Some of you may or may not remember when I first joined FS way back in '07, but it was a vastly different place back then, with a core concentration on Shockwave, from where pretty much everything started. Since joining, I do believe I've done almost everything FS has had to offer me - I've moderated the wiki, moderated the forums, beta-tested for several different projects, written lore for others, administrated the entire community, paid for servers, and, of course, reliably cocked up a few times too. However, I like to think that for the most part, I have played my part in making a worthwhile contribution to FS.
However, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and it is therefore, with a slight amount of regret, that I choose to resign my post as an admin on FS. The reasons for this are several, however, the most important reason is due to starting a new, full-time job in London - I no longer have the spare time to run the administration of this community effectively, even on the perhaps more limited capacity that is required these days. It's not a particularly great feeling, but I know that I will be unable to fulfill my required functions.
And therefore, I bid you fine folks adieu. However, I am not gone for good, and will still certainly check in on the forums on a semi-regular basis. You can't get rid of me that easy! I shall, as they say, go my own way

AJ, out.