New Member validated
Posted 24 November 2010 - 17:34

Posted 24 November 2010 - 18:31
Destiny, on 24 Nov 2010, 13:11, said:
Omedetou, Wiz! You've...become a...umm...Mage!

I can imagine you being 'wut...?'...
TheDr: "You're now a dad."
Wiz: "?"
TheDr: "Your wife is pregnant."
Wiz: "wut...?

Wiz later *explosions and jumping for joy and stuff*
Man, you must be overjoyed. Good luck Wiz, and...make sure he doesn't become like me

Overjoyed is one way to put it, relieved would be another. We've been through the grinder and them some for this little photo alone! 6 months of stress, worry, medical procedures and not a little amount of pain for both of us! Keeping the missus happy is simple by comparison.
Chyros, on 24 Nov 2010, 15:25, said:

You know if it's a boy or a girl yet?
Cheers mate, and we don't know and not sure we will try and find out. We prefer the "natural" approach, ironically

ΓΛΡΤΘ&#, on 24 Nov 2010, 15:32, said:
Y'know, that isn't a bad idea

Genrail, on 24 Nov 2010, 15:34, said:


Nidmeister, on 24 Nov 2010, 15:40, said:
Congratulations, I hope everything goes well for you man!
Poor little thing doesn't have a clue

Bob, on 24 Nov 2010, 15:52, said:

Congrats mate!

I'll take that as a subversive compliment, only because I cba to come up with a witty retort

CJ, on 24 Nov 2010, 16:03, said:

Just make so sure not to be as strict with Wizard Jr as much you are with the FS members and you'll make an excellent dad

You've got to be joking. This place will be like Shangri-la compared to the prison my child will grow up in (nunnery if it's a girl). Not having my kid turn into a chav!
Brad, on 24 Nov 2010, 17:12, said:
Thinking about it's name I bet?
Got anything in mind?
..Or is the Missus taking that right?

We have two names in mind, but she keeps dithering about others.
Sgt. Nuker, on 24 Nov 2010, 17:30, said:
Sorry, couldn't resist mate.

Oh, and Brad, I believe the Missus will be taking the honour of naming the child. Men that have been made to trade in their Maserati for a Mercedes no longer have the power to make such a privy decision.

LOL a contest for the name would be hysterical! And I'll be playing the "you made me give up the Trident" card in this circumstance. I am usually pretty strong footed when I want to be.
Stinger, on 24 Nov 2010, 17:34, said:

Cheers mate!!! As am I!

Posted 24 November 2010 - 18:47

Posted 24 November 2010 - 19:38

Anyways, that's fantastic news Wiz. All the best for the coming months.

AJ is responsible for this signature masterpiece... if you see him, tell him I say thanks.

Posted 24 November 2010 - 19:43

Posted 24 November 2010 - 19:58

Posted 24 November 2010 - 20:34

Posted 24 November 2010 - 21:13
You have no manners. Absolutely none whatsoever to even say that. I shudder with dislike, I really do.
Edited by Stinger, 24 November 2010 - 21:14.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 22:12
Posted 24 November 2010 - 23:40
Stinger, on 24 Nov 2010, 22:13, said:
You have no manners. Absolutely none whatsoever to even say that. I shudder with dislike, I really do.
Babies and children have been referred to as 'it' in English and its ancestors for at least 2000 years. That's certainly not going to change suddenly now.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 24 November 2010 - 23:54
One thing that isn't going to change suddenly are your manners, that's for sure.
My apologies to Wizard.
Edited by Stinger, 25 November 2010 - 01:45.
Posted 25 November 2010 - 00:16
Hobbesy, on 24 Nov 2010, 20:34, said:

Edited by Nidmeister, 25 November 2010 - 00:18.

Posted 25 November 2010 - 03:13
Posted 25 November 2010 - 03:29
Posted 25 November 2010 - 04:24
Anyways, sorry for derailing your thread Wiz, especially on such a happy occasion.
Posted 25 November 2010 - 09:26
Stinger, on 25 Nov 2010, 4:46, said:
That's not what I intended, actually. But never mind, I shouldn't have said anything.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 25 November 2010 - 12:23

Congratulations Wiz.
Posted 26 November 2010 - 06:02

If you want to join my mod team, click here C&C ZH: Forces Unkown
Marine: Oh say can you seeeeeeeeeeeee! By the dawn's early Life!
Commander: No its Light! Not life, how many times do i have to say it Private?
Marine: Uh, sorry sir, i won't fail you this time!
Commander: *whispers to him self* sure you will. Lets take it from the top! One, Two, Three!
Marine: Oh say can you seeeeeeeeeeeee! By the dawn's early Light! O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly creaming.
Commander: No! *Sigh* what am i going to do with you soldier?
Posted 26 November 2010 - 09:09
Posted 29 November 2010 - 14:16
Prof. Scope, on 27 Nov 2010, 22:43, said:

Best of luck on this newest phase of your life. I'm sure you will be an amazing father.
P.s. was this what was having you all worried in the past few months?
Cheers, in part. There were things preceeding this that caused me more worry, discomfort and quite a large amount of pain that does form part of this

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