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#126 Izzy


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 14:43

Megaman starforce 7\10
Meh :D
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#127 TheDR

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 16:34

Garys Mod 10/10

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#128 TehKiller

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 19:49

Tranformers The Game (PS2)

Graphics:7/10-the graphics are good but at some points it was a bit buggy (couldnt get screenies but some models would look seriously screwed)
Gameplay:5/10-the fights are average but the ridicilous driving system ruins it
Storyline:8/10-What to say....its Transformers

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#129 namman2


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 20:23

Graphics: 9/10
Bugs : -5/10 some of them are funny XD
Gameplay: 8/10
story line : 7/10
Addons : 10/10

#130 General Kirkov

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Posted 29 August 2007 - 15:17

BF2, yes I still play it even if I don't know why. I've got over 150+ hours playing it or so BF2 stats say.
Any how

Graphics: 9/10 if you have a good sytsem

Gameplay 6/10 glitchers and bunny hopers and people who have played so much they have 10000+ hours on it (yes I've seen it ;) ) ruin it for evryone, because they are virtualy impossible to kill. Not to mention the teamwork that was once very good (people getting into squads has become a rambo stile game for the most part). It's still addictive so I still play it.

Story line 0/10 what story line?

Add ons 8/10 the expansion packs are nice and so are the unlocks but I'm not buying them. I've got most of the original unlcoks though.

Overall 7/10 it's still a good stress reliever when you play on your habitual servers when you know most of the regulars and they know you.

Edited by Capt. Kirkov, 29 August 2007 - 15:18.

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#131 E.V.E.

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Posted 29 August 2007 - 15:19

Dogfight 8.5 / 10

Its a very nice Game if you dont have anything to do or if you are bored.
Sad thing is, there is no way to Mod it and there is also no Map Editor available.
Other than that, its a very entertaining Game.

- E.V.E.

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#132 TheDR

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Posted 29 August 2007 - 15:24

Burnout revenge Ps2


A good game to burn some hours out of your day,
but the maps are not varied at all and it just gets boring.
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#133 TehKiller

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Posted 29 August 2007 - 18:02

Scarface:The world is yours-PC

Graphics 9/10-not the best ive seen but it has great graphics (especially for sandbox game.....if we can call this a sandbox game)

Gameplay:9/10-its way to addictive and combat is pretty much awesome.....though the hand to hand combat could have been better

Storyline 10/10-Scarface FTW.....they really made a good alternate story of the movie (SC:TWYS starts where the movie is near end and it changes the ending of the movie)

Overall:9.3/10-Simply the game is very good though it could have some improvments with cars and combat
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#134 Judgement

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Posted 02 September 2007 - 19:03

Medival 2: Total War

Sequel to Medival Total War. Not much of a sequel, more like a super enhanced uber version of it : )

Graphics: 10/10
Probably the best looking graphics for a game that relies on such massive battles. Overall it is amazing graphics(Lush battlefields, great looking towns and it all looks better when the bodies of your enemies can riddle the streets and fields of it).

Gameplay: 9/10
It has amazing gameplay as well. However the only complaint I have is it may be a bit to complex for some people. I was overwhelemed myself when I first tried it.

Sound: 10/10
Brilliant. Enemies yell for cover when being shot by arrows, cries of agony can be heard in a large battle, swords make nice slashing sounds and walls crumbling is music to my ears.

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#135 MR.Kim

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 16:23

C&C Gold


#136 Areze

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 17:18

Dungeon Siege 2 : 9/10

Great game, love it.
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#137 TheDR

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Posted 03 September 2007 - 17:37

Killing floor (Unreal 2004 Mod)

Zombies, guns, survival.
What more could you want, an axe maybe.

A great mod with fun online playability.

9/10 a must play.
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#138 namman2


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Posted 04 September 2007 - 15:44

dungeon keeper 2
10/10 great fun to play

#139 General Kirkov

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 00:52

Metroid Prime 3 corruption (Wii)

Gameplay 8/10 sometimes the doors don't open as wuickly as i'd want especially when being chased by metroids. There is a bit of a learning curve and some puzzles are well... puzzling. The "key mapping" of the Nun-chuk and the wii mote are a tad confusing at the beggining (they can be remapped in the settings menu). and very little hints are given in the way of figering things out for yourself.

Graphics 9.5/10 they are spectacular.

Storyline: 8/10 it's really interesting and there are many surprises, but you see some of them comming a mile away when you get to the general plot. (too many hints).

Overall: 8.5/10 If you mess something up, it will haunt you for a while. But thats part of the fun!

A good buy.

Edited by Capt. Kirkov, 06 September 2007 - 00:52.

