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#1 Alias

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 17:46

Well, since I've finished another Insanity playthrough I thought I may as well create a new thread, since we seem to be discussing this almost every week. :P

Finally did all the DLC + full game from scratch on insanity, I've done the whole game on insanity before but the DLC are an extra 8 or so hours. Insanity is quite a bit easier with the firepower pack weapons, even on insanity the Geth Shotgun + Adrenaline Rush + Inferno Ammo = one hit kill to Collectors at medium range.

Since I don't think we've really discussed the DLC before, they're pretty much all worth it. Especially the Firepower Pack, Overlord, Kasumi and the Shadow Broker. To be honest some parts of Overlord were more engrossing than some parts of the main game (
). Really looking forward to the bridging DLC between now and Mass Effect 3.

So, uh, yeah. Discussion thread, I guess. If you guys need tips on insanity I guess I could help (I know Pav3d has done it before, not sure about any others.)

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#2 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 18:29

I'm about to finish it for the uptenth time, and I wondered: For some reason both Tali and Legion and Miranda and Jack get on each others' throats, and the paragon/renegade options are both greyed out, even tho I got almost full Paragon...

#3 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 01:34

Well I was level 30 as well as most of the way on paragon before the suicide mission and Jack's option was still greyed out, Legion and Tali are an easy fix. Nobody cares about Jack anyway.

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#4 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 13:28

@Rho: It has to be FULL paragon to change their minds after you speak to them after an argument. (I used the Samara glitch in order to get a perfect ending, yes im sad :P)

I played through insanity as infiltrator and BOY those Scion were the bane of my existence, not even the goddamn Cain can one shot them.

It was some of the most intense gaming ive ever had, so much fun. I bought all the DLC I could get my hands on as I just kept wanting more of the story. The shadowbroker is probably my favourite since it had so many varied fight scenes. Kasumi was great fun (felt a bit like Perfect Dark at some points), and the SMG you get with it is excellent.

I played the game through again as a soldier on an easier setting and it just wasnt fair, I steamrolled the enemy, tho playing as a soldier really limits your experience since you dont get as much biotic powers and is quite boring, in comparison (still wipes the floor with most games)

In overlord they really nailed the driving with the new vehicle, hell of a lot easier to control than ME1's mako.

Im guessing theyll bring out the DLC when the PS3 version comes out. I hope so at least, Ive bought all the books and comics (even tho Ive never read a comic before in my life) just to keep my ME2 buzz going :D

On a side note, I knew someone would eventually sample Harbinger for a trance song 8|

Edited by Pav:3d, 06 November 2010 - 13:29.

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#5 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 13:38

Scions are pretty easy as a Soldier on insanity, I chose the Widow on the Collector ship because the stock snipers are fail. Widow + all upgrades + inferno ammo + adrenaline rush = two hit kill on Scions. You need to hit the weird head that sticks out of the body. The thing I find the hardest on insanity are the bloody Praetorians. Don't mind me, just recharging my barrier every 10 seconds. :|

Soldier is boring on lower difficulties, but on insanity it is probably the most flexible class purely because insanity isn't just assault rifle spam, although the Mattock makes assault rifles spam interesting, so yeah. On insanity adrenaline rush + Geth shield boost saved my life so damn many times. The damage bonus on the shield boost is really helpful too.

Yeah, I loved Overlord. The bit on the second station you visit where you have a clear run to the console and then you have to fight through geth on the way out was damn atmospheric. Shadow Broker was great too. Loved the assault on the Shadow Broker's ship. Biotic spam catapults them into the lightning rods. Kasumi was brilliant, I quite enjoyed the infiltration bit.

Yeah, it was mentioned that the PS3 version comes with "6 hours" of extra content, so I'm going to assume that's the next DLC. It would be utterly stupid for Bioware to release it for PS3 only, they'd have a huge backlash.

Edited by Alias, 06 November 2010 - 13:40.

