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#1 Raven

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 04:39

I'm surprised that no one has bought this up here. Its one of the best FPS MP games I've played after COD4.

Did anyone else play the beta? I might buy the Origin version even though I hate EA and Origin.

Edited by Raven, 21 February 2014 - 04:40.

#2 General

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 07:20

I was't even aware it will come out for PC and then again i am not sure my specs will be enough for that :/

#3 Raven

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 07:52

What are your specs? I managed to play the beta on E6600 Core 2 Duo, 4gig RAM and 275GTX. These are the min requirements.
  • 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1
  • AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
  • 4GB RAM
  • 512MB VRAM, Radeon HD 4770 or GeForce 8800GT

I managed to play without any lag on 1920x1080 res with everything set to low, but I could even play with higher settings, since its MP i wanted the max FPS.

#4 General

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 07:57

Oh well then it will run fine on medium. But not sure about high, which somewhat ruins the best experience you could get :/

#5 Chyros

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 08:59

I dunno, I've seen footage of it, but it just doesn't pull me in very much. I could be very wrong, but it just doesn't look appealing to me - the gameplay looks like it's too easy to do everything and it looks bland for some reason. I might give it a go to rule it out, and again it might turn out I just find it a lot of fun to play, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be nothing for me.

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#6 Alias

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 09:22

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#7 General

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 09:33

A whole new level to auto-aim? :xD:

#8 Raven

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 10:57

Yeah that smart pistol kinda sucks, but its not easy to get a lock on...at least for me :)..btw that is a primary weapon...not a side arm :). A single lock on won't kill a player...but can kill a minion (bots).

The only that put me slightly off were the bots. Every MP game has only 6v6 humans, rest are AI bots. That sort of put me off, but having played COD n other shooters of the same template, this was a welcome change.

#9 TheDR

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 10:57

Wall jumping and jet packs seem like an excellent addition. Mechs however seem like a new game development fad and definitely don't deserve top billing.

It's the maps for me that look amazingly bland. An interview from RPS was extremely worrying and definitely put me off the game.


RPS: The tutorial in the version I played took place in a sci-fi space pod, and it seemed to suggest some pretty far-ranging story/setting possibilities. How varied will Titanfall’s locations be? Will any be particularly exotic or outlandish? So far, we’ve only seen fairly standard – though very nicely structured – city/nature levels.
Fukuda: There’s gonna be a variety of environments. One of the things that was tricky about this game was figuring out where people would focus their attention. What would they take at face value or for granted? We don’t want people going, “Why are there Titans? Why do people have wall-running? I don’t get that.” We want people to sit down and have it all click. “Of course they have wall-running! How else are you supposed to stay away from a Titan?” At that point you’ve already got them. They’re not thinking, “Why, why, why?” So one of the last things we want to do is add more potentials for distracting players like that.

So that meant a lot of discussions with artists, a lot of heated debates about how far to push the look of the levels. Should we make things look like an alien exotic world? No, that’s too crazy. People are gonna be totally distracted by that. So we’ve got coffee shops and cars with four wheels. Trees look like trees. There are stairs. It’s not super fancy high-tech. It’s a very relatable, grounded, used kind of future. It’s not futurism. We’re not predicting the future in any analytic, scientific way. It’s about making people say, “I get it.” Having that kind of gut reaction.

They use a poor excuse to limit the look and design of the game. No giant towers, no intresting arictechure. Just boring old normal town (I'd be all right with a few levels being set in the real world, but it would be nice to have some variety).
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#10 Raven

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Posted 24 February 2014 - 05:36

I agree on that. There were only 2 maps in the Beta, and one was as conventional it can be. Other one was of a destroyed colony or something, but I agree there was nothing special on that.

For I found the Titan combat a lot more satisfying. It adds new twist to the game play and it sort of replaces the killstreak rewards.

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