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#140 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 07 September 2007 - 15:43

Scarface The world is yours.
Awesome game.
A lame without aircrafts helis and bikes, but nice weapons (Four barreled missile launcher FTW)
and no law in the islands. :P

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#141 Heisenberg


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Posted 09 September 2007 - 00:05

Def jam icon

Graphics 9.5/10
Awesome graphics on a HD-TV! shows every little detail, however just missed out on 10/10 in my scale

sound 10/10
The sound is perfect! the music, ambience sounds, fighting sounds and taunts are all crystal clear and just awesome!

gameplay 7/10
Only a few fighting styles, however its still awesome as the arenas are interactive, you have the ability to change the music track currently playing and range of other stuff you can do

storyline 6/10
Story line is pretty good, music manager, manage 4 artists and try make it to the top (amongst other personal stuff :loels: ) bit short though...

overall it gets a 8
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#142 Golan

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Posted 09 September 2007 - 21:38


Graphics: technically 9/10, effectively 6-10/10
I guess most people have seen those brilliant promo screenshots - on best settings, the game really looks like that, totally awesome and all those fancy shaders and whatnot. There´s distortion when walking through water, alls those funky HDR & Co tricks, reflections, blurs, specular effects [*rattles off an endless list*], in short, year 2007 CG at it´s best. Then, there are visible polygons of the relative size of several meters, cloth (both on characters and props) that looks like carved wood, particles from which one could fucking copy the base texture with a screenshot (especially fire particles are far from looking good) and other blunder that throws you back to pre-millennium gaming. However, only on rare occasion are these eye-catching, most of the time the game looks almost flawless.

Design: 9/10
Design, architecture and presentation are top notch! Even though bound to the "underwater city" theme, there´s several dozen different styles ranging from harbors to laboratories, 60´s styled streets (complete with that nice street battle atmosphere :)) to almost steam-punkish industrial facilities. Every scenery is filled with details and seems quite believable (if you care to accept the game´s somewhat twisted style, that is). There´s some nice lighting through the whole game that is usually only found in stealth games like Thief III or splinter cell.

Gameplay: effectively 7/10
- Fighting: 7/10
Basically a mixture of straight-forward shooter and sandbox mode. The game offers a wide variety of weapons, each having 3 different ammo types with different effects and 2 upgrades, and a whole bunch of active and passive "Plasmids", best described as a sci-fi sorcery and RPG mixture. The players arsenal includes crowbar, pistol, MP and shotgun as well as grenade launcher, flame-/chemical-/elektro-thrower and crossbow - however, the only reason for me to use other weapons than the crowbar (which can get some nice side-effects) and pistol (has a deadly mix of damage, accuracy and RoF) was lacking ammo for the later and pure boredom for the first. Also, some of the enemies are, at least for my liking, way too fast in order to use conventional weaponry against them. Which leads me to the plasmids - as said, they are like sorcery, making you throw fireballs, freeze enemies, zap machines with lightning bolts or giving you telekinetic abilities. Like the ordinary weapons, they suffer from having many redundant abilities and some being overly complicated (why distracting enemies in order to set up some booby traps when you can just fry them with the snip of your finger?). This is often the problem in Bioshock: there´s a dozen fabulous ways of defeating your enemies, but it´s so much easier and life-preserving to just storm the place guns blazing. However, when there really is a situation to successfully use a combination of your skills, it feels sooooooooo good. :lol:
Also, the so called "vita chambers" make the game almost too easy if you rely on them - as they basically revive you just some meters away from where you´ve died. Just take your crowbar, go slash-slash-slash on a big daddy and when he kills you, just do it AGAIN as while you are revived, all the enemies stay damaged.
- Character Development (aka lamePG): 5/10
When there was the point of having redundant powers on the offensive choices, believe me that this is nothing to what there is on the passive possibilities. The RPG system that many expected from a spiritual successor of System Shock and partly Deus Ex is nothing but a crippled shade. Instead of having character values or traits, there are the so called Tonika, passive Plasmids that make you hit harder, hack better, run faster and the like. However, there isn´t much of a choice on how to develop your character as at least 3/4 of the available slots will be filled with must-haves which gets even worse after you get LVL2 tonika that work together with lower versions of the same ability - basically taking two slots for one trait (there are 18 slots on 3 different categories (offense, defense, engineering). Usually you just choose between being two or three builds and let the others rest in the shelf.
Not to be misunderstood, the toniks DO allow inidvidualizing your character as they give you e.g. a defensive electroattack when you are attacked (zapping everything in a radius of about 3 meters around you), limited invisibility, more efficiency when using medkits. However, in the end you will probably end up taking the uber-ownage stealth ability, two slots of defensive electro attacks (they will outright kill every minor melee foe and severely damage even advanced enemies) and some speed enhancements and bam, all your passive defense slots are filled.

