG are really going to be in I hope the Baneblade is buffed from DoWI/Soulstorm, it was...relatively...to be blunt, weak. At least buff the main gun! :xD: Might get DoWII just for it, Liten'll be jumping for joy.
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#17 Wizard


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 13:40

Honestly, I think you'd be lucky to see the Bane'. It's a massive tank and even though you give away something in the scale, you wouldn't fit the thing on any of the MP maps out there. There are some serious pathfinding issues with just the Predator atm. Lehman Russ variants and Walkers for sure. I suspect that we'll get the Inquisition tbh. That would would likely see plenty of IG, Daemon hunters and possibly Ordo Malleus units with an Inquisitor Lord as well.

#18 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 19 August 2010 - 14:09

An awesomely detailed Sentinel would be a joy to see if I may say so myself.
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#19 Liten

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Posted 19 August 2010 - 14:53

I wonder if they will add in campaign import here aswell, if you have a completely corrupted save, you can import it into a Chaos campagin, and if you are pure, a Space Marine one.
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#20 MR.Kim

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Posted 19 August 2010 - 17:26

Nope, that's totally different. Speak Inquisition with "I" symbol, I think 6th race will be Imperial Guard.

In trailer, there was battle between Guradsman and Choas Space Marine at 00:29.

#21 Wizard


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 18:26

View PostMR.Kim, on 19 Aug 2010, 18:26, said:

Nope, that's totally different. Speak Inquisition with "I" symbol, I think 6th race will be Imperial Guard.

In trailer, there was battle between Guradsman and Choas Space Marine at 00:29.

Firstly, the Inquisition ARE the Imperial Guard but with Grey Knights and Inquisitor Lord, essentially.

Second, the Imperial Guard's symbol is the two headed eagle, not the "I".

Third, that battle at 0:29 includes a Space Marine Assault Squad which could easily have been the Angel Forge mission from Chaos Rising or a teaser for a SP mission from Retribution. Although there is a Victory Point in the middle, that wouldn't be the first time it's been used in the campaign (see first mission of Chaos Rising).

Put it this way, if either the IG and/or/both Inquisition are included it's almost certainly that, as IG infantry assets already exist in DoW II & Chaos Rising, THQ would just need to add a few more units, ie Inq. Lord, GK, Commissar, Lehmen Russ, Sentinel etc. Almost certainly (as certain as speculation can be) it will be an Imperial force.

#22 General

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:32

Ork campaign would be cool but it would be shame if they not do same for the Chaos , Eldar and Tyranids 8|

#23 Kaido

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 14:18

We are excited to announce that Warhammer® 40,000®: Dawn of War II ® - Retribution™ will use Valve’s Steamworks networking and matchmaking to provide co-operative and competitive online play. This new back end will allow players to invite friends into matches from their Steam friends lists, and take advantage of the full set of Steam community features including groups, achievements, and Steam overlay chat channels. We are also going to include an all new matchmaking and ranking set up, built specifically for Dawn of War II – Retribution.

The move to Steamworks will also allow us to provide features like guest passes, free multiplayer weekends, pre-loading and the ability to provide fast turn-around on future patches and updates.

To accomplish this transition, Dawn of War II - Retribution will be a completely stand alone title in the series and will provide multiple campaigns to play, as well as all six multiplayer races, with new units for each of the existing five races and one new unannounced one. In a change from our previous strategies with expansion packs, we will not be patching this content back into Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising.
Owners of Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising will get the chance to try out the full set of Retribution’s Steam features in a multiplayer beta that will take place in the new year. More details on the beta will be announced at a later date.

Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising will continue to operate on Games for Windows LIVE, in order to preserve the owners of those titles ability to earn LIVE achievements as well as their established friends lists.
We are going to have more exciting announcements in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

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#24 Wizard


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Posted 16 September 2010 - 14:34

Well, we now know that you won't be able to carry over existing games from the previous versions. There had been some speculation as to what path the SM would have followed, given the variety of endings of CR.

Very happy that they've ditched GFWL, the approval process for patches took longer than the development & testing of them. It is also the worst match making system to ever have been invented imo.

*Waits for the beta* :)

#25 Shirou

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Posted 17 September 2010 - 22:42

Yeah all the platforming on Chaos Rising was a real bummer. I already have Steam but imagine someone just buying this game, forcing you to make two different accounts and install two different programs.

That was a load of bullshit and with its Steam integration I really wondered why CR bothered with GFWL at all.

While there will be separate multiplayer parts for Retribution and the former games. I hope they will try to integrate Last Stand with the previous games. After all if its going to be IG, integrating an IG commander shouldn't be such a huge patch right?

Edited by Shirou, 17 September 2010 - 22:47.

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