TheDR, on 13 March 2015 - 01:58, said:
-we have weapon check animations, if your weapon is full and you reload you'll play them. each weapon has more then one just for fun

- each perk has their own backup knife and grenade.
- on Steam Early Access release we're starting with 4 perks, then soon after adding in the other perks. Our release wont be full of bugs but will have a subset of content and highly polished. We're doing this so that we can tune it to perfection and get the game in your hands sooner!! KF2 is a very ambitious game so we didn't want the first release to have everything in it with bugs and unpolished content.
-The AR15 (9mm) is commando's starting weapon and the Bullpup is his tier 2 weapon

Also, forgot to say, glad to see they got rid of the first wave. Should make the game much more well-flowing and faster into the action.
Edited by Chyros, 13 March 2015 - 09:02.