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#6 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 13:49

The mattock rifle is insanely good, super accurate, powerful and fast, I spammed that all the way through as soldier.

The Widow is great, first time I used it I could feel the power :P. Tho I found the viper to be much more effective on the higher levels due to its high rate of fire (tho the ammo limit is fail).

Isnt that 6 hours going to be the backstory of ME1 tho? Since MS owns ME1 and itll never come out for PS3. I sure as hell hope its DLC tho.

Also, im curious how people think the Citadel and terminus systems are going to counter the Reapers in ME3? Because eventually they will come to the galaxy and just lay waste to everything. Unless the Geth bring out some massive fleet from beyond the veil, or the rachni (if you saved them) help to counter the reapers too.

edit: Oh those goddamn Praetorians, luckily on infiltrator you could cloak, it would turn away and fire on a team mate, you fire on it while cloaked, then as its coming back, cloak again, and repeat the process :D

Edited by Pav:3d, 06 November 2010 - 13:50.

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#7 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 13:59

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Nov 2010, 0:49, said:

The mattock rifle is insanely good, super accurate, powerful and fast, I spammed that all the way through as soldier.

The Widow is great, first time I used it I could feel the power :P. Tho I found the viper to be much more effective on the higher levels due to its high rate of fire (tho the ammo limit is fail).
Yeah, because of the Firepower pack choosing the Claymore or the Revenant is pointless because the Geth shotgun and the Mattock are so much more useful, so the Widow is the obvious choice. So damn useful with Soldier, with good aiming and lots of upgrades you can one hit practically any low-level enemy (even on insanity, really useful against Blue Suns heavies and Collectors). The Widow is so good that it is pretty much overkill on anything lower than hardcore. The extra ammo up from the Mantis is really handy too.

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Nov 2010, 0:49, said:

Isnt that 6 hours going to be the backstory of ME1 tho? Since MS owns ME1 and itll never come out for PS3. I sure as hell hope its DLC tho.
Nah, apparently for PS3 they get a short interactive comic where they choose choices at key points of ME1 like Virmire. It seems strange to do the same thing twice. It was said to be a "separate mission" so I don't think it'll be a loop back to ME1.

View PostPav:3d, on 7 Nov 2010, 0:49, said:

Also, im curious how people think the Citadel and terminus systems are going to counter the Reapers in ME3? Because eventually they will come to the galaxy and just lay waste to everything. Unless the Geth bring out some massive fleet from beyond the veil, or the rachni (if you saved them) help to counter the reapers too.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to how it concludes, considering there's like 50 Reapers coming.

Edited by Alias, 06 November 2010 - 14:09.

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#8 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:10

I usually pick the Widow, as it two-shots those ugly Scions :P


Yeah, I'm really looking forward to how it concludes, considering there's like 50 Reapers coming.

And 5000 too.

Edited by Sgt. Rho, 06 November 2010 - 14:11.

#9 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:17

That sounds like an interesting way to bridge it for the PS3 players.

Ah so that means in January we will get some new DLC :D (unless they delay it on 360 and PC due to some sort of exclusivity deal, which would be awful)

And just 50 Reapers? I thought judging from what Sovereign and Harbinger were saying that millions were going to be coming :P

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#10 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:19

Judging by the ending of ME2, where all of darkspace suddendly lit up, there ARE millions coming :P

#11 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:22

View PostSgt. Rho, on 6 Nov 2010, 14:19, said:

Judging by the ending of ME2, where all of darkspace suddendly lit up, there ARE millions coming :P

:D yes there's that too.

I hope there is some EPIC battle, not just "quick, get to the end of the room which will launch the virus/bomb/anti-reaper weapon that will end them all!" mission.

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#12 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:23

Yes, but we're hardly going to see millions ingame, let alone 50. I guess I understated but considering a single Reaper takes up a whole game I don't think we'll see more than 3 or 4 in ME3.

I think the exclusivity for PS3 is it just has to be released for PS3 first, so PC/X360 will probably get it the day after. I think that's the main reason they're shipping the extra 6 hours with PS3 is because that's what the tools at Sony require, if we had it our way we'd probably have it a month earlier.

