It's possible that the stress on the airframe caused by the flight into the combat zone could have contributed to the mechanical failure or exacerbated an existing problem. Either way, it'd be hard to say what caused it if we don't know the actual failure. Anything said now is purely speculative.
Also, even if they stated the intent was to kill OBL, I believe that a small attempt was being made to take him alive. The US as we all know has the biggest stockpiles of heavy munitions in the world. If they purely wanted to erase him from the face of the Earth, what was wrong with sending in a drone armed with hellfires to blow his mansion to pieces? Or sending in a JDAM? Or Tomahawk?
If they really wanted to kill him off with no attempt to capture, I think they have far safer alternatives.
The fact that they sent in the SEALs should tell you that they were trying to bring him in alive, if possible.
I won't say where, but I have been trained in situations like this, being a soldier myself, and if an armed person demonstrates hostile intent we are allowed to use anything up to lethal force to prevent them from causing harm. If they demonstrate a hostile
action, then we are trained to use nothing less than lethal force to stop them.
And all of this is for security operations only. In a combat zone, protecting yourself and friendlies around you is your main priority. If you are expected to capture someone then you would be equipped for the purpose. E.g. Tear Gas, Flash Bangs, or even Tranqs or Stun weapons. If not, and you have no means to do so, then simply put, you complete your mission any other way possible whilst protecting yourself and those around you.
If it means bringing every armed combatant in sight down, then so be it.
When you've been placed in a combat situation before or have been trained for it before, then I think you're qualified to talk about the whys and hows of combat. If you're not, you're basically talking about something you don't know and it leads to nasty confrontations to people on the forums if they're more in the know or even if they're speculating just as much as you are.
What I'm sharing with everyone here is mainly to keep everything civil. Let's not lock horns over this.
My views on this? I think it is an eyebrow raiser that they dumped his body into the sea so fast before any photos or confirmations for the general public could be made. All we know about this is what was said.
If I was asked to speculate, I'd say it could even be an extraction (remembering that OBL was trained by the CIA to raise Mujahideen fighters to combat the Soviets way back when). But I doubt I could ever prove any of this so I'd leave it at that.
Edited by CoLT, 03 May 2011 - 13:27.