"Gaming freedom": 4/10
Decided to give this one a specific category. Remember all this hype about all that hype about roaming and exploring the sunken city? Moral decisions varying the story? Forget about them, they´re bullshit. Level layout usually has one fixed way from start to end of the level and exploring is limited to go visiting a small dead-end for some goodies. The city itself also won´t allow you much possibilities for exploring as the storyline will have you visit all quarters and they also only get unlocked when the story needs them. In addition, if you are even a semi-skilled players, you won´t have much trouble finding all the relevant goodies (plasmids, little sisters) in the first go and will thus never ever go visit a part of the city again unless the story forces you to (IIRC this happened only once :lol:). Moral decisions are counted ONLY against one specific type of inhabitants of Rapture and all it changes is the ending cut-scene (depending if you were really good, really bad or neutral chaotic) plus some of the goodies you get.

Story: 7/10
First of, Bioshock isn´t actually a story-driven game but more of a survival type. There is story and background, much of it, but you are taking part in only a small part of it. Most of the story will be told to you via comlink and voice diaries. I wouldn´t really judge this on good or bad, it simply comes down to your personal preference for storytelling.
The background story really is brilliant in BioShock. It paints the picture of a "model society" braking down when it has to face reality and is weakened by idealism. There are several "main characters" of whom you will find many many messages throughout the game that really give you insight into their characters, lifes, hopes and especially misery. The only thing bugging me about this a bit was that you get these snippets served almost chronologically while the game is actually short enough to support a non-chronological order (think of Memento [movie]) but it´s not that much of an issue.
The actual game-story is a tad dull though. While it starts out brilliantly and has a nice climax at about 2/3 of the game, it leaves many questions unanswered and finally concludes with a "not ANOTHER end like this"-ending (also having more than just strong similarities to System Shock). Especially the main character Jack, though technically deeply tied into both story and backstory, is a disappointment - while having some lines in the intro (rather well localized I may add), he remains completely silent throughout the entire game! In a game like this, that´s just utter bullshit. Also, with having only a couple of characters that you encounter in persona, it would have been nice to have at least Jack as some kind of ever present personality.

Overall, Bioshock is NOT the game it was and still is hyped to be (whoever wrote those 100/100 Reviews should be committed to an institution, seriously). However, in comparison to other modern games, it really shines. This "review" put it IMO very nicely.

Edited by Golan, 09 September 2007 - 21:39.

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#143 MR.Kim

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Posted 26 September 2007 - 01:36

Ratch & Clank: Size Maters(PSP)

#144 Corrino and the Maiden


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Posted 13 October 2007 - 06:03

Romance of the Three Kingsdoms 11

10000000 ... /10 , The best game in existance untill Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 :P
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#145 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 20 October 2007 - 19:49

EVE Online.

Game rocks. Controls need improvement...

Got a destroyer withing 4 hours of making missions.

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 07:09


downloaded it cause of teh hipe...

and i like it! the force point capture is pretty unique, and the graphics are pretty well done on high. storyline makes sense, tho some more history would be nice. the units and the "killing moves" are a nice touch, and really help to make this game stand out.

overall, it is a blast to play. However, it still wont beat Hunter's great creation (Shw FTW!).


Total: 8/10!

Edited by PEDOBEAR, 31 October 2007 - 07:11.

View PostPeople's Liberation Army, on 12 Jul 2007, 21:21, said:

"Tanks amass in our base for the final assault"

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"Will your defences hold this time?"

#147 TheDR

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 08:46

metal slug anthology. Psp/wii/Ps2

any metal slug fun needs this 10/10

seven games but one is a remake but its still fun,
i got it on my psp and i haver been playing it alot :lol:
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#148 E.V.E.

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 08:52

Def Jam Icon 7 / 10

Graphics are great and all that, but for some Reason the game becomes very unentertaining as soon as you played it trough.
I also checked the Online Mode, would be quite fun - if someone would exist I could play with.

Def Jam Fight for New York was way better.

- E.V.E.

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#149 MR.Kim

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Posted 06 November 2007 - 19:29

Ganbare Goemon 3 (SNES Japanese version & Emulator) 9/10

Maybe this is hard to play game, but it is fun. Each stages have puzzle and solve problem to go end of stage.
Each Heros have special abilities and upgrade weapons. And also, can swich the heros.

#150 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 06 November 2007 - 19:57

GTA Vice City Stories
Bad Grafics, a downgrade since San Andreas, the friggin colision module is to high...
Just a crappy game, but new moves in Combat to person, new (crappy) weapons, some better FX, as vehicles... don't buy it is my advice :rolleyes:

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