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Lucid Dreaming

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#1 NergiZed

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 23:32

Kinda curious, any lucid dreamers out there? Lucid dream is where one can take control of one's dreams. Happens every now and then for most people, but some people can train themselve to drop in and out of them on a regular basis.

I can generally perform WILD and VILD pretty regularly. I've also been able to hone myself into remembering my dreams pretty well. (Generally, most people have the memories of their dreams fade away a couple minutes after waking up).

It's a pretty entertaining entertaining experience, but I can only do it regularly on afternoon naps, or during a vacation where I can sleep for as long as I want.

I dunno, dicuss and if you know how to, describe how you do it and perhaps some dreams you've had.

#2 Magma


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 10:17

I Had Lucids at younger age, about 14-15 years old when i really tried to see those; ie, practising em. But nowadays i haven't even tried to see those so i haven't seen em.....pity.
Anyways, what i did was thinking when i went to sleep what to do in sleep to see if it is a dream; shut your nose with your fingers and blow air through your nose. That worked always on me. There were other
techniques which also helped, but remembering those quickly is impossible, i saw those tips on a Finnish Lucid dream site.

First time when i saw Lucid was when i was running near my house in a race of a orienteering (a sport :xD: ). when running at some point i just had an urge to shut my nose and blow through it:
Did it and after that everything changed, i could stop my running and turn where i wanted, i even flied abit :xD: . Too bad i woke up soon after that.

Seen plenty others which i fairly even have an memory of but one dream has been in my brain for years (remembering it even now fairly well too):

It starts like a movie or a game, camera or whatnot flys in a dark corridor and enters room where one woman and one man sits and drinks coffee, soon after that woman just changes into an Alien (yes, that from ALIEN movies)
then camera goes black, second or two after i stand on the same corridor where camera/whatnot started and Lucid begins:
-i can walk where i want
-move anything unattached objects

But, after 10 seconds when it starts, that coffee man flys through the air and gets slammed on the wall and drops dead on the ground.
I even remember what that room/corridor looked like:

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Open spot = Door/entrance to room
R= Room
M= Me
------->= point where that man got slammed

Seen that SAME dream 3 times.... three times over 2 years, first time was when i was about 15 years old.
If i remember somewhat why i saw those might be that i watched all Aliens movies at some point that age and/or Played AvP 2 on school and home and practiced Lucids....
Or i just want to play AvP 2 even in my dreams, i can never know.

But when i wanted to walk towards that room where that Alien is, it just scared hell out of me, one time (middle dream was it...) i woke myself up:
I knew that it was a dream, so i just told myself to wake up... easy as it sounds, i just thinked that wake up, wake up, wake up and blam; i woke.
3th time when i saw this dream i didn't go left corridor, i choose right one and after i got to end of it (too dark to see nothing) i just woke up 8| quess i crossed my dreams borderline.

Maybe i should start practicing again, i could be fun to see LDs again.
Post your own practicing methods so everyone can enjoy these marvelous brain activities. 8|
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#3 SquigPie

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 10:30

Lucid dreaming is according to research more normal amongst gamers. We (gamers) also have less nightmares, or, more correctly, when we have them, we don't consider them scary, we consider them awesome and exciting. No I'm not kidding, that's what SCIENCE says.

I've had a couple of them (lucid dreams), usually in nightmares, where to escape the monster/something, I force myself to remember that it's a dream, then I fly around and stuff. Pretty fun.


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#4 Chyros

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 13:30

I very rarely dream, so to speak, but when I do it's relatively lucid, perhaps one every four times or something. It's quite fun sometimes.

As I recall Bob is pretty big on it.

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#5 NergiZed

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 16:59

I can generally drop into lucid pretty regularly, but it's much easier for me if it's afternoon naps. Dropping into a lucid dream using the WILD tequnique is annoying though, because I always experience this painfully loud buzzing/ringing noise when I before I drop into one. When I LD, it's generally very lucid, I can spawn objects at will and poof away parts of the dream that I don't like or just start a new dream entirely. This is generally kinda hard to do and the entire experience becomes fuzzy for a while till you are able to refocus the dream. The resoltuion also varies, somtimes I'm not as focused and everything is blurry around the edges and/or everything appears in a much duller color, sometimes it goes to greyscale. Though most dreams I have are normal, or just semi-lucid, where I can kinda of take control of the dream but I'm either never fully aware I'm asleep. My normal dreams are much more vivid, detailed and more intesting than the lucid ones, since my lucid ones are generally just me destroying nightmares (got stuck in a zombie apocalypse once, spawned a minigun and everything was better), flying around, or frustratingly trying to spawn object or start dreams (it takes a while sometimes). I used to not be able to, but now I thoroughly remeber most details in my dreams.

