And then they announced a sequel recently, called Syndicate.
I was in heaven.
For five seconds.
Then I found out it was going to be a first-person shooter instead of a third-person tactical. And that all pictures of it featured seemingly bland weapons you'd find in armies TODAY; mainly bullet weapons. None of the crazy stuff you could find in Syndicate Wars (e.g. the very first weapon you would acquire in Syndicate Wars was a minigun no less, everything after that was pretty much completely insane). To a big fan, even slight deviations are complete heresy of course, so I didn't hold out much hope for this at all. I was ready to give up on it completely, seeming like just another FPS fix to squeeze money out of players.
But MW3 was boring, so now I have no FPS games anymore. And now, there's some videos. And they appear to be quite interesting.
And it will feature 4-player co-op:
Now it is based on the Frostbite 2 engine which is why the looks are so below-par (and it makes it sound like it will feature projectile bullets D:!) and why it has such annoying battlefield sounds everywhere all the time but to my delight you're still in service of Eurocorp, with 4 agents with the trademark long leather jackets they yoinked from Syndicate Wars and put in The Matrix, and it still features a few classic bonkers weapons such as the Pulse Laser, Electron Mace and even some kind of weapon that fires target-seeking bullets like the ZF-1 Replay titanium recharger from the Fifth Element. So PERHAPS... there is still hope after all

What do you guys think?
Edited by Chyros, 19 January 2012 - 22:02.