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Red Alert 3: My Concepts

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

I was bored and I got a few nice comments on some of my previous work so I thought I might post some artwork to what RA3 would be like if I made it and a story line to go with it. The buildings are for the North American Union and the emblems are for the New Soviet Union.

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
After the Second Red War, the age of communist Russia and the Soviet Union were over and the weapons of mass destruction disarmed by the United Nations. Upon breaking the Soviet Union into individual states, a new political and economic union arose from the ashes of communism, the European Union. This new political and economic force worked to re-establish former communist states as models of young democracy. The Allied forces had diminished as two transatlantic unions began to take shape, the first aforementioned union and the North American Union. The need for such a transatlantic military alliance came into question as European independence from the United States allowed the Europeans to stand on their own. The United States retreated from the world stage to increase its relations with Mexico and Canada to expand its NORAD systems, military power, and compete economically with the Chinese as well as the European market. A leaked CIA operation to ignite a military coup in Bosnia to put in place a pro-United States government set back pro-democracy steps taken by the EU. Following the leak, the relationships between the EU and NAU iced over. The United Nations would be the only interface which the two would communicate. China had grown rapidly and its relation with the League of Arab Nations increased tenfold as its demand for oil skyrocketed. The United States, facing an economic recession cut imports from China to spur domestic competition. The NAU and EU urge the UN to remove China from the Security Council due to the senseless attacks on India. After China had been removed from the Security Council, Russia dropped out as well. China, now angered, wages a proxy war against the United States, but Russia is not far out of the picture. The troubled EU experienced its first assassinations and rumors were about that communists had infiltrated the highest levels of government. Russia began intervene in former satellites of the Soviet Union and the EU had been broadsided by a surprise terrorist attack in London, devastating the Parliament Building and killing leaders, domestic and foreign. The United Nations Headquarters in New York exploded moments later. Shocked into submission, the NAU closed its borders. North Korea, instructed by China, aimed hundreds of missiles at South Korea and Japan to provoke and distract the NAU from the attacks planned by Russia on the EU. When this failed to create the desired effect, China, using the Electromagnetic Control Device, based upon Weather Control device blueprints stolen from the UN HQ before it had been destroyed, caused a massive blackout at the NORAD command center. The eyes and ears of the NAU have been taken away, terrorists are climbing the ranks in the League of Arab Nations, America's European allies are collapsing and there is no one to blame. How will the story end? You decide!

Attached File(s)

Edited by Private Public, 24 December 2006 - 06:20.

Waris's Photo Waris 24 Dec 2006

I zee no pic?

Good story line tho :P

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

They're on now. Accidentally attached them as .bmp.

Waris's Photo Waris 24 Dec 2006

Wow. That's some sweet modelz. :P

Lord Atlantis's Photo Lord Atlantis 24 Dec 2006

Those are some awesome modeld. Fits right into the RA universe; futuristic but not too overpowering.

Edited by lord_atlantis, 24 December 2006 - 06:28.

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

Thanx. It would be better tho if they were skinned. I am I terrible texture designer. Ugg.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 24 Dec 2006

Practice makes perfect :P

Looks great :P :D

The_Hunter's Photo The_Hunter 24 Dec 2006

i'd have to say the vulcan defence turrets you made look very cool :P

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

Thanks. And yep, they are modeled after the Phalanx system mounted on all US warships. I am thinking of names for tanks named after generals, but that means there can be no abrams tanks, bradleys, or any tank named after generals that did not show up in the Red Alert Universe.

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

Although I posted some of these previously on these forums, here are some pictures of the New Soviet Union's structures.

Attached File(s)


Nexolate's Photo Nexolate 24 Dec 2006

These are cool. You should make a Mod for some C&C game to go with it.
I'm sure lots of people would enjoy it.

Soul's Photo Soul 24 Dec 2006

The story is wicked and the models are well done.

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

Well, I found an error in my storyline. The UN was created in response to the humanitarian disasters of WW2 to prevent it from happening again. In the Red Alert Universe, WW2 never happened. So the only world government that existed was the League of Nations. Also, the Security Council would not have existed since it was built of the victors of WW2. If anyone has any ideas on this, feel free to suggest and debate.

Stinger's Photo Stinger 24 Dec 2006

Superb models. Just superb. The Soviet structure has a kind of Alpha Generals American look to it, but I like it overall.

Private Public's Photo Private Public 24 Dec 2006

Yeah, I got the concept from some alpha stuff and I thought it looked more russian than American.

Elezzzark's Photo Elezzzark 24 Dec 2006

Nice Stuff, i would like your future mod.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 25 Dec 2006

That you better damn-well make.

Lord Atlantis's Photo Lord Atlantis 25 Dec 2006

I sense a future CnC 3 mod in the making.


Private Public's Photo Private Public 25 Dec 2006

In response to the compliments made on my work, I may consider eventually assembling a team and producing a mod, but this is all suspect to strict circumstances.

On that note, I have begun characterizing the armies.

European Union-
Railgun technology
Nuclear Fusion technology
Direct Action capabilities
Trench Warfare

North American Union-
Laser technology
Intelligence aquisition
Tactical Weaponry
Heavy Armor
Nano Technology

New Soviet Union-
Atomic Weaponry
Defensive warfare
Ballistic Missiles
Submarine Warfare
Intelligence Aquisition

Energy Technology
Psychic Technology
Stealth Technology

Please note: I mean no offence to any member state of the League of Arab Nations or the people comprised of it. This is an alternate universe and radicals have seized control of its military.
League of Arab Nations-
Chemical Warfare
Hit and Run tactics
Economic Warfare
Guerilla Warfare
Edited by Private Public, 25 December 2006 - 04:19.

Elezzzark's Photo Elezzzark 25 Dec 2006

Nice, when you found your Mod?

Whitey's Photo Whitey 25 Dec 2006

Whatever happened to allies vs. soviets? :P

Private Public's Photo Private Public 25 Dec 2006

Read the story! I expect that this storyline would be the end of the RA Universe. Also, I am not committing to make this mod as of yet for fears of being unable to complete it.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 25 Dec 2006

Ah, I hadn't read the text-wall, :P

Anyway, the story looks great :P I would very much like to see a LOT more on this, and I would help in modelling if you ever needed a hand :D

Futschki's Photo Futschki 25 Dec 2006

Good Models Very Good Models ... and Nice StoryLine but man why always arabs are terrorist ..

Nexolate's Photo Nexolate 25 Dec 2006
