So anyways, last week I was bored, and I decided to watch some anime, just for the heck of it. Last time I watched it was 8 or so years ago, on TV. That was DragonBall Z, which I really liked back then.
Anyways, I heard Hellsing was cool, and I decided to start with that. After watching both the TV series and the OVA I can say it is epic. The TV series where cool, but the OVA was over-the-top cool

As I heard the OVA was more based upon the Manga then the TV series, I was a bit disappointed with the OVA finale. Not that it wasn't epic,
, but it still leaves an odd feeling to me. Where is Alucard? What about the Iscariot? What about the crazy-ass Major? Have I missed an episode (this was from 7), or must I read the Manga to know how it ends?