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Rate the last game you played

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#26 Sic


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 17:02

View PostMDW, on 18 Feb 2007, 15:25, said:

I also play Max Payne 2 quite often these days. It gets a 9 out of 10. Nice game, especially if you just want some hardcore gunfighting without solving puzzles every few steps. Sometimes, one just needs that, right? The story is quite interesting as well and the whole style of the game is quite appealing too...

Max payne plain rocks. I have lent my CD's to a friend, I can't wait to get them back. 10/10 for it.
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#27 Crazykenny

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 17:12

The game is certainly roxxor, bulltime for the WIN
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#28 Waris

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 17:21

Bulltime is certainly different from Bullet Time :dope:

Battlezone II


A game that is quite revolutionary at the time it was released. I still play it today.

#29 Sic


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 17:45

Hahaha! Bulltime. No bulls please :dope:.
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#30 Areze

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 19:15

Dungeon Siege II: 9/10

Truly awesome game. I'd give a 10 but there are a few bugs. I wish there was a good mod for it, with all the locked code in it. Like ridable pets. :dope: Yeah, they put a lot of code in it and some is unused. I think they were a planning an expansion before the original game hit shelves. Don't get me wrong, Gas Powered Games is NOT another EA. That's for sure. Nonetheless, 9/10 for awesomness.

Command &Conquer Shockwave: 10/10

Do I need a reason?
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#31 Sic


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 19:17

That's a mod, not a game, but still it owns. The most fun game to play for me.
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#32 DreadNot

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 19:24

Gears of War - 10/10.

Blood, explosions, and chainsaws on guns. What more could you ask for?
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#33 Judgement

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 22:39

Freedom Fighter 8.5/10
its a tad old but its still a damn good game.
Battalion Wars 9/10
Pure fun in a colorful world. I recommend everyone try this game. Gets you really inspired.
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#34 SonicBoom


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Posted 20 February 2007 - 00:15

I've been wanting to play Battalion Wars forever now, but no stores have it here. :)

#35 Shirou

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Posted 20 February 2007 - 14:32

War Front: Turning Point Multiplayer Demo.

8/10. Misses a little originality but to whom has played generals will like this. The controls are virtually the same :)
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#36 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 20 February 2007 - 14:48

Ground control 2 10/10

that game is just so holy damn awesome!!!

#37 TehKiller

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Posted 20 February 2007 - 18:26

Hitman 2 9.9/10

Old but great.....great weapons,missions,graphics (for its age) the only bad thing are some glitches
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#38 Rayburn


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Posted 20 February 2007 - 19:34

View PostCattman2236, on 19 Feb 2007, 14:46, said:

Age of Empres 3 9/10
Great game, love the British Army, Such a cool game.

Nice game, indeed. Only downside was the campaign which was a bit too fictitious for my liking.
Personally, I like the Russians with their infantry coming in packs of 10.
Seems like history designed Russians for the human wave tactic...

#39 Guest__Jack_*

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 02:25

star wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption, I gave it an 7.5/10 when it first came out

Mini Review for All you folk:
Before Updates: The New side (Zann Consotrtium) totally overpowered the Empire and The Rebels in space battles, and in Rebels VS Empire space matches the Rebels were usually totally overpowered due to lack of firepower and speed taht the empire got a large upgrade in, also quite a few of the in-game textures were missing from the game such as the Executor Star Destroyer, which would come out white when ordered into the field. The ground play was relatively the same when pinned rebels vs empire; however, when faced against the Zann consortium once again both sides would be overpowered. adding the ability to go into matches that involved multiples of the same side fighting eachother was a very nice touch and variaty not expirienced in the origional. Galactic conquest was left relatively unchanged also with one exception the addition of the Zann consortium, I was disapointed to see that you still could only go 1v1 in a galactic conquest map and only one player could pick one side. also there was a bug where if you minimized the program your graphics drivers would crash with certain video cards.

After the game was updated I gave it an 8.2/10 because updates had fixed alot of bugs and nerfed the new side and balanