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Rate the last game you played

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#101 Ektufall

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Posted 20 June 2007 - 00:02

Tzar: Burden Of The Crown
an oldy but still enjoyable
music could be better ,but thats no big deal ..
If you have something to contribute for the Shockwave archive please share or point me to it !
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#102 Rayburn


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 18:20

Company of Heroes 9.5 / 10

Attentive kids might say "Hey, u alredy r8ed CoH and gav it only 8!111!!1!!" but I'm writing this for a reason. Wednesday, I got myself the GERMAN version of the game. Before, I played an English copy which I lent from a mate. Whilst the yank-bias and the ridiculous way they portrayed the huns pissed me off, the actual gameplay got me interested so I bought the German version of the game since I'm also interested in the upcoming expansion.

The German version is a rare, special case as it's actually better than the English original. Germans AND yanks speak German now BUT other than most, the localisation and the voices for both sides are actually good this time. The Germans sound like real Germans and no longer like Monty Phyton Nazis and the yanks speak like in the original...just that it's German. I no longer have to laugh every time I order my Scharfschütze to move from A to B and everything sounds way more authentic which goes well with the overall realism of the game. I therefore give it more points this time.

Edited by Rayburn, 23 June 2007 - 18:22.

#103 VertiGo-

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 18:49

Fatal Frame 3 : The tormented

I almost got a heart attack because of this :D
Major graphic upgrade from the 2nd game, and the story is somewhat interesting, and babes too! :D
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#104 Strategia


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 19:14

The Moon Project - 8/10
Graphics are still OK for a game this old, deformable terrain (to an extent), subterranean tunnels (and thus subterranean warfare! Nod be damned), nukes simply rock, you get nuclear missile submarines (z0mg) and you get to customise every single unit, complete with secondary armament on flat-topped weapons (e.g. tank turrets), shield generators, dual weapons, special equipment etc. My main/only gripe with the game is the fact that it still uses "old-style" scale, e.g. terrain is divided into blocks, each unit takes up one block (even the massive warships which look at least three blocks long, yet you can still cram nine of them together into a 3x3 area) and buildings generally take up 4-6. Even Ovvies aren't that big in relation to buildings, even Barracks. So, for me, the scale just feels wrong. But that's the only major thing I have against this game.

Homeworld2 - 8.5/10 Complex Mod 5.5 - 9.5/10
Homeworld2 is plain awesome, nothing and I mean NOTHING feels as good as watching two forces of fighters and corvettes tangle with each other, it's better than any science fiction movie I've seen bar none. The frigates provide good support, and the capital ships - especially the massive Battlecruisers - just dominate the battle field, yet even the mightiest of ships (the aforementioned BC) can be taken down quite well by the simple Bombers. You have to build a mixed force, every unit has its counter and if you just spam this or that you will get slaughtered. (Shockwave has this too, but not as far-reaching as HW2. It is very much possible to crush everyone in your path just by spamming Battlemasters, Warmies, GatTanks and the occasional Emperor Ovvie. Dragon Tanks, Reapers, Troop Crawlers et al are a useful addition, but not strictly and irreplacably necessary.)
The mod I'm currently playing (Complex 5.5) takes the original HW2 gameplay and enhances it tremendously. For me, it is the Shockwave of HW2; it adds ranks to the game, which in turn determine the amount of crew members and officers you can recruit, which in turn determines how many ships you can build, which determines how much battles you can win, which determines how fast you rise in rank et cetera. It is plain awesome.

Civilization IV - 9/10 Rhye's and Fall of Civilization - 9.5/10
Civ IV is, plainly put, one of the best games I've ever played. You can devote yourself entirely to macromanagement and leave the AI to handle the more tedious tasks of city management, or you can take matters into your own hands and devote yourself to building an empire that is perfect in every way. You can develop the land to your liking/needs and let the AI handle conflict situations, or you can automate all of that and focus on fighting wars. There is very little I can hold against this game, apart perhaps from the fact that I want MORE, MORE, MORE :D More types of resources, improvements, buildings, units, etc. (Plus, there's the overall tongue-in-cheek vibe of the game - "Mao Zedong has declared war on Alexander the Great!" lol.)
One of the mods I've got installed, without a doubt my favourite, is Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, which turns the game from the wonderful history-twister that is the vanilla version to a somewhat more historically accurate version, and overhauls a number of other mechanics entirely. For one, civs don't all start in 3000BC in an arbitrary spot on the map, they start at the respective times in history when the "real" civs emerged. (e.g. Egypt starts in 3000BC somewhere on the Nile, the Romans start about two thousand years later in Italy, the Americans start in 1733AD in New England wedged in between the British and French, etc.) It improves an already hard-to-improve game tremendously :D

Halo 2 - 8.5/10
Multiplayer is OK (yeah, I get pwned by most of my friends :D), singleplayer or multiplayer co-op is very good, but what makes me really love this game is the immense scope of the (back)story, and the design of all the scenery (especially the Covenant ships/technology and everything Forerunner-related).

#105 General

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Posted 30 June 2007 - 19:20

*ahem* Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars

Graphics : 10/10
Sound : 10/10
Storyline : 10/10

What I need to say more except : '' I want more TWs! ''

#106 Nexolate

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Posted 30 June 2007 - 19:40

You forgot one thing General.

Lasting:- 4/10
That game gets repetetive after 15 or so Online Matches.
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#107 Amdrial

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Posted 30 June 2007 - 22:35

Soldat: 9.5/10
Pure fun, fun which doesn't bore.
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#108 Rayburn


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Posted 10 July 2007 - 12:14

Super Smash Bros. Melee - 10/10
Fired up by the whole hype around Brawl, I threw good ol' Melee into my Wii (Gotta love downward compatibility), plugged in one of my old GC-controllers and played a bit. Such a great game. I didn't play it in ages and it's just plain fun, especially with more players. The concept is simple and ingenious at once and I can't wait for Brawl. I still hope that it'll be released sometime in autumn but I'm afraid us Euros will get fucked over again, getting it some time in December.
The only downside of Melee is this totally unfair Stadium-Mode where you either fight 100 enemies without healing or endure for 15 minutes in order to unlock some secrets. The first thing took me like 10 attemps and I always died due to a misguided Bob-Omb or overpowered smash attacks by these wireframe-arsewipes that don't have to charge up, <20 enemies before it was over...One time, I was at 99 and the last guy send me flying with a low kick because my damage was already at 150+

Edited by Rayburn, 10 July 2007 - 12:17.

#109 E.V.E.

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 12:44


9 / 10
A very good Game in my Opinion, especially the Graphics are very impressive.
I can only recommend Action Thirsty People to try it out, if they got a good Computer that is.

- E.V.E.

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#110 Warbz

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 13:11



good gameplay/teamwork.

Graphics are good but u need an uber pc to run them on full.

Punkbuster is useless

Many many bugs still left after 3 or 4 patches

Way to easy to glitch/cheat

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#111 RaiDK

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 13:30


Punkbuster is useless

Many many bugs still left after 3 or 4 patches

Way to easy to glitch/cheat

Gah, not the sort of thing I want to hear after buying it today >_<

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

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#112 Rayburn


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Posted 10 July 2007 - 14:21

View PostWarbz, on 10 Jul 2007, 15:11, said:



good gameplay/teamwork.

Graphics are good but u need an uber pc to run them on full.

Punkbuster is useless

Many many bugs still left after 3 or 4 patches

Way to easy to glitch/cheat

Sounds like in jolly good old BF2...EA, when will you ever learn?

#113 TehKiller

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 14:34

well at least EA didnt made 4 patches in the same week when BF2 was released.....
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#114 Golan

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:28

Outcast (Yeah, it´s retro-time again...)


Left aside that both graphics and controles are obviously outdated, Outcast really is a game to enjoy. The world is huge, there are tons of believeable NPCs and the gameplay mixture of action and adventure ensures that it never gets boring. Though the story is a bit thin, it has some nice twists and allows you free exploring of the alien world.
The downside is that from time to time you feel like having a bit too much freedom and there isn´t very much to discover on Adelpha, at least when seeing how huge the world is.
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#115 Amdrial

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 11:50

Freelancer 8/10

I currently am playing it with the Crossfire Expansion modification which basicly adds much more content, adds the entire Coalition faction and other fun things ^^.
It's both refreshing and retro to play games like these, exploring the universe in your fighter.
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#116 PhenomFX


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Posted 24 July 2007 - 13:09

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Graphic: 7\10- not much improvement from GRAW1, some codes need to be enabled in order to make that graphic shine.
Gameplay: 9\10- Solid gameplay, relay on teamwork , stealth, accuracy.
Storyline: 6\10- not much of storyline, not something that we never seen or heard, not innovative.
Technical: 6\10- again it's a port from PS2\XBOX 360 to PC, all ports ended with poor coding and poor performance compared to what users can get while code is exclusive to PC or made right for PC.
Lasting: 7\10- good multiplayer, though we seen it earlier.

Overall: 7.5\10(not average)- Solid gameplay, intersting missions at sometimes, 10 missions at all, short game, poor coding, graphic can be way better without enabling additional sittings, multiplayer didn't changed lot from GRAW, if you played GRAW you would love to play it, and if you don't then Welcome.

Edited by PhenomFX, 24 July 2007 - 13:11.

