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Right, that's us then!

Hobbesy's Photo Hobbesy 25 Jul 2011

This might come as a slight shock to some of you (ohoho, I'm sure!), but I've chosen to give up my post as an admin here. It really seems like I've only just arrived compared to the length of time that many of my peers have been admins, but I'm afraid that simply doesn't change the fact that I have to be leaving. After all, I'm afraid that I'm not just pushing off the administrative duties that have been given to me, but I'm also going to be leaving the forums and I quite simply have no idea when I'll return. There are many reasons for my sudden absence, and quite a few of them I won't share due to the fact that some members he wouldn't take very well to them.

First and foremost, Tuesday I sign up for my classes at the university I'll be going to. I'm hopefully going to be taking computer science related courses. I've come to realize there aren't very many things in life that I put very much effort into other than the internet, and I honestly believe I can become a better person if I change this. For once in my life, I've decided to give something the best I have to offer, and to pour my heart and soul into it. Second, I'm likely going to try and make an indie game with a friend of mine. This isn't a very good reason for leaving, mind, but with university taking up most of my other time, I probably won't be able to do much as an admin! Of course, that's saying I did a lot in the first place, which to tell the truth, I really didn't, but maybe this will offer a chance for someone to take my place and get something done around here, eh?

I'd really like to thank all of you who have been here, you're all probably the finest bunch of internet gentlemen I've ever ran into. It's cheesy to think of it, but Fallout Studios has changed my outlook on many things, and indeed, my entire life! I likely wouldn't be where I was today if circumstances and fate hadn't led me to buying Generals one day in a shop, which led me to looking for a good mod to play after I'd exhausted most of it. There's also the many members and staff I've gotten to known, some who I would consider as close to me as the friends I have in real-life.

I can't say for sure if I'll ever return, or if FS will even be around when I one day decide to get around to it, but I'll surely stay on Steam and MSN.

Most people leave a song at the end of posts like this one that's sad, but I don't roll that way. I want to go out dancing the Carlton!

Edited by Hobbesy, 25 July 2011 - 03:10.

CJ's Photo CJ 25 Jul 2011

And so, another legend dies :(
Well, good luck on your endeavors Hobbes, and I hope you'll still visit FS from time to time, even though you said the opposite.

You will be remembered, comrade! (Well, at least by me :P )

Destiny's Photo Destiny 25 Jul 2011


I see.

Yes, exactly what I said on Steam. :P

deltaepsilon's Photo deltaepsilon 25 Jul 2011

That was a quick run, eh?

Admiral FCS's Photo Admiral FCS 25 Jul 2011

"When its sleep ends, Razgriz rises again."

Even though we weren't on the best of terms, I sincerely hope you make your life fantastic and amazing, good luck out there! :P

General's Photo General 25 Jul 2011

You have an invisible rope connected to the LPTPW and this forum, you eventually return, atleast I hope :lol: Good luck with life :P

Raven's Photo Raven 25 Jul 2011

Good luck mate. Also looking forward to hear more about your indie proj :P.

Warlock's Photo Warlock 25 Jul 2011

I wish you luck, and I hope you come back one day :P

Krieger22's Photo Krieger22 25 Jul 2011

I wish you the best of luck in life, and don't forget to come back! :P

Pav:3d's Photo Pav:3d 25 Jul 2011

Its a shame you're leaving Hobbesy :P Good luck in your computer science courses

Chyros's Photo Chyros 25 Jul 2011

Another one bites the dust :P . Good luck at university mate - though I'd have to point out that my housemate who does computer science did inform me that the course has one of the fewest amount of college hours of any course :lol: .

Nid's Photo Nid 25 Jul 2011

Take care my good friend. No doubt we will continue to stay in contact over facebook, and steam. It's been an honour to be your friend here at FS though, and it made me proud to have seen a friend rise from blue member all the way to admin, and a shame to see you leave for the gold member spot.

Rich19's Photo Rich19 25 Jul 2011

Best of luck with everything mate. You've been one of the reasons FS is such a great bunch of people, and you'll be sorely missed around here. I trust you'll stay in contact through facebook etc?

SquigPie's Photo SquigPie 25 Jul 2011

Well, sucks to hear. I'll probably still see you around somewhere. (You won't get rid of me that easily).

Can I be admin now? :P

Wizard's Photo Wizard 25 Jul 2011

Another member joins the golden ranks!!

You will be missed mate so we hope that you will still lurk moar! Thanks for everything. :P

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 25 Jul 2011

Goodluck with university Hobbes, though as your going to be in first year its really quite the cakewalk, It's more about enjoying yourself than working, though the states may have a different system.

TheDR's Photo TheDR 25 Jul 2011

When I joined this forum you were the first guy that I chatted to and we have become good friends over the years.

I know you will do great at Uni and I'm glad you are going to focus and put all your effort into it. I also know you won't leave this place for good, or at least I hope you won't, as its just not going to be the same place without you.

Good luck in the world of tomorrow! Today!

n5p29's Photo n5p29 25 Jul 2011

aww... another one left. it's quieter here now. D:
well, life still must go on. good luck with the uni Hobb.

Dutchygamer's Photo Dutchygamer 25 Jul 2011

"Unit lost!"
We are losing them fast lately. Are they bailing the sinking ship or am I just paranoid :P
Anyways, good luck with University mate :lol:

Dauth's Photo Dauth 25 Jul 2011

Later Hobbesy, good luck at uni.

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 01 Aug 2011

And the cruel University belly devours another! It isn't always easy to take these decisions Sean. Best of luck with your studies :rotfl: