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Minecraft Server Settlement Information

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#1 Hobbesy

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 23:02

*Cartograph Image Coming Soon, Maybe*

Here's a nice little thread where you can put fluff/story bits on your city or settlements! Be sure to include your coordinates (Press F3 and get the x & y for your position to get this!) so we can all see what you've built!

I'll go first, I suppose.

My city in the making is the United Socialist Minecraft Republic, or the U.S.M.R.

It starts with the huge bridge near the spawn hut, at coordinates (-49,69), and currently ends at the island where this bridge ends. The U.S.M.R. was founded by me and my friend Bored on another server with the simple idea of everyone sharing everything. Nowhere else does this hold truer than the main apartment, which also doubles as the main greeting building. Each apartment slot is free, and comes with two beds per room. Each room has been well furnished with a crafting table, a small chest, and a furnace. There are no taxes, but everyone is expected to keep excess items in the main storage room on the first floor of the apartment.

Residents in the U.S.M.R. are urged to ask Hobbesy on what to construct if they feel the urge to do so, as there is a delicate plan for how the island will be laid out in the future.

Edited by Hobbesy, 18 May 2011 - 02:53.

#2 Kaido

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Posted 17 May 2011 - 06:33

As a news bulletin, The Subway of Tha funk (Formerly known as The Republic) has been finished of constructing. You can start at Visions house(-185, -235) and end up at Tha funk (-591 -602) or the other way around. So come on to the new line!

Edited by Drag#!, 17 May 2011 - 06:34.

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