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#117 MIKEY


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Posted 24 July 2007 - 14:44

Half-Life 2: The Awakening (HL2 mod)

Graphics: 9.5/10, good graphics and the maps are HDR active so you get some effects.

Gameplay: 6/10, just your average go around as not Dr. Freeman and blast some
Combine kinda gameplay, which is allright, but nothing amazing, also its only 5 levels long so it only gives an hour of gameplay.

Storyline: 10/10, it brings back Adrian Sheperd so it automatically gets a 10 from me, but it has a very good, solid before HL2 story to it.

Voice: 9/10, they had there own voice actors & actress!!! which I really liked and it was to a good quality, not like some mods that have really poor quality voice acting.

Quality: 8/10, it was a well made mod, though some of the puzzles are alil nasty and some parts could have been improved.

Overall: 8.5/10, a good mod, not brilliant but good, sadly its the final release, so there wont be an improved version, but it is still worth getting, even though its an hour of gameplay.
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#118 Judgement

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 23:51

Company of Heroes


So far its extremely good.
I just started the campaign but I got use to it. The graphics are amazing(And run smoothly on my computer now). The atmosphere in the game is simply perfect with soldiers moving to your every whim and taking cover without even needing to ask them.
The gameplay is awesome. Craters come up from artillery, squads duck and cover, bullets dont always hit as well as shells and grenades are always useful.
I dont know what else to say about it.
Pure Fucking Win ;)

My next thing to do after campaign is try the skirmish and than online ;)



Another awesome game.
I played it before but I had to switch to paper trees the very low graphics. Not anymore.
Gameplay is amazing to say the least. Everything has an authentic feel and the game is never easy even after you get powerful stuff, it still manages to challenge you. ALl the weapons do as they should, and the different ways of attacking(mainly the difference between Archery, Sword play and Magic) is there and is noticable.

I recommend it to anyone who wants a good game to play.
ANd to fans of Morrowind and any adventure game.
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#119 DerKrieger

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 05:35

View PostRaiDK, on 10 Jul 2007, 13:30, said:


Punkbuster is useless

Many many bugs still left after 3 or 4 patches

Way to easy to glitch/cheat

Gah, not the sort of thing I want to hear after buying it today >_<

Dude, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will be so much better and it's coming out real soon.
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#120 Saint


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 12:45

Resident Evil 4: 9/10
-Replay value: 10/10
-Graphics 10/10
-Game play 9/10
-Sound 10/10

Not quite like the classic Resident Evil games, but quite unique from the rest. RE:4 Uses a mixture between Dead Aim and its original 3rd person mode. Like Dead Aim it allows you to aim at your targets manually *like head legs feet etc.* Also your given an all around look at the world around you instead of the original fixed camera angles. Something that makes this game even more unique are the ways you acquire weapons and its storage space. For the storage space you start out very limited but as the game progresses you can purchase a larger case the further you advance also unlike the rest of the games you do not have a place to store weapons and items. So thats very much a down side when you come across an item you want or need and your inventory is full, thus leading to that decision "What shall I discard?"

Now, to the unique weapon acquisition in RE:4. In RE:4 You start with a hand gun. You also start with a knife for close encounters or a way to conserve ammo *for the hard mode.* The very first gun you come across is a Shotgun most common in RE games. An added addition to the game like the knife is the Grenade. 3 Types of grenades are found throughout the game.

-Flash: Blinds Enemies and also an easier way to kill certain other enemies as well.
-Incendiary: Burns your enemies to death but not all the time. also allows an easier target to shoot at much like the flash grenade.
-Hand Grenade:Very powerful and effective way to take out groups of enemies.

So as the game progresses you come across a merchant. From here on this is where you acquire weapons and inventory space each chapter. In RE:4 weapons are very unique. There are many different weapons including a 1 time use Rocket Launcher *good for weakening bosses.* Also weapons have stats of which you can purchase upgrades for each one increasing Power, Reload speed, Firing speed, and Clip Capacity. Some guns have different abilities like being able to shoot through enemies to hit another enemy behind the one you shoot at. Also some are given the ability to zoom like with a scope. Thats right you get sniper rifles (very useful) and a mine thrower which pretty much shoots timed explosives, has a scope also. Even the rocket launcher gets a scope, which is good since you only get one shot helps you aim more carefully. Also unlike other RE games. you'll find out theres no zombies what so ever. So to wrap this up finally I suggest you should give this game a try unless you have already to explore more unique things about this game such as characters from the previous RE games like Leon from RE:2 but thats all I'm gonna mention for now. The rest, you should find out for yourself.

Replay Value Includes: 4 unlockable game modes. Including hard mode and the usual bonus replay mode. Also a few extra game modes of which you'll meet the characters from previous Resident Evil games.

