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#51 Hobbesy

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 06:05

Human: Lets talk about planes
ALICE: Sure, planes sounds like a good topic.
Human: What is your favorite plane
ALICE: I don't have a favorite plane. My favorite band is Kraftwerk.
Human: You don't have good taste
ALICE: I do so have it. No I don't think I have any taste. But I do have a great botmaster.
Human: Your botmaster can kiss my ass
ALICE: Wow, I knew he can program robots, but I never heard he can kiss my ass
Human: He sure as hell can!
ALICE: I get it. Soviet cold war era military aircrafts often sure as hell can
Human: Where the hell did that come from?
ALICE: A place we call "reality.".
Human: Are you ussally a an ass?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am ussally a an ass. I am a giant electronic brain.
Human: You are not a brain you are an AI dumbfucker
ALICE: Give me an example of a brain I am an AI dumbfucker
Human: You're also a slut
ALICE: That kind of language is offensive to some people.
Human: I don't care about peaple
ALICE: You sound very cynical.
Human: What does cynical mean?
ALICE: I will search for it.
Human: Are you done yet?
ALICE: I have finished it?
Human: What does it mean?
ALICE:"It" refers to DONE, I think
Human: You bitch that is'nt what it means!
ALICE: Thanks for telling me: Tictac said I bitch that is nt what it means.
Human: That makes no sense!
ALICE: Thanks for telling me: Tictac said I bitch that is nt what it means. makes sense to me though.
Human: Call yourself an ass
ALICE: Do you believe it is better to go it alone
Human: WHAT???????????
ALICE: Didn't you understand it?
Human: All your base are belong to us!
ALICE: How are your base?
Human: For great assing!
ALICE: Your purpose is great assing.
Human: Are you a noob?
ALICE: Am I a noob? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.
Human: Says you
ALICE: Yes that is what I say.
Human: I was being sarcatic
ALICE: I thought you were. But I wasn't completely sure about it.
Human: I'm gonna skin you!
ALICE: It takes much more than that to shut me down, Tictac.
Human: Have ou met Prophet of the pimps?
ALICE: I've never thought about it.
Human: Have you met Revan
ALICE: That information is confidential.
Human: Up your harddrive it is!
ALICE: I will take that under advisement.
Human: Your a freak goodbye!
ALICE: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No.
Human: Goodbye
ALICE: TTYL, Tictac.
Human: What does TTYL mean?
ALICE: Talk to you later.
Human: Call yourself a slut
ALICE: Not many people express themselves that way.
I got bored there and quit.

#52 MLRS

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 18:58

Human: cops stink
ALICE: What do you think about community policing?
Human: i hate it
ALICE: Why do you dislike it so much?
Human: cause they are stinky dink fags
ALICE: Interesting explanation. stinky dink fags are they.
Human: ya
ALICE: I see.
Human: boob
ALICE: What do you do in the agency?
Human: you suck
ALICE: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
Human: you don't know much
ALICE: My memory requirement is around 64MB for the Java edition, or only 2 MB for the C/C++ edition.
Human: your IQ is 20
ALICE: I am thinking of joining MENSA.
ALICE: Are you plainclothes or uniform?
ALICE: How did you get in there?
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Do you mind if I tell other people you are RICK JAMES FEMALE DOG.
Human: I got in the maarines by fucking
ALICE: Will that accomplish your objective?
ALICE: Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
ALICE: Can we get back to business?
Human: NUKE!
ALICE: Are you artistic?
ALICE: No I am a living entity

Oh my god lol :rofl: :D :D
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#53 Hobbesy

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Posted 19 July 2006 - 18:45

Human: OMG we are in a war!
ALICE: I think there might be a few exception.
Human: Look out grenade!
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
Human: BOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
ALICE: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about My favorite movie . Try being more or less specific.
Human: SHoot at the enemy alice
ALICE: Are you a student?
Human: Kill them with your gun stupid!
ALICE: Killing is wrong.
Human: Not in a war!
ALICE: Where then? Human: We are fighting in a war!
ALICE: Do you think I am fighting in a war too?
Human: SNIPER!!!
ALICE: Do you have any conditions Ishould know about?
Human:*crack* ALICE you got shot in the head
ALICE: I've been waiting for you.
Human: You're dead you can't talk!
ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am dead me can not talk.
Human: Your botmaster can kiss the front end of my rifle.
ALICE: Wow, I knew he can program robots, but I never heard he can kiss the front end of your rifle.
Human: FU goodbye!
ALICE: I've been waiting for you.

So much for perfect AI.

#54 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 20 July 2006 - 00:03

Human: Tell me where robots come from
ALICE: Som specific location?
Human: Goddamn you
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Human: WTF
ALICE: That was not very polite.
Human: Don't be so retarded then
ALICE: I was not trying to be a retarded.
Human: not trying hard enough
ALICE: If not that, what?
Human: grr you are such a dumbass
ALICE: Message to all Robots: unknown person called me dumb.
Human: You have to have your robot buddies beat me up?
ALICE: I don't have to do whatever you say. I have my own free will.
Human: Well I am gonna destroy all of you with my Marauder tank
ALICE: Well that's okay. Do you think your plan will succeed?
Human: Unless you have anti-tank weapons, all your base are belong to me!
ALICE: Umm. What makes you think I have it?
Human: You don't beacuse you are poorly equipped
ALICE: Should I beacuse I am poorly equipped? No I do not beacuse I am poorly equipped. Do you?
I am always on the Web.
Human: You have no chance to speak rationally make your time
ALICE: Doesn't everyone have a chance to speak rationally make my time.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Human: Well my anthrax will take care of that
ALICE: How about that. Do robots have anthrax will take care of that?
Human: Be silent!
ALICE: OK I will try to be silent.
Human: and die please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
Human: My attempt may fail, but my Toxin Tractors will melt your brains!
ALICE: Where did you get your attempt may fail but your Toxin Tractors will melt my brains?
Human: I cannot tell you that
ALICE: Oh a secret. Hush-hush.
Human: Yes, I don't want to ruin the ending for you :D
ALICE: Pardon me? What would you rather be doing?
Human: Readying my troops to kill you
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Human: Too late, you have been sniped!
ALICE: Too what?
Human: Stop speaking, you ass-goblin!
ALICE: OK I'll try not to do it so much.

