Posted 12 June 2006 - 15:07

Posted 12 June 2006 - 15:36
I Will Help Him Makin his new mod

Posted 12 June 2006 - 21:54
ninja sorry for killing lol
Edited by KingOfWar, 12 June 2006 - 23:32.

Posted 12 June 2006 - 23:00
KingOfWar, on 12 Jun 2006, 21:54, said:
Your last setence just killed 5 english teachers.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 08:24

Oh and MisterNinja Shuttup ok? English is not some peoples 1st language so they dont have a very good grasp of it. It'd be the same way if i had to use dutch around this forum all the time.
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 13 June 2006 - 08:26.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 08:26

No coding experince, no uvwrapping experince, no 3d modeling experince, no particle editing experince, no map scripting experince, no ai experince. you talk about two mods, you never named them and you dont know how to upload images to the internet. i really really find it hard to belive that your are experienced.
i am all for supporting budding modders but i like supporting those who want to work on it and not have other people work on it for them. i have had my share of unexperinced modders getting you into their mod just to bail on you because they couldnt handle it. Before you start a team make sure you have the resources to complete it. otherwise you will be criminally wasting other peoples time too.
Do what ion did. work on it for a few months and get results.
Do what cozmoisme is doing. he is working on his own mod and he started with no knowledge at all and he is at a pretty good stage now.
Asking people for help is ok but leading them on with false hope isnt.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 12:32
We can Help Each Other To make This Mod Work , Even if the leader wasnt so experienced I dont Think That someone was Created Experienced So After Few Months King Of War Will Be Good
Edited by abourror, 13 June 2006 - 12:34.

Posted 13 June 2006 - 13:11
i start moding a few years ago my first atemps was realy shity ones but with the time past i start to be beter and beter and i larn new things like uv maping texturing and alot new teachniks of modeling
and i joind to rotr & sw mods after a few time i gothered more expiriance and start my own mod
my english not so good eather
teck a big joint :frietmet: and relax
Posted 13 June 2006 - 22:01

Edited by KingOfWar, 13 June 2006 - 22:03.

Posted 13 June 2006 - 22:06
What kind of pics do you want from me?
Posted 13 June 2006 - 22:08

Posted 13 June 2006 - 22:16
Two of my less adventurous models
Edited by Kobra, 13 June 2006 - 22:17.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 22:39

Posted 13 June 2006 - 23:05
u use 3ds max 8 and if not i could get it for free for u
Edited by KingOfWar, 13 June 2006 - 23:05.

Posted 13 June 2006 - 23:38
Ion Cannon!, on 13 Jun 2006, 08:24, said:

Oh and MisterNinja Shuttup ok? English is not some peoples 1st language so they dont have a very good grasp of it. It'd be the same way if i had to use dutch around this forum all the time.
I was just making a joke, its not that big of a deal. I personally wouldn't be offened if someone lightly made fun of my language skills if I was speaking a different language. Buuuuuuut obviously you are. To each his own.
Posted 14 June 2006 - 00:41

Posted 14 June 2006 - 07:28
Here is My Email and I have a messenger :
Edited by abourror, 14 June 2006 - 07:31.

Posted 14 June 2006 - 07:59
KingOfWar, on 14 Jun 2006, 03:31, said:
my problem is that you are making tall claims about working on two mods. you have never named them. just a few days ago you did not even have 3dsmax and did not even know what programs to use. And if you had prior modding experience you would know that a forum is a vital tool. i seriously have never met a modder who doesnt know how to use a a forum. All i am asking for is to see your work so people dont get sucked in with false hopes. it happened to a few other people in the past and i am just watching out for the interest of other people.
Also you do know our anti warez policy so any more comments like this one
out it the open and there will be consequences.
Also you do know that for zero hour you cant skin or uvwrap models in 3dsmax. you need to do that in renx gmax. because the you cant export materials from 3dsmax to gmax to .w3d.
Edited by prophet of the pimps, 14 June 2006 - 08:00.
Posted 14 June 2006 - 08:42

Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:33
Mister_Ninja, on 13 Jun 2006, 23:38, said:
Ion Cannon!, on 13 Jun 2006, 08:24, said:

Oh and MisterNinja Shuttup ok? English is not some peoples 1st language so they dont have a very good grasp of it. It'd be the same way if i had to use dutch around this forum all the time.
I was just making a joke, its not that big of a deal. I personally wouldn't be offened if someone lightly made fun of my language skills if I was speaking a different language. Buuuuuuut obviously you are. To each his own.
It doesn't bother me personally but im sick of tired of all the grammar police stuff thats all. And it doesn't offend me, but it does to other people. Thats why i said what i said.
Oh and i agree with POTP, KingOfWar from the questions you ask you obviously aren't an experienced modder. How can you have made 2 mods if you dont know how to use a forum. Dont know how to uvunwrap ect ect..
Posted 14 June 2006 - 11:09
abourror, on 14 Jun 2006, 14:12, said:
Best is the killasmods tuts.
if you wanna learn how to make skins then try the proclone tut.
i would start with kills tut and then move on to the proclone one.
if you wanna know more about material creation the check out the photoshop tuts on cncreneclips tuts.
Posted 14 June 2006 - 15:26
Only drawback is that some people might have to debug the models i make since they would have many after the exporting from Wings to 3dmax etc and then into wings files...
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