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#121 RaiDK

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 13:33

WiC Beta 5/10

Some interesting ideas, but units die really quickly and the unit choice is pretty dull IMO. Not really my thing.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

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#122 TehKiller

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Posted 08 August 2007 - 15:32

Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy for the yanks):

Graphics:9/10- It has pretty much good graphics for its year though it could have been better
Gameplay:9.5/10-Great gameplay....It has mutiple endings so its kinda replayable and all the choices you make effect the storyline....though the action sequence could have been made a bit better (they are good but on higher difficulity they are a bit bugged out)
Story:10/10-Its more like a good movie instead of a story and you can change the story with your choices
Overall:9.5/10-Simply one the best games ive played
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#123 Golan

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Posted 09 August 2007 - 08:52

McGee´s Alice 7/10
Probably a game you either absolutely adore or hate like poison. The gameplay is kinda repetitive, featuring tons of enemies that you will usually defeat in the same way over and over again, cheap puzzles with no difficulty whatsoever and jumping sequences that will have you want to strangle yourself with your own mouse cable. The design and twisted atmosphere really make up for this though - the game is in its own way very mature and just about everything is incredibly insane, especially if you know the original Alice.

Edited by Golan, 09 August 2007 - 08:52.

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#124 megarobo11


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 15:01

Battlestations Midway: 4/10

The game starts out fun. You get to control ships, planes, and subs of both the Japanese and the Americans, and duke it out across the Pacific Theater.

However, there are tons of failings.

First, there is only a US Campaign that is full of shitty cutscenes, terrible voice acting (not Edios's strongpoint, to be sure..."I WILL CLIP YOUR WINGS LITTLE BIRD!"), and a butchering of history (I never knew we shot down all of the attacking planes at Pearl Harbor...whoa, we find the carriers too?!). Commands are relayed over and over again in a ridiculously angry manner, which becomes incredibly annoying. Also, the difficulty levels are way too jerky: on easy, the Japanese fight like druken toddlers, but on the next step up, destroy your entire taskforce with little effort. Aiming, especially with artillery guns and torpedos, is confusing and irritating. Too often I would aim directly at an enemy destroyer, fire my guns, and watch as the shells slammed down miles away. Torpedos are even worse: they arc in a strange manner when fired from submarines, making it close to impossible to hit anything that isn't a bumbling merchant ship. This can be a huge problem when you are trying to shake an angry destroyer off you when it can manuever and travel faster then you, while being nearly impossible to fake out.

The challenges are full of irriations as well. The difficulty skyrockets quite commonly: in the first plane challenge, you are a squadron of cutting edge Japanese planes tasked with sinking a group of slow, unarmed merchant vessals with fighter support from obsolete planes. The next mission, you are tasked with defending a massive airfield surprisingly bereft of AA guns from huge groups of heavily armed and armored B-17 bombers, with your wingmates commonly concentrating on one craft only, allowing about 5 bombers to fly over and rape the airfield. If you amazingly destroy the bombers, you then have to protect two slow destroyers against massive swarms of bombers. WTF?!

Playing as the Japanese is ridiculously harder then playing as the Americans. Why? If you have a problem, if you are an American, you are courteously told of the difficulty (Low on Air, fighters coming in, leak in the hull). However, as the Japanese, there are no written warnings to these problems, and jabbering Japanese is a useless warning to anyone not fluent in the language (and those who are would probably be offended by the overly angry sounding Japs anyway). While hunting a group of ships as a Japanese Submarine, I kept wondering my I was being screamed at in Japanese. Too late, I realized I was being warned that I was low on air, and surfaced beyond my control next to a dozen battleships.

The music is insufferable compared to the beautiful scores that accompany most games nowadays. It sounds like a SNES version of a low-budget WWII movie's soundtrack. It loops in an annoying pattern that is distracting and entirely annoying.

This game could have been amazing, but there were simply too many shortfallings.
92% of teens have moved on to Ancient Celtic Verses. However, these figures were taken in 1997, and as such should not be taken as accurate. Therefore, one must apply a 5 to 10% margin of error to the graph due to the 10 year difference. Therefore, about 87% of teens have moved on to Ancient Celtic Verses. Thanks to the Great Dakotan War, however, with a total death toll of about 70 million, 60% of teens were conscripted and killed in battle, removing about 35% of teens who listened to Ancient Celtic Verses. With this in mind, about 52% have moved on to Ancient Celtic Verses. If you are part of the 8% (in accordance to the rules of the graph, making it about -4%) of teens who still listened and listen to Asian Throat Singing, please donate to the Red Shockwave Army.

#125 MR.Kim

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 21:58

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (PS2)


Just simple figthing game. Yeap.

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