I dunno which one I liek better, lucid dreams or just interesting normal ones. Some of my normal ones are great. There was this one time where I was dreaming me and three buddies of mine were airsofting (BB-guns) in some abandoned factory, and after the conclusion of one of the matches, we discover that the other side of this abandoned warehouse was a bank. It was a hilarious juxtoposition, as one side of the building was just this dusty empty old warehouse, and the camera panned out to reveal that the other side was a high-class bank, I think it even had a big chandoler. So there we were, me and my three friends in full camo and armed to the teeth, apparently in awe at the classy bank that we all just discovered which was in plain site the whole time. At that time a group of two robbers come in, one of normal stature, a nice hat, shined shoes, a nice jacket, all of his clothes screamed America 1930s, the other guy was this bald short plump guy wearing all black, they were both armed with tommyguns (presumably real ones). So there we were, staring at each other in utter silence not sure what to do. I broke the silence by saying: "So, you're robbing the bank, eh?" That led to a couple minutes of friendly chatter generally with me giving them advice on how to rob banks and avoid the authorities (which I reffered to as the Chinese communists, which was weird cause it was clearly not a Chinese bank). The whole thing ended with them habbing two sacks of money and exiting the bank/warehouse, we were all waving friendly goodbyes. Then I woke up. Probably one of the more interesting dreams I've had recently.

#6 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 19:35

View PostSquigPie, on 9 Dec 2010, 10:30, said:

Lucid dreaming is according to research more normal amongst gamers. We (gamers) also have less nightmares, or, more correctly, when we have them, we don't consider them scary, we consider them awesome and exciting. No I'm not kidding, that's what SCIENCE says.

I remember reading something similar, it also said that gamers are more likely randomly switch between first and third person views.

The closest thing to a nightmare that I get these days (and I used to get it when I was younger too) is a recurring dream where I go to switch some lights on, but they either don't turn on or they turn on for a brief moment and turn off again. Coupled with that, things actually seem to get darker. I get an overwhelming sense of being alone and almost 'stuck'. It's a little bit scary when I go through it, but it generally doesn't last long and I certainly don't lose any sleep over it.

View PostChyros, on 9 Dec 2010, 13:30, said:

As I recall Bob is pretty big on it.

Indeed I am, although I still haven't fully got the hang of it. :xD:

I started reading up on the subject several years ago. I, like many people, could occasionally lucid dream, but it was rare and often short. So one day I thought "There must be a way to learn how to do this". And from that day on my interest in dreaming, sleeping and the brain in general grew.

The first step is of course to start trying to remember your dreams. The two things that work for me are, going to be early (i.e. not too tired) and in the morning writing down what I can remember. Writing down my dreams often helps me remember them later (and I have a record for further back up) and I also usually remember forgotten details about what went on. As long as I go to be early, and my mind isn't too preoccupied I can generally remember 2-3 dreams a night... although they sometimes can get a bit jumbled up.

I eventually started lucid dream... I tried many different techniques, but none of them seemed to work very well. Until in one of my dreams, I came across a fairly common recurring element; me being on my BMX and being insanely good... generally me manualing ridiculously long distances. Now most of the time when that happens, I instantly recognise that I am in a dream. 8|

To a certain extent I have postponed lucid dreaming, and I am more concentrating on getting more detail from my dreams. Generally my dreams aren't very detailed, and sometimes very dark. My dreams are more like memories than me actually experiencing them. For example, if I think of the front of my house, I see a cream wall, red roof, 3 sets of windows and a door. Those are the main features, but of course there is a hell of a lot more detail there... if I really think about, I can notice the individual tiles on the roof, the things on the window sill, the plants in front of the house and just generally all the different textures on the various different surfaces that I would experience in real life. I randomly experienced this in a dream once, I was in the back of the family car (with Jack and Kate from lost in the front :xD:) and I suddenly became aware of all the textures and details around me. Ever since then I have been trying to recreate that, and I have done it to some success, but generally I need to concentrate really hard to notice these things.

On a similar note, I also experienced sound for the first time in one of my dreams. I had a false awakening after lucid dreaming and I was lying in my bed, and I heard some of my music playing... at the time I thought that I had just left my PC on and fallen asleep. I then suddenly realised that I had the ability to change the volume with my mind. 8| Then, of course, I would woke up for real. When I realised I was dreaming, I remember hearing every little detail in the song... but the amazing thing is, it wasn't a track that I had ever heard of before...

I should probably clarify... you might be thinking it's weird that I have never heard sound in my dreams before. I have obviously 'heard' things before... primarily people talking, however, I don't truly hear them. Again, it's more like a memory, if I think back, I can remember what my mum just said to me, but I can't actually hear her saying it to me.

