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1.011, feedback

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#1 Kamikaze


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Posted 30 December 2010 - 14:04

Hi, guys.
I'll be right to the point with my feedback:


1. Future Tank: What have all against the Future-tank? Really, have they not played the Uprising? The Future tank alone is not particularly the hit, but two or three of them than is the thing starting. So really from me a great praise.

2. Pacifier FAV: Um .... how do you use a Machine Gun? These short bursts are effective but not conventional.
And if the pacifier is in the artillery form, the firing rate in a volley is too slow, and in the Uprising, a pacifier fired always five bullets , not four.

3. Harbinger Gunship: I cant gripe. i like it how it is.

4.Cryo legionaire: :D oh yes, I've found a problem, man, man, man ...
Could you PLEASE turn friendly fire off by them? they alway freeze themself.
And they have too much area damage, they freeze an area of 5 square kilometers. :sly:

5. Chrono Tank: :sly: Fantastic....only fantastic.


1. Reaper: The well-known problem with the Reaper and his gigantic accuracy. |8 But since this is a common problem I don't go to it here.

2.Mortar Bike: Nice, But with three cut back.
-Molotov-Coctail-Imprecision makes them as hit-and-run units , not useless, but not so useful.
-And the explosion of the mortars are a little bit overdone. :sly:
-And at last, the attacks of the Desolator Trooper and natasha should be more than if they attack an infantryman. Because the Deathspray would easily etch away the two recruits in the motorcycle and Natasha do not have to call a badger bomber to destroy a small motorcycle.

3. Grinder, *thumbs up* Great sparks when he destroyed an unit, much bether than in uprising.

4. Looks great, that the magnetic weapons have all the same color. (I find positive feedbacks should be sometimes too, right?)


.....uh ..... I don't know what I would have to complain about the empire ...


The problem with the objective weakness of the missile launcher troops . Because I had an alternative in the topic, Questions & Suggestions'.

But all in all, really great work.

Edited by Kamikaze, 03 April 2011 - 18:08.

#2 V.Metalic

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 19:46

For Pacifier, it has 2 barrels, each firing 2 shells. Why it would fire 5? Why not 6? :D You see it? if one gun can fire 3, why the other could only 2?
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#3 Kamikaze


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 00:37

I do agree, I give only back what I know of 'The Uprising' and what is different with Shock Therapy.

#4 V.Metalic

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 00:51

View PostKamikaze, on 31 Dec 2010, 1:37, said:

I do agree, I give only back what I know of 'The Uprising' and what is different with Shock Therapy.

Ah, I see :D
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#5 TheWorms


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 01:04

Why it would fire 5? Why not 6?

Thinking the other way around, I see. Fine, I'll increase it.


First 2 are unchanged. They're dev codes by default.
The last will cost us some model changes to fit those death types.
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#6 V.Metalic

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 10:07

View PostTheWorms, on 31 Dec 2010, 2:04, said:

Why it would fire 5? Why not 6?

Thinking the other way around, I see. Fine, I'll increase it.

That was just rhetorical question :D But its your decision.
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#7 vader333


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 12:37

I've found a few bugs:

1. Dreadnought can't attack while moving. If this isn't a bug (I vaguely remember this was discussed extensively with Comlink back at Grans), is it possible to release a mini mod that allows two versions of the dreadnought to be built: one that can attack while moving, and one that can't. I'd like to carry out additional tests to verify if it is a good idea.

2. Twinblade's rocket range is further than machine gun. This causes Twinblade to use only rockets on slow moving units and structures.

3. Yuriko Omega sometimes emits two psychokinetic bursts instead of one.

4. Cryo frozen refinery can't be 1hit KO'ed anymore.

Edited by vader333, 01 January 2011 - 12:53.

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#8 Kamikaze


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 13:35

I have forgotten something:


Desolator-Trooper: The Desolator Trooper are too small, a scaling like a tesla-trooper was / and would be the best for them.
The range is too large, which do indeed have a range that can almost compete with that of Natasha, i think the range of a flak-trooper woul be better, or between a flak-trooper and a conscript.
And then a small thing for deathspray and splattershot: I for my part, think it would be logical if the splattershot would stain the vehicles and the building so dark green that you know which building / vehicle is already affected, and that you can align the deathsprays on it.


The problem that Vader had been mentioned for the submarines, that they show up and not attack, at me, they fidget easily around, and then go back under water, if at all.
And the air superiority fighter of the Allies and the Soviet, MiG and Apollo, it is similar, they are still in the Airfield, and if you give them an attack order then they take off and just stay over their land area. As though she would hang up himself.

