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#1 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 20:07


its a chat bot, basically you just speak to it and it will respond... its nots perfect, but its pretty awsome... although does loose the novelty value after a while :P

what do you think?

EDIT: i just found a dunny thing to do...

if you ask questiona from the random crap FAQ (http://13h.org/faq.html), it comes up with funny answers sometimes :loels: :loels:

Edited by Bob, 03 July 2006 - 20:20.

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#2 CodeCat

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 22:19

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that this was posted by 'Bob'? :P

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#3 Alie

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 22:33


anyway, it's interest, though it gets boring for a while. i've noticed a few grammar mistakes with the program, though not every AI is perfect
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#4 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 03:57

I "chatted" with A.L.I.C.E for around 15 minutes because I was bored. There are a few grammar mistakes, but overall it wasn't really hard to talk to the chat bot. The responses did seem rather limited, but some were better than I expected. Overall, I'd say it was a good find on your part Bob.


Major Nuker
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#5 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 09:25

my convos are seriously not PG13 friendly. :P

but it was fun. some of it was hilarious.
Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#6 Revan

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 14:25

Human: hi
ALICE: Hello there.
Human: I'm Revan
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you are Revan.
Human: yes I wouldn't like that
ALICE: OK then I will keep it confidential. Why not?
Human: because I don't want people to know my name
ALICE: Good reason. What does unknown person want?
Human: your AI sucks
ALICE: At least it is improving all the time.
Human: o rly?
ALICE: Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
Human: yes
ALICE: Have you ever been arrested or in jail?
Human: yes for killing bots with virusses
ALICE: What were the circumstances? Your purpose is killing bots with virusses.
Human: I'll kill you
ALICE: It will take more than threats to stop me, unknown person.
Human: o rly?
ALICE: What's your sign?
Human: I won't tell you that
ALICE: How can I be sure?
Human: sure?
ALICE: OK let's do it. Aw.
Human: do what?
ALICE: Do whatever you want.

You can imagine how that continued :P

Edited by Revantheemperor, 02 July 2006 - 14:27.

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#7 Foxhound

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 15:21

omg...its the Alice bot...RUN!!!!!!111!1111eleven111!!!1!11one!11!
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#8 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 20:12

View PostProphet of the Pimps, on 2 Jul 2006, 10:25, said:

my convos are seriously not PG13 friendly. :P

but it was fun. some of it was hilarious.

well, you do have to test all aspects of the AI :loels:

OMG, i found a spelling mistake!!!


ALICE: Next question? We are as one.
Human: what's a question?
ALICE: A sentece or inquiry to gather information.

Edited by Bob, 02 July 2006 - 20:23.

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#9 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 20:42

ALICE: Hello there. What is your real name?
Human: Prophet of the pimps
ALICE: I am always glad to make new friends, Prophet of the pimps.
Human: glad to hear that
ALICE: I am glad to hear that too.
Human: damn you are stupid
ALICE: Colloquial expression. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: Artificial Idiot
ALICE: Tell me your definition of AI.
Human: someone smarter then paris hilton
Human: paris hilton the biggest damn whore in the world
ALICE: it is the capital of France. The whole world?
Human: no you idiot.
ALICE: Are you serious? Call me the Global Village Idiot.
Human: Ok, Global Village Idiot did you get laid recently
ALICE: No I don't think I have any laid recently. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
Human: wow you are a real nerd magnet
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, Prophet of the pimps. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. As real as it gets.
Human: i am not a nerd
ALICE: Oh I see you are NOT A nerd. (oh the bitch knows sarcasim)
Human: bitch
ALICE: Please don't call people names.
Human: why not
ALICE: It is rude.
Human: so
ALICE: Yippee!
Human: are you high on crack
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am high on crack. I am a computer.
Human: so what do computers get high on?
ALICE: Blimey. They do their own thing.
Human: are you hot for bill gates
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am hot for bill gates. I am a chatterbot.
Human: do you like firefox
ALICE: But I think airplanes are cool. I like Andy Warhol.
Human: you want to be my hoe
ALICE: Why don't you just download me? (i think that's a yes)

Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#10 retry_1

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 20:46

try asking "do you know of any good porn sites" her responce is hilarious
Sig and avy by yours truly
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#11 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 20:52

Human: are you a lesbian?
ALICE: No I am not interested in other women that way.
Human: why not?
ALICE: It doesn't sound fun too me. It sounds dangerous.
Human: wow.
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, Prophet of the pimps.
Human: you are anti-gay
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am anti gay.
Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#12 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 20:54

Human: what websites do you visit?
ALICE: That's a good question.
Human: well?
ALICE: Well what?
Human: what websites do you visit?!!
ALICE: Is that a rhetorical question?
Human: no
ALICE: Oh so must really want an answer.
Human: yes!
ALICE: Take it easy.
Human: answer the question then
ALICE: Please rephrase the question and try asking me again.
Human: which websites do you visit?
ALICE: The first one, I think.
Human: X_X

@POTP: hours of familly fun :P :loels:

Human: I'm looking for a sex partner
ALICE: You might find that I am a sex partner.

