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Borderlands 2

Any one playing this?

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#26 General

    Rude, but fair

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 17:33

View PostWizard, on 26 March 2013 - 15:56, said:

View PostGeneral, on 26 March 2013 - 11:49, said:

10$ ? seriously? :duh: it is golden age for game companies, now they've found a way to rob gamers big time. DLCs...


Robbery: the felonious taking of the property of another from his or/her person or in his or her immediate presence, against his or her will, by violence or intimidation.

Unless someone forces you to buy it, it is NOT robbery.

You are right, but still fans of the game will jump to it, then will think why they gave that much money to a content which doesn't worth it :P It is not robbery yes but we can call it abuse, abusing the fans of the game, as they are sure people addicted to the game will buy it anyway ;)

#27 Wanderer

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 19:25

I don't completely agree on the current DLC-fest that is going on. It does feel like they are selling parts of the games to us as DLC. But then again, if making DLC's are making them money and we get games like Borderlands, I'm not complaining (too much). It's abit like the problem of P2W that free-to-play games have. They need to find the balance between the game and DLC.

to the topic:

Gearbox is also making dlc that raises the lvl cap by 10 levels. Free for ppl with season pass and for others 5$ if I remember right. Also a new difficulty-level coming, free for all who have borderlands 2

Edited by Wanderer, 26 March 2013 - 19:30.

#28 MR.Kim

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:20

Actually, it will increase level cap 61.

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