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US fleet

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#51 tank50us


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Posted 13 August 2006 - 04:27

Yeah, I used the Arliegh Burke Class destroyer to show the scale of the Light Dry-Dock.

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#52 DerKrieger

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 00:18

A navy-centric RTS? Cool! What engine is this proposed game using?
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#53 tank50us


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Posted 18 August 2006 - 09:16

well, since I have 0 intentions of coughing up 75% of the profits in order use someone elses engine, I think I'll make my own, however, I'll need either A:someone who can program engines, or B: one hellova tutorial to learn how to program one. But rest assured, it will be an engine that will allow for ships to behave the way they're supposed too. Plus, aircraft in this game will be more then cannon fodder, which almost all Naval games seem to make aircraft. In game, fighters which are aloud to launch ASMs will significantly damage, if not destroy the target, so watch it (this goes double for stratiegic bombers like the B-1B, TU-160, so on).

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#54 Soul

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Posted 18 August 2006 - 22:45

Or you could mod these into Supreme Commander when it comes out cause I heard it could be moddable and the unit scaling is correct for units like ships in it it's an awsome game and a modern like war mod would be cool.

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 18 August 2006 - 22:46.

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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#55 tank50us


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Posted 19 August 2006 - 09:37

I'm not making a mod here, I'm making a game. Besides, I'm not even sure what the engine is going to be called, what model format it wil use, or which code format it will use. Plus, if I used the engine to make the game, I'd have to cough up 75% of the profits just to pay for the right to use the engine. So, unless I exaust all options, I'll go with making my own engine... its cheaper that way.

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#56 Soul

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Posted 19 August 2006 - 09:48

But you need a team to help you make it like sound artists for ingame voices and sound FX then theres alot of things that you can't do on your own how are you even going to do this thing?
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#57 smooder

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Posted 19 August 2006 - 19:40

the last time England was a country was sometime in the 1600's :P
I think you mean Britain..

What has happened to Italy France, Spain and Portugal, sine they are behind or at level with germany?

#58 tank50us


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Posted 20 August 2006 - 22:00

rase the water level 200 feet all over, and you'll see what ya get, most countries are under water, and those countries broke up like mini USSRs, and thei major cities were more apt to kill eachother, the defend eachother. Countries that still had some decent land left, made use of it, and claim it quickly, leaving others out of the loop. Now, Italy and Sicily become one, becoming the Siclitalion Pirates. They're unplayable, and make raids here and there, since their fleet is comprised of Picket Ships, Scouts, and only ONE carrier class (allmost all their ships were sunk in WW3, and they don't have the money to replace them)

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#59 Whitey

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Posted 20 August 2006 - 22:02

I like it :locky:

#60 smooder

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Posted 21 August 2006 - 10:40

Italy has good Heliboters and a ghood airforce remember :locky: and why has Scicisly and Italy joined eve though the waters risen ??

Loads of boats are produced in Italy so I think they should have more Ships than that.

One thing I find a bit stupid is that its going to be an America stomps on everyones faces- sort of game.
You should make the other sides playable- but with different Tactics.

For Example- The Italians, they are pirates..
So they should be able to steal other peoples ships, They should have smaller more manouverable ships then the ameicans- and carriers that hold only 5 or 6 VTOL aircraft.

If they encircle a battleship or carrier they should be able to capture it- and use it for themselves.
They should have less power than the US- but a few more things that they can do.

Also Instead of teh way you said that Italy and Scicily could merge how aout this..

Scicily is a volcanic Island- a huge volcanic eruption made a massive landbridge between scicily and Italy.

And if Italy and Scicily merged it would still be known as Italy , Italia- means the land of bulls in Homeraic, and is dominant over scicily- Scicilians are proud to be Italian, not Scicilian.

I think you should add some sort of East Asian side- and they should be more like GLA off Generals.


I thought oF These Boats for the Italians. I was assuming you would like them to be named after Italian cities so I did...

Roma Class- The Largest Battleship in the navy- about half the size as american ones but 4 times as cheap. Can capture enemy boats with its crew.

