OMG! War at Wal-Mart!
Posted 29 September 2005 - 02:46

Posted 29 September 2005 - 18:23
*Just look at that maried couple.*

Posted 29 September 2005 - 20:46

Posted 30 September 2005 - 02:15
Posted 30 September 2005 - 11:13
I activate the truck using VOIP with the password zfg592. *truck says: Hello Killua, can I please join that battle with my defenses?*
I offcorse awnser yes. Then the truck starts to drive into the walmart building. Running over retry_1 and then it launces it defenses. More then 12000000 Volts are going trough retry_1's body.
Killua jumps into the truck and fires his EMP. And then he drives straigt for the computer hardware and starts to load all those parts into the truck.
for te people who dont believe this is possible.... I am working on a computer program that is voice activated that I can build into any vehicle so that the computer can react on my commands. And I think I am at 1% of the building. The plans lies here already. I only need the time to make it. It would be possible for that computer to drive solo to my location. And it will have a defense helicopter with infra red and heat cammera for security of car juglers. It will also have allot of defenses, AND IT CAN DRIVE ALL BY ITSELF

And before I hear any BS. This is possible. Almost all cars/trucks have cables inside them for power. So ther are also cables to controll the brakes, clutch, gas. So If i create a program that can use around 16 camera's I can let my truck drive by itself. And offcorse a helicopter can fly all by itself. I only have to implement something that will recognize the images sent back from the webcams. And something to controll all the tings. And a voice command module.
ATM I am building a car pc that will go into my car once I have my driving license.

Posted 30 September 2005 - 12:28
then run off screaming!!
Posted 30 September 2005 - 12:44
No that is what I call a haircut

Posted 30 September 2005 - 14:06
Posted 30 September 2005 - 15:34
I call the gang members :rocket:
A soon as they arrive they start robbing all the food products and other things. Letting only my truck unharmed since they know it has verry tough defenses. And there we are. No more things to trow no more things to get. And half of the forum members dead. Mano ie mano.
So what I do at that time. Is start my truck and I just run over BlackPhoenix

Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:03
killua's mufufufufu. as i crawed towards killua i notice the raw meats section and then woddled over there. then ran towards killua screaming
Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:06
Edited by renegade, 30 September 2005 - 17:06.
Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:10
Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:37
Edited by renegade, 30 September 2005 - 17:38.
Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:39
He hacks into the radio station that is playing music at wal mart and says.
Message for the death and the survivors.
Killua will be back.

Posted 30 September 2005 - 17:42
Edited by renegade, 30 September 2005 - 17:45.
Posted 30 September 2005 - 21:25
infra red detectors sound the alarm. And i activate my electronic fence. I pretend i aint home and I see that he wants to leave. He walks into the electronic fence and I can see him. His cloke is broken.
I start to laugh like dr evil and I press my doom button. 500 hungry dogs are running at renegade. Biting him allot. After 4 minutes I come out of my house with my good old security box. I open it next to the almost dead renegade and I revive him. Then I say. Not at my home. It hurts the image of my house. Only in the supermarket. So I send him home with his arm. And I hope I will see him the next day in the wal mart.
edit: if something is in pieces you cant revive it.

Edited by killua, 30 September 2005 - 21:27.

Posted 30 September 2005 - 21:55

Posted 01 October 2005 - 02:27
Edited by nexus1689, 01 October 2005 - 02:28.
Posted 01 October 2005 - 08:37
Edited by renegade, 01 October 2005 - 08:43.
Posted 01 October 2005 - 09:51

Posted 01 October 2005 - 17:18
and thanks for all that help renegade
Edited by nexus1689, 01 October 2005 - 17:18.
Posted 01 October 2005 - 17:26
nexus1689, on Oct 1 2005, 05:18 PM, said:
and thanks for all that help renegade
lucky enough I aint a girl ghe ghe ghe.
I am an assasin. So killing me wont be that easy. I will just activate my truck

Posted 01 October 2005 - 21:08
muhahaha who can resist a cookie?!?!
*finds a toy doll and eats the doll*
*slowly goes into the boys bathroom and locks bathroom door*
now that im alone in my secret layer! what eveil will i conjer up next?!?!

Posted 09 October 2005 - 05:52
wow, this is really fun...
yeah right....
walks over to retry_1 and everybody else, flicks their noses and walks away...
When you fall down and can no longer walk, you will hear the sound, the cry of the silv3r hawk
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