Generally the only things I can do in my Lucid dreams are things that I can do in real life, or aren't that far-fetched. For example I have yet to (willingly) jump from one location to another, but I can walk or otherwise travel to other locations. I can sometimes make objects appear, but often it's more along the lines of "I want to see x, I'll have to walk into the next room and it will be there". I have yet to make a specific person appear yet, but that is my main goal... for obvious reasons. :sly: I can sometimes make things happen, for example I remember making some 'things' (I forget exactly what it was... I think they may have been walls or barriers of some kind) explode in the difference.

My main hurdle in this lucid dreaming lark is false awakenings. Every time I try and effect things around me, I can feel myself waking up, until the point where I can hold back no longer and I do wake up... Little do I know that I am actually still sleeping, and it all starts again.

As much I would like to lucid dream properly, I have add some pretty entertaining normal dreams. It's like watching a film, but it's not only about you and your personal life, but you are actually living it. You can be anyone, anywhere, any time and genuinely believe it... you don't get that experience with films or even games, no matter how 'realistic' or 'deep' the story is.

One semi-lucid dream that sticks out in my mind: I was in my bedroom, and it looked as it does in real life, then suddenly the lights went out and this loud, booming voice started talking to me... seemingly from nowhere. I believe it was supposed to be the devil, or something similar. Even though it was an extremely scary situation, I couldn't help but get an adrenaline rush from it, especially half way through when I realised it was a dream.

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#7 NergiZed

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 22:08

Dream journals help a lot for remembering your dreams. I don't even write in mine that often, I just have it there to remind me to try and remember my dreams each morning. Works better if you wake up and don't move and try to go back a bit and recall the dream. I can remember most details in my dream, though my dreams are always kinda fuzzy around the edges.

#8 Zhao

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 02:50

Oh i love taking advantage of my dreams and doing anything i want in that setting , for some reason im pretty dam aware its a dream and i decide to just fuck around with it 8|

#9 Wizard


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Posted 13 December 2010 - 10:05

View PostBob, on 9 Dec 2010, 19:35, said:

I remember reading something similar, it also said that gamers are more likely randomly switch between first and third person views.
Sorry I've just read the entirety of this topic and the this got me the most.

Do hardcore Lucid gamer dreamers restrict themselves to the first person as it is n00bish to switch to the third person, and do the less experienced finding themselves randomly crouching in strange places :P

On dreaming, I have never attempted to delve into my dreams. Most of what I remember is pretty easy to realise that it's just my subconcious processing what I've been thinking about for a while. I have had a few lucid dreams in recent memory, but it has taken me a little while to realise that it was, in fact, a dream. One quite recently actually. :D

#10 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 12:54

Happened to me too. I woke up this morning and though 'Wait, This all was just a dream!?' after a rather long, and utterly realistic, dream.

#11 NergiZed

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 00:58

View PostWizard, on 13 Dec 2010, 5:05, said:

View PostBob, on 9 Dec 2010, 19:35, said:

I remember reading something similar, it also said that gamers are more likely randomly switch between first and third person views.
Sorry I've just read the entirety of this topic and the this got me the most.

Do hardcore Lucid gamer dreamers restrict themselves to the first person as it is n00bish to switch to the third person, and do the less experienced finding themselves randomly crouching in strange places :xD:

On dreaming, I have never attempted to delve into my dreams. Most of what I remember is pretty easy to realise that it's just my subconcious processing what I've been thinking about for a while. I have had a few lucid dreams in recent memory, but it has taken me a little while to realise that it was, in fact, a dream. One quite recently actually. :D

When lucid, I can generally only stay in First person, though sometimes I involentarily switch out to third person. In normal dreams I generally dream in third person, sometimes I'm not even present in these dreams.

I gernally realize lucidity pretty quickly. I've never done this, but apparently there are some reality tests that you can do to confirm lucidity, one of the best being to hold your nose and still try to breath out of it. I've never done this, it's generally some 'A-ha' moment or a gradual realization as I begin to notice the strangness of the dream. When I chose to go lucid, I'm always aware of it. When I drop from a normal dream into lucidity, I need to be able to realize that I have control. This happens a easier in nighmares, if you can get a grip of yourself for one second and realize it's a dream, lucidity will engage.

#12 WarMenace


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Posted 15 December 2010 - 01:23

Don't know if this counts, but I have had times where I could "rewind" to a different place in my dream, and take 'some' control (ie. talking, moving limbs...). Very, very weird phenomenon and I usually wake up and remind myself it didn't happen and was only a dream. It felt so real.
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#13 GuardianTempest


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Posted 15 December 2010 - 10:45

Whoever can dream up of another in-game universe with its own plot you can visit consistenly will be the king/queen of the world.

I usually do that on morning/afternoon naps but unfortunately everytime I do that I just teeter myself on the transition of dreaming and being awake thus I just practice forcefully waking up/ Would have been fun if it wasn't for that, then...hmmm....
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