Bari Class- Small Aircraft carrier- capable of holding 6 vtol aircraft

Palermo Class- This Support ship is armed with many Ground to Air Defences- which are the best in the world- dont piss one of these off with your carriers.

Torino Class- Midget submarine- enough room for 5 men- armed with torpedos and Ground to ground missiles,

Napoli Class- Small Fast Ship, medium Armour, Its special ability is to Fly Short distances- great for Harassing enemies with.

Catania Class- This is the worlds first Sub Battleship,It can submerge itsself- but when on top of tyhe water it acts like a battleship= Can Capture Enemy Boats.

Ofcourse you dont have to use them but you could use their names.

Other Italian Cities you could use are- Brindisi, Milano, Venezia,(Venice) Firenze (Florence)

Or you could just use one word to describe them.. For example.

Irruzione class- Raid Class.

Edited by smooder, 21 August 2006 - 10:58.

#61 tank50us


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Posted 05 September 2006 - 06:08

first off, most of the factions ARE playable, its just that each one has advatanges others don't (like the US owns the air, while Russia almost owns the sea) each side also gets bonus's for their ships. US sailers take more pride in their ship, which makes crew-served weapons a bit more acurate. Russias ships are cheaper, and faster to produce. England and germany haven't been fully worked out yet.

Also, there will be a "far-east crisis" expansion if everything goes well, and the game sells. however that will largely be based on territory squables between China and Japan (both will have NICE fleets).

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#62 Futschki


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Posted 05 September 2006 - 08:37

sorry tank50us ... but it's not easy to make a game not easy at all ... no offense but U Can't Do That Alone ... If U Want My Advice ... Make A mod For Any game U Want ... I really don't know ur skills I don't know wat are you able to do ... but I think it's a bit difficult to do that ...
Anyway Good Luck :P ...
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#63 smooder

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 19:39

Well lots of other countries would be underwater- but almost all of Italy is mountainous, so that would be all above water almost- thats why I think they should be playable, and a major power in the game.

If you wanna follow auborours advice you could make a naval only mod for generals- just to see what you could do.

#64 tank50us


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Posted 05 September 2006 - 22:09

only one problem with that theory, the SAGE engine is WAY to easy to F-up, that, and I've had a hard time getting 3 turrets to work right. also, it'd probably be less of a headace to just make the engine from scratch, then modify another game. I am thinking this through, don't worry.

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#65 Futschki


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Posted 06 September 2006 - 08:06

what do u know about engine creating and game creating ?
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#66 tank50us


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 10:10

you'd be supprised how many "how-too" books are in circulation on the subject. Heck, I've found atleast 3 in a neerby book store. What I don't know now, I can learn in time. I never said this game would be out in a year :rolleyes:

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#67 retry_1

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 19:47

ifind it funny that these people think NO ONE will sighn on to help him, hell if i could model i would help if i could do anything i would help realy but sadly i cant so good luck and godspead
Sig and avy by yours truly
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#68 smooder

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 21:06

Well if you get an engine going I'd be happy to help in any way I could- I love using navy in games and this sounds like a great Idea- Maybe you could find a way of editing the sage engine?
Like upgrading it?

#69 tank50us


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 00:46

only one problem with editing the SAGE engine. EA would sue my ass if I edited it. Also, I never said I was going alone on this venture. Its just that it may be a good idea to know how to do everything required to make a game so you don't get that "deer in the headlights" look when your programmers are giving you an update on what they're doing :rolleyes:

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#70 Futschki


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 07:00

Hey Retry_1 ... I want to help him but I don't know anything about engine or game creating ... and as smooder said ... when the engine is done I will help him...

Edited by abourror, 09 September 2006 - 07:45.

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#71 Futschki


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 09:00

u may want to check this thread :
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#72 smooder

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 09:59

Why are you going to sell it?

Well auboror I think you and tank should team up to make this Naval RTSH and I will help in anyway I can.

#73 Futschki


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 10:19

good idea smooder ... waitin for ur reply tank50us
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#74 smooder

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 11:18

Iv'e added you on MSN auboror- go online!

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