Good evening every one

i have again some questions and suggestions, maybe a little bit strange but i can't keep it to myself
1. in grans was a comment (i dont know from who, and i dont know in which combination too) ,, could the apocalypse-tanks become there rocket-pods back, if they become heroic. i dont remember if you had answered. could you answer it here?
2. all soviet vehicles, aircrafts and naval units have the ,,real'' soviet symbols (hammer&sickel, soviet star) in the ,,real'' colors (red,maybe with a yellow rim, or complete yellow), only the kirov not. the kirovs hammer&sickle is conditioned to the teamcolor, aren't the airscrew and the skeleton enough to see from which player the kirov is?
Is a small chance that you would reskin this small part? it has no big change to the gameplay, but an even bigger change to aesthetic of the kirov-airship.
3. and last: the second ultimate weapons of every faction are REALLY terrefic abillitys (50 megaton bomb/shogun-executioner/ allied???) and it is wierd that you become them already if your on the highest technological level. why are they not building-linked? maybe to link them on V.I.P.-bunkers (and make them buildable (why even V.I.P.-bunkers: only VERY IMPORTENT commanders should be able to use such abilitys)).
i know strange thoughts but im very thankfull for your answers .
Edited by Kamikaze, 30 November 2010 - 21:45.