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Endless Space

4x TBS Space

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#1 Sharpnessism

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Posted 24 January 2013 - 17:33

Pretty good 4x space TBS game, definitely one of the better ones I've played that has been released in recent times. Most reviews of the game I've found online/on Youtube have been of the alpha version of the game, the current version is better polished than that in terms of gameplay/AI.

Pros: Sleek UI, good eye candy, no in-game bugs (so far that I've encountered), good control scheme, they even have AI governors to run planets for you (if you are not one that likes to manage many planets/star systems). Nice-ish community.There is strong dev team-community interaction, the developers/community manager actually post and respond to some design ideas and they often poll to implement new ideas into the game. Best of all they're still releasing new content/patching free of charge, at least until an expansion pack. Pretty cheap at GreenManGaming for $12 right now, it's 50% off and 20% off with their voucher. Strong gameplay/graphics/developers :)

Cons: Enemy AI is alright, nothing spectacular, probably best to play with other people at some point when you can beat the hardest AI (not to say AI is weak though). For now there is no "espionage/spy" features but I suspect they'll be implemented at a later date. No campaigns (most 4x games tend to skip this part nowadays). Relatively "new", so not many mods for the game right now aside from ones that enhance the current gameplay/add a few new factions. Mediocre MP activity, there are always some games up to join but you won't see hundreds of games waiting for players to join, so best to play with friends if you are looking for MP (also because there's no ladder system you will have people of very different skill levels). Nothing I would say is terrible.

Would recommend it to anyone looking for a modern 4x space game, or looking to introduce someone to the genre. Note combat is not real-time, it uses a card system of turns/phases.

Wiki: http://endlessspace....less_Space_Wiki
FAQ: http://forums.amplit...dless-Space-FAQ
Launch trailer:

Edited by Sharpnessism, 24 January 2013 - 18:23.

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#2 Raven

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 10:17

I am very tempted by this due to this being on steam sale today. Any other recommendations. I haven't played a 4X space game before, is this a good one to enter the genre?

#3 Sharpnessism

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Posted 17 July 2013 - 17:23

 Raven, on 12 July 2013 - 10:17, said:

I am very tempted by this due to this being on steam sale today. Any other recommendations. I haven't played a 4X space game before, is this a good one to enter the genre?

It's simpler compared to other space 4X games, which is a difficult genre to get into anyway. There will be an expansion soon though so it'd be better to wait for some sort of pack with both to come out. It's fun but the multiplayer is rather small, community is not that large because servers were messed up for a while. Currently SP has a mediocre AI but they're adding better AI in the expansion (more reason to wait).
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#4 Soul

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Posted 17 July 2013 - 18:08

The Expansion has already been released if you are referring to the Disharmony expansion.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#5 Raven

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 08:21

Thanks for the info..but I missed out on it and bought Tropico 4 instead :)

#6 Soul

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 18:46

Next time there is a free weekend for this game on Steam I'll give it a go since there is no demo like most games these days :(.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

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