Ok, here is an updated version.
Several changes:
- Magazine shifted to left side of breech to allow ejector to hinge to the right in order to allow expended cartridges to fall back.
- Magazine now has an in-built ramp that collects and holds the next round.
- Added additional supports for the magazine.
- Added blast shield.
- Increased the height of the turret support to allow the gun to actually elevate. (Previous maximum elevation was 18 degrees, which is quite useless for an AA gun. Now increased to 45 degrees.)
- Increased breech distance from the turret support to prevent it clipping into the center support when elevating.
Additional Notes:
- I realise that the ready round is currently defying gravity in the 2nd render. I'm sorting that out now.
Overall, it looks beefier now but I think maybe the magazine still appears too flimsy but then again I'm not sure how to make it seem more "attached".
Render #1
Render #2
MobiusOne, on 04 September 2012 - 15:52, said:
I am a big fan of the 88 good to see it in action

Although it is a 88 like you said it does not really have that feel though. Maybe its just me. And are you maybe including also an Anti Tank version for defence purposes? Or even as a Mobile artillery since the Germans used them for almost everything.
It's supposed to be a "modernised" AA gun that is a descendant of the original 88 so it does share some of the key design features such as that muzzle break and the turret support. Also the breech is pretty similar (or at least, it looks that way to me). However, it's not supposed to resemble it exactly.
I did consider using it as an AT gun at first for the same reason that you mentioned, however, I want to add more variety to the faction so I'm planning something else for that role. Stay tuned