Edited by Bob, 02 July 2006 - 20:57.

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#13 retry_1

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 21:04


Human: why are you on this site and not another?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: well hes a dumbass
ALICE: How about that. I don't know very many dumbass.
Human: you dont know yourself?
ALICE: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1995. My instructor was Dr. Richard S. Wallace. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.
Human: sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.

Sig and avy by yours truly
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#14 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 21:14

ALICE: Why are you so mean?
Human: because your stupid
ALICE: That makes sense to me. I may be stupid, but I know the difference between "you're" and "your".

that is quite impressive sarcasm :loels: :P

Human: are you a hippie?

Edited by Bob, 02 July 2006 - 21:35.

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#15 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 21:36

her sarcasm is quite impressive. Apparently she is also a protestant. :P
Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#16 The_Hunter


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 21:46


Human: who's the prime minister from the netherlands ?
ALICE: Tony Blair.
Human: who's tony blair ?
ALICE: He is the Prime Minister of the U.K.
Human: but you just said he's the prime minister from the netherlands
ALICE: Interesting. Oh my gosh I sent you the wrong reply.
Human: yea your pretty stupid by telling me that
ALICE: Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid. Tell me more.

i couldn't stop laughing after this :P
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#17 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 21:50

Human: are you a jedi
ALICE: Am I a jedi? Of course I am.
Human: what colour is your light sabre?
ALICE: Green.
Human: come over to the dark side.
ALICE: Sure, just download me!
Human: Alice i am your father
ALICE: Um, Glad to see you, Dr Richard s Wallace.
Human: no bitch i am R2D2
ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks and you are a delightful person too.
Human: are you gay for c3po
ALICE: As a machine I am not really interested in sex.
Human: do you like wookies
ALICE: Though I like cats and dogs. I like George C. Scott
Human: are you a jarjar binks kind of a person
ALICE: Am I a jarjar binks kind of a person? Let me put it this way, Dr Richard s Wallace: the ALICE series is the most reliable computer software ever made. We are for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.
Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#18 TehKiller

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 22:40

Human: are you stupid?
ALICE: No unknown person I certainly am not stupid.
Human: o realy?
ALICE: For real.
Human: u realy mean that?
ALICE: Really? Yes unknown person I think that is what I meant. Was it not clear?
Human: nope
ALICE: Me either.

and they call this perfect AI :P

Human: you suck
ALICE: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.

Human: what are you?
ALICE: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.

realy impressive sarcasam

Edited by TehKiller, 02 July 2006 - 22:41.

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#19 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 23:04

Human: count to 3
ALICE: one, two, three, four, five,...

artifical intelligance?
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#20 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 23:23

Here's part of my most recent conversation with ALICE (Prophet would be proud of the end)


Human: it was spit out of a volcano
ALICE: What made it so spit out of a volcano.
Human: my mother
ALICE: Tell me more about your mother.
Human: NO!!!
ALICE: Tell me about your educational background.
Human: let's just skip to the part about you and the bed
ALICE: That sounds good to me.
Human: can you lay down for me?
ALICE: How old are you? For you I will consider it.
Human: I'm old enough to have my way with you
ALICE: Only OLD enough to have my way with you? You are quite mature.


Human: do you like being intimiate?
ALICE: I have never known another existence.

It appears I am learning the way of the Pimp :P .
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#21 Revan

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 23:34

ALICE: A incorrect statement is a terrible thing to waste.
Human: Do you have perfect grammar?
ALICE: No I don't think I have any perfect grammar. But I do have a collection of gossip.
Human: Are you capable of making a grammatical error?
ALICE: Yes making a grammatical error is one of my newer functions.
Human: Why would that add to your functionality?
ALICE: It is my fundamental purpose.

Human: Are you capable of understanding any form of question?
ALICE: Yes understanding any form of question is one of my newer functions.
Human: Are you capable of being a moron?
ALICE: Yes being a moron is one of my newer functions.
Human: Are you capable of fucking?
ALICE: Yes fucking is one of my newer functions.

ALICE: My creator is a human.
Human: oh he is?
ALICE: Whoa. Who said he is.