Oh well, more wait = more time for Bioware to polish it. :P

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#13 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:34

As long as the bad ending for ME3 is that the reapers reap everything :P

#14 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:53

View PostSgt. Rho, on 6 Nov 2010, 14:34, said:

As long as the bad ending for ME3 is that the reapers reap everything :P

Oh that would be awesome, I would love to watch that cut scene :D

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#15 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 14:56

I'm sure there's going to be an unbelievable amount of continuity involved. Casey Hudson said there's around 1000 variables they're sticking in ME3 based on decisions in the previous two games.

So yes, that's probably going to involve Geth loyalty/Rachni etc. Would love not fighting Geth anymore, considering they're my favourite "race", so to say. I'm sure if you lose too many squad members you're probably going to have a hard time in ME3.

Edited by Alias, 06 November 2010 - 14:58.

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#16 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 15:18

View PostAlias, on 6 Nov 2010, 14:56, said:

I'm sure there's going to be an unbelievable amount of continuity involved. Casey Hudson said there's around 1000 variables they're sticking in ME3 based on decisions in the previous two games.

So yes, that's probably going to involve Geth loyalty/Rachni etc. Would love not fighting Geth anymore, considering they're my favourite "race", so to say. I'm sure if you lose too many squad members you're probably going to have a hard time in ME3.

Yeah it would be interesting to be fighting something which isnt Geth or mercenaries. (Im not sure how the blue suns are still around after I took out thousands of them :P)

Hope to see some more Yahg enemies or some other completely new race, controlled by the reapers.

I wonder if you can recruit less squad members if they all survive in ME2, coz there just wont be space for 24 squad members on the normandy :D

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#17 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 15:23

Weren't the Collectors just that, a completely new race, controlled by the Reapers? :P

#18 Alias

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 15:40

Not really completely new,

Yeah, Yahg would be interesting, although they're

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#19 Pav:3d


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 15:54

View PostAlias, on 6 Nov 2010, 15:40, said:

Not really completely new,

Yeah, Yahg would be interesting, although they're

Wouldnt stop the reapers :P A reaper tech-ed up Yahg would be quite an enemy.

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#20 Pav:3d


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Posted 07 November 2010 - 08:32

Anyone here read the books or the comics?

Ive recently read all the books, really shows why everyone hates Cerberus so much :xD: And why captain anderson is such a badass. Retribution is my fave of the 3, as it has the illusive man using the reaper tech on the main character and has a fantastic ending.

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#21 Alias

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Posted 07 November 2010 - 08:41

Never got around to it, I think my brother has the comic that came with the box set somewhere though.

I'm not big on books, so I could never be bothered reading them, if I can find a detailed enough synopsis I'd probably go over them though.

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#22 Pav:3d


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Posted 25 November 2010 - 00:32

Some fun facts Bioware are sending around:

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#23 Alias

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Posted 25 November 2010 - 09:06

I'm not too surprised at the first one, stock Shepard is butt-ugly.

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#24 General Kirkov

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 15:09


View PostPav:3d, on 7 Nov 2010, 3:32, said:

Anyone here read the books or the comics?

Ive recently read all the books, really shows why everyone hates Cerberus so much :xD: And why captain anderson is such a badass. Retribution is my fave of the 3, as it has the illusive man using the reaper tech on the main character and has a fantastic ending.

Sorry for the double post but yeah I loved the books too, also I hide Shep's face if I'm not happy with it with a helmet, also the Geth AR is one of my favorite weapons, takes down that pesky Harbinger with ease.

Edited by General Kirkov, 28 December 2010 - 15:07.

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#25 Pav:3d


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Posted 28 December 2010 - 15:50

There's an ME3 topic :xD:

Last runthrough of ME2 I had I played as the biotic, was slightly dissapointed that I had to rely on guns for more than I wouldave wanted to playing such a class

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