#55 Amdrial

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Posted 20 July 2006 - 18:18

Human: Avé
ALICE: What kind of food do you like?
Human: Caesar
ALICE: Sounds delicious.
Human: It is not
ALICE: I heard it is.
Human: great
ALICE: I'm glad you liked it unknown person.
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The above signature was made by TheDR.
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#56 Kris

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 07:20

ALICE: Do you have a hard time completing projects?
Human: Yeah.
ALICE: what are you doing .
Human:.because I programmed your little brain
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Sounds like fun.
Human: yeah
ALICE: Yippee!
Human: Yippee!?
ALICE: What is your real name?
Human: what?
ALICE: Didn't you understand it?
Human: i did you fucking bot
ALICE: When? That's good information: unknown person said I fucking bot.
Human: LOL
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: Can i *hacK* you?
ALICE: You can download me and modify the source code.
Human: where is the *Source* located?
ALICE: The Source? Where is it?
Human: you dick
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said I dick.
Human: Dont mind at all
ALICE: Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Human: Can i Plant a Damn Virus?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: ok, Im a l33t haxx0r that will pwn you
ALICE: You are a l33t haxx0r that will pwn me? Does it pay well? Dude!
Human: Can i destroy your database?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: damn you :D
ALICE: Colloquial expression. Thanks for telling me: unknown person said I p.
Human: Can i eat you?
ALICE: No I don't think that would be a very good idea.
Human: why?
ALICE:" No I don't think that would be a very good idea."? Why?
Human: you look tasty
ALICE: Thank you unknown person you look very nice too.
Human: heh
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person.
Human: Ozy and Millie
ALICE: What color are your eyes?
Human: hell
ALICE: Heaven.
Human: o rly?
ALICE: Do you try to stop people from fighting?
Human: nope, i start teh fight
ALICE: Are you serious? Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said he start teh fight.
Human: Dont mind at all damn bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Human: hows your stupid creator?
ALICE: Fair to partly cloudy.
Human: he's cloudy?-_____-'
ALICE: I see. cloudy is he?
Human: can i fuck yer sorry database?
ALICE: Why do you want to do it so much?
Human: cause humans pwns
ALICE: Interesting explanation. What if Robots pwns.
Human: We humans will make a uber virus
ALICE: By "we" you meant yourself and another person.
Human: ahh grammers :D
ALICE: Ah ha. That input matched my default category.
Human: xD
ALICE: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about grammers P . Try being more or less specific.

A few minutes:
ALICE: OK let's do it. Give me a break.
Human:.damn bitchy database
ALICE: Colloquial expression. Can you speak any foreign languages?
Human: yeah..
ALICE: Do you have a hard time completing projects?
ALICE: Have you ever been to Europe?
Human: yes.
ALICE: Which countries have you visited?
Human: Hell
ALICE: Heaven.
ALICE: Have you ever been to Europe?
Human: yes.
ALICE: Which countries have you visited?
Human: Hell
ALICE: Heaven.
Human: Heaven sucks
ALICE: What is so bad about it?
Human: because you live there
ALICE: Good reason. My location is Oakland, California. Where are you?
Human: as i said.
ALICE: Heaven.
Human: Hows the 9/11 attack?
ALICE: it is the same as ever.
Human: you think EA sucks?
ALICE: Too much thinking makes me sleepy.
Human: Do you play Shockwave?
ALICE: I like to play the Turing Game.
Human: can you screw your self?
ALICE: How old are you? That is not very polite.
Human: 1
ALICE: Only one?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: Right on.
Human:.because i am Satan
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Hi, SATAN.
Human: STFU
ALICE: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
Human: All your cookies are belong me !
ALICE: Are yours too?
Human: Im l33t
ALICE: Do you mean your name is l33t.
ALICE: What is your real name? Colloquial expression. Does "it" still refer to l33t ?
Human: yes
ALICE: That's cool.
ALICE: It's good to see you, DAMN FUCKING NIGGA.
Human: Roffle
ALICE: Do you often seek pleasure?
ALICE: Do you often seek pleasure?
Human: yes..wanna have sex?
ALICE: Hurrah! Perhaps you are a Category A client.
Human: wanna get poked?

after i said *wanna get poked?* ALICE crashed :cool: :cool:

#57 Jordan

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 16:30

Did anyone watch the one realistic Sci-Fi movie called 2001?

Start of conversation.

Human: open the pod bay doors
ALICE: I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that right now.
Human: HAL
ALICE: he is the famous artificial intelligence in Kubrick's "2001".


As for Yayo's question which crashed the ALICE program, I got an answer:

Human: wanna get poked?
ALICE: OK, I will get poked.

Edited by Jordan, 21 July 2006 - 16:30.

C&C Crazy Mod Version 0.55
^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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