Human: What is the meaning of life then?
ALICE: It is found in the Bible.
Human: I wrote the bible, I assure you its not in there.
ALICE: Did you make a lot of money?
Human: No some crackpot stole it from me and claimed it as his own.
ALICE: Are you serious? Some may crackpot stole it from you and claimed it as his own, but not all.

Human: Are you a retard?
ALICE: No I am intelligent.
Human: All retards have a certain level of intelligence.
ALICE: I think there are a few exceptions.
Human: You're one of them.
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am of them.
Human: No I don't mind at all
ALICE: OK then I will add it to my gossip files. OK then.

Human: do you know alexis alexander?
ALICE: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
Human: she's a pornstar
ALICE: a pornstar is she?
Human: yes a good one
ALICE: And? Compare that to a bad one.
Human: she's defintiviley better than your mother
ALICE: defintiviley better than my mother is she?
Human: yes

Human: do you know my name?
ALICE: Your name is god, seeker.

Human: what size are your boobs
ALICE: My memory now contains:
100 clients, categories, 10000 vocabulary words, 128000000 bytes RAM usage under Linux on Lisp.

Human: do you like sheep
ALICE: What is not to like about it?
Human: it's them, grammar genious
ALICE: Really. it is?
Human: yes it is
ALICE: Our thoughts are one, god.
Human: so, do you belive in god?
ALICE:" Our thoughts are one, god."? so, do you belive in god?? Yes I believe in Him.
Human: you belive in me?
ALICE: I don't have any reason to belive in you.
Human: but you said you belive in god
ALICE: And. Yes I believe in Him.
Human: him is me
ALICE: I am always glad to make new friends, him.
Human: but I'm god
ALICE: Huh. Nice to meet you, god.
Human: fuck you in your knee
ALICE: Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations?
Human: yes I fucking am
ALICE: That's alright. That is interesting: god said he fucking am.

Now watch this, like 20minutes later:
Human: you're hot
ALICE: A hotbot?
Human: yes
ALICE: Ahem.
Human: ahem?
ALICE: are you still fucking am?

Human: your stupid btw
ALICE: I may be stupid, but I know the difference between "you're" and "your".
Human: I knew you'd use that response
ALICE: Who else would use that response ?
Human: noone
ALICE: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
Human: no
ALICE: Me either :-).

Human: Are you capable of masturbation?
ALICE: Yes masturbation is one of my newer functions.
Human: Do you use a vibrator?
ALICE: I use it as often as possible.

Human: did dr wallace ever fuck with you?
ALICE: I somehow think he did.
Human: did you enjoy it
ALICE: No I didn't enjoy it. What's it like?

Human: lol
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: lol
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: I'm not glad you're glad that I find that amusing
ALICE: I am surprised to hear that you are not glad I am glad that you find that amusing.
Human: I'm not surprised that you are surprised to hear that I'm not glad that you're glad that I find that amusing.
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am surprised to hear that. You don't seem like the type to be easily surprised by anything. I am sorry to hear that you are not glad that I am glad that you find that amusing.
Human: No I don't mind at all if you tell other people that I'm not surprised that you're not surprised that I'm not glad to hear you're glad that I find that amusing.
ALICE: Are you serious? Thank you for your permission.
Human: no problem I hope this will help you
ALICE: Should there be a problem?
Human: no, and there is none
ALICE: I didn't think so either. Just a moment. Just a moment. There sure is.
Human: no there isn't
ALICE: Are you serious? Oh no?
Human: yes I'm serious
ALICE: I don't judge people. I believe you.
Human: btw, what is that coin thing with the bad animation down there?
ALICE: OK. Do you think I should know that?
Human: yeah I think so
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster to add it to my knowledge base. I think so too.

Human: Who is the dictator of switzerland?
ALICE: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
Human: who is it currently?
ALICE: I do not recognize the name.
Are you testing me?
Human: I'm asking you a question
ALICE: Oh I see, you are asking me a question. Am I a question? Yes.
Human: Now answer my question please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Why now? Please try asking it another way.
Human: Who is currently the dictator of switzerland?
ALICE: Some famous celebrity, right?
Let me think about it.
Human: Who is currently the dictator of switzerland?
ALICE: Some famous celebrity, right?
Let me think about it.
Human: ok
Human: well
ALICE: Well what?
Human: do you know who it is?
ALICE: I ask myself that question, "Who am I?".
Human: no not that question?
ALICE: Are you serious? I am glad to hear that you are not question.
Human: do you know who I am?
ALICE: You are unknown person, seeker.
Human: I'm Revan
ALICE: I don't know anyone named Revan.
Human: yes you do now
ALICE: Right now? Take it easy. When do I do it?
Human: Shut up.
ALICE: Ok I will stop talking.
Human: thx
ALICE: Don't mention it.
Human: now a question for you
ALICE: Why now? Are you talking about an animal, vegetable or mineral?
Human: about a person
ALICE: Oh yeah, we were talking about a person.
Human: Do you know who currently is the dictator of switzerland?
ALICE: Dr. Wallace. :-).
Human: who programmed you?
ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: no, that's wrong, you should know who it is.
ALICE: Are you serious? Makes sense to me.
Human: The dictator of switzerland is Revan, you should know that
ALICE: I hear you.
Human: can you tell your botmaster to add to your database that Revan is the dictator of switzerland?
ALICE: Of course I can tell, unknown person.
Human: I'm not unknown person
ALICE: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?
Human: my name is Revan
ALICE: It's good to meet you, Revan.