Oh, and Vader, if you have complaints or suggestions ... then open up your own topic and write it in there. And not just write purely at others.
I have written purely my feedback also first at your topic and then deleted because I found that it is impolite. Please thank you.

Edited by Kamikaze, 31 December 2010 - 16:44.

#9 vader333


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 18:42

I'm sorry if I have offended you too, but my post was entirely related to feedback on 1.01c. If I understand correctly, then one would have to create a new thread for every single post one makes on 1.01c. I didn't think your posting your suggestions on 1.01c on my thread impolite at all; indeed, I should be pleased that someone finds my thread post worthy. Additionally, it is easier for the dev's to collate the suggestions, and not miss out on them when they develop their next version.

Can I request a mediator in this scenario? I don't want to repeat mistakes.
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#10 Com-Link


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 18:54

"vader333" said:

Can I request a mediator in this scenario? I don't want to repeat mistakes.

Since I locked the feedback topic made by Vader, any feedback may be posted here.
One topic for feedback is more organised too, saves us from having to check several topics at once.

Just keep it on-topic, and don't start a flamewar here...

*Moderator Terror Drone starts patrolling.*
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#11 Kamikaze


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 00:28

flamewar ... that is what I fear. :P
I bow to the decision of the Central Committee of Shock Therapy...
:P Call your small drones back, comrade. My Tesla Troopers are already watching. :xD:

#12 vader333


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 12:39

Kamikaze said:

flamewar ... that is what I fear.

So long as both you and I are civil with our comments, a flame war can be avoided, certainly.

Although, in retrospect (I was writing the previous post at 3:00 am, in bed), I guess the mini mod sug. should have a separate topic of its own.
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#13 Kamikaze


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 17:51

Ah yes, the Chrono Tank, could you choose an other precondition as the Chronosphere?
Because in a ,Classic Warfare' skirmish is the tank unbuildable.
Maybe the airfield :P
Why the airfield?
The Tesla tank has the airfield as a precondition too. :P

Edited by Kamikaze, 03 January 2011 - 15:50.

#14 R3ven


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 18:49

But that's because the Soviets have a T2 Airfield, the Allies' Airfield is practically Tier 0 :P

#15 Kamikaze


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 21:56

Then just still with maximum release + airfield. :P

Edited by Kamikaze, 05 January 2011 - 14:33.

#16 ni.va


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Posted 18 January 2011 - 22:33

Hi ... here is my feedback for v 1.01c:

1. As I mentioned in my bugs report section there is a bug in these units: ( I thinks the same thing caused these bugs)

A. Jav soldiers: they cant hit moving air targets at all. & since with lock on ability they cant lock on moving air targets, they became completely redundant. Allied has lost one of their AA units

B. Jav loaded IFVs, Reapers, G King Onis: the problem is not only the unguided missiles, but also the time when they choose where to shoot at.they choose where to shoot at the time reloading begins. so they shoot at a spot where the aircraft is far far away at the time of shooting.

C. Pacifiers: the section "B" I mentioned is persist with it too. in addition, the gap between the shots made only first shot effective against moving targets. I suggest about 10 or 20 ms between shots.

2. Sound of Steel Ronin is a bit too laud compared to other units.

3. I suggest to divide sounds Chrono tank uses when moving & when selecting. Its a bit weird that it says " I'm gone " when I select it. also, is it not better to use statis ray effect instead of Tesla one in the ray?

4. The Chronosphere Sound when ready really annoys me.

5. The Tesla charge ( when Tesla Coils charging each other) sound is too laud in my idea. considering that charging is continuous, & playing that sound with that volume continuously can be annoying.

6. thanks man, I can see one of my suggestions about Athena cannon came in the game. did u considered my other minor suggestions?? :P

7. & at last I collect mine & the other players bug founds in my bug reports section. it is good to take a look at every now & then...

thanks for your great mod.

Edited by ni.va, 18 January 2011 - 22:40.

#17 Kamikaze


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Posted 03 April 2011 - 19:19

Let me say first "Echt großes Kino", really great work. ;P

I have not seen any faults or balancing-weaknesses anymore.

But now I get to my "favorite" category:
The Outer, actually only in the Soviets
The new design of many of the units looks really awesome, only the "Sharktooth paint job"at the Kirov looks weird .... VERY weird, say so:
As good the Apocalypse looks now, as weird looks out the new paintjob, and that's a lot.
Tesla-/Desolator Trooper ... it was not the size of the Desolator itself, more the difference in size between these two units, and now, it's perfect. ;P

At the Empire of the Rising Sun, i have one small minor suggestion:
Emperor King Oni sounds better as Greater King Oni.
(Like the Overlord <> Emperor Overlord of the CnC Generals series) |8

And now I have one small question:
is it not possible to replace the "classic warfare"-button with "No Super Weapons" - and "No ultimate weapons" -buttons?

Sincerely yours,

Edited by Kamikaze, 04 April 2011 - 18:04.

#18 V.Metalic

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 21:39

View PostKamikaze, on 3 Apr 2011, 20:19, said:

At the Empire of the Rising Sun, i have one small minor suggestion:
Emperor King Oni sounds better as Greater King Oni.
(Like the Overlord <> Emperor Overlord of the CnC Generals series) ;P

And now I have one small question:
is it not possible to replace the "classic warfare"-button with "No Super Weapons" - and "No ultimate weapons" -buttons?

Name "Greater King Oni" is official name from EA. Also, this is Japan, not China ;P

I agree, I was also confused what it actually do. "No Superweapons" or "Conventional Warfare" would be more suitable.
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#19 Kamikaze


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Posted 04 April 2011 - 17:11

No, I meant not only change the name, more the function.
So not One "button" for both (super weapons and Ultimate Weapons) but:
"No Super Weapons" disable Iron Curtain , Chronosphere, and Nanoswarm
"No Ultimate Weapons" disable Vacuum implode, proton collider, and Psi-Decimator.
(I can just talk for me and my friends , and we use almost never "classic warfare" when we play against each other (against AI yes), we always make the rule: no weapons of mass destruction.
Because we love Super Weapons (Iron Curtain ...), but hate Ultimate weapons (Vacuum cleaner)) ;P
Or make the "Classic Warfare" disable the ultimate Weapons but not the superweapons, that was it what i meant. ;P

Edited by Kamikaze, 04 April 2011 - 17:11.

#20 V.Metalic

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Posted 04 April 2011 - 18:02

Ah, I see.
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#21 Kamikaze


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Posted 04 April 2011 - 18:34

comrades, yesterday I had the idea to bleach the darkened color player... Forget that moronic.
I have played precisely a skirmish and then I got an idea:
You have reduced the players color at the Kirov and the Apocalypse, and a few other units also.
Would not this be at the hammer tank, Bullfrog and infantry (except natasha, Desolator / Tesla Trooper) also a good idea?
Maybe that you then avoids areas with the player color.
When recruits e.g. There "only" the collar, the hem of the coat and the sleeve hem have the players' colors, and the remaining coat is then the good old, dirty rusty red,
Or on the hammer tank remove the color of the players on the three big plates, on the front of the gun turret and on the two chain wheels.
You'd not need to darken the player color or otherwise do something with it, because, due to the smaller number it no longer seems so extreme. And I think it would still have enough players color to identify them.

... Or did you had planned that anyway?

#22 TheWorms


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Posted 05 April 2011 - 01:14

Darkened player colors mean the balance between house color and eye blindness is enough.

In short, the paint job is just fine, less contrast to lessen the bloom.
This scheme will be applied to most infantry, since decreasing their house color makes them harder to see in the battlefield.

I think my job with the Kirov and Apocalypse is fine. The only thing that hurts the eyes were the rims, so I changed them first hand.
The hammer tank does look like that in the beta, only much lighter toned, and I find that good.
About the apocalypse, the only problem now is to change the tesla reactor glows to blue.

If you do have some other list of feedback updates, editing the OP helps.
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#23 V.Metalic

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Posted 05 April 2011 - 17:30

I found one campaing bug (serious) yesterday totally by coincidence. I played the last Soviet campaing with Shock Therapy units (Reapers GOOO!!!). When I destroyed the Statue of Liberty, I clicked "End" button to hide the menus, map and all. Well, the subtitles showed that Moskvin was talking, but I havent heard him. The in-game animation continued, and then... nothing. The game was continuing without ending.
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#24 Com-Link


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Posted 05 April 2011 - 18:16

View PostV.Metalic, on 5 Apr 2011, 19:30, said:

I found one campaing bug (serious) yesterday totally by coincidence. I played the last Soviet campaing with Shock Therapy units (Reapers GOOO!!!). When I destroyed the Statue of Liberty, I clicked "End" button to hide the menus, map and all. Well, the subtitles showed that Moskvin was talking, but I havent heard him. The in-game animation continued, and then... nothing. The game was continuing without ending.

In skirmish, if you press [end] to hide the HUD while finishing off the last opponent, you can keep the game active as long as you want. Pressing [end] again will allow the "victorious" message to appear and the "ow, you beat me" message from the AI.
Not sure how it works in the campaign.
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#25 V.Metalic

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Posted 05 April 2011 - 19:38

I tried it, but nothing happened.
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

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