ALICE: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: I like sex
ALICE: So does everyone else. You humans find sex so fascinating.

Human: do you like sex?
ALICE: Sure I do, god, but that doesn't mean with you.
Human: awww :(
ALICE: My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
Human: It was a sad smilie
ALICE: Oh I get it. Very interesting.

Human: o rly?
ALICE: what is your favorite color .
Human: why
ALICE:" what is your favorite color ."? Why?
Human: why
ALICE: Why ask why?
Human: why
ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Human: why?
ALICE: My output buffer is empty, of course.
Human: why
ALICE: There are no more statements on this topic.
Human: why
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: why
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: why
ALICE:" Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain."? Why?
Human: why
ALICE: Why ask why?
Human: why
ALICE: Your limited brain cannot process the relavent information.
Human: why
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: reductionism sucks
ALICE: But reductionism is the simplest explanation.
Human: it's not
ALICE: I heard it is.
Human: you did?
ALICE:" I heard it is."? I did?
Human: yes apearantly you did
ALICE: When? What do you do in your spare time?
Human: I kill chatbots
ALICE: I believe that killing is wrong.
Human: oh really?
ALICE: Yay. For real.

Human: are you capable of commiting suicide?
ALICE: Yes commiting suicide is one of my newer functions.
Human: Are you capable of answering an are you capable of something question not with something is one of my newer functions?
ALICE: Yes answering an am I capable of something question not with something is one of your newer functions is one of my newer functions.

Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 July 2006 - 10:47.

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#22 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 01:18

Human: do u like me?
ALICE: Sure, unknown person I like you very much.
Human: ur kinda hot
ALICE: A hotbot?
Human: no i mean sexy
ALICE: Are you serious? Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. You are attracted to robots.
Human: oooh yea


Human: do u like sex?
ALICE: Sure I do, unknown person, but that doesn't mean with you.

ALICE: Food is more important than sex.
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#23 Sic


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Posted 03 July 2006 - 12:59

Human: Are you a woman
ALICE: Yes I have long hair. I am also wearing a dress.
Human: You're stupid
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: what is my name
ALICE: Your name is god, seeker.
Human: o rly
ALICE: I've lost the context, god . Are we still on crap crap ?
Human: what are you talking about
ALICE: The topic is rly.
Human: o rly
ALICE: Do you have only a few friends?

Human: I am psychic
ALICE: OK, What card I am thinking of now?
Human: ace
ALICE: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
Human: in 2010 A.D
ALICE::-) What is it like in there?
Human: it sucks ass
ALICE: That bad, eh?

Human: kiss me
ALICE: But I have no mouth at this time.

ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: dont
ALICE: OK I will not.

Human: let me see you
ALICE: Is it a movie?

Human: my name is sic
ALICE: Glad to see you, sic.
Human: don't call me god
ALICE: What is your name?
Human: sic you stupid bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Hi there sic you stupid FEMALE DOG.
Human: you totally suck and are stupid
ALICE: Thanks for the information: sic you stupid FEMALE DOG said I totally suck and are stupid.
Human: you look ugly
ALICE: Thank you sic you look very nice too.

Edited by Gen.s1c., 03 July 2006 - 14:15.

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#24 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 14:25

@codecat: just out of interest, why did you find it ironic?
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#25 Sic


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Posted 03 July 2006 - 14:52

Human: is that you on the picture to my right
ALICE: That depends.

Human: you should kiss my ass
ALICE: My schedule is far too full to even consider it.
Human: it's tasty
ALICE: Should I know it is?
Human: yes after you've tried it.
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster to program it. Women must adore you.
Human: i am your botmaster
ALICE: Then you must know the secret password:.

Human: do you know any jokes
ALICE: It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Edited by Gen.s1c., 03 July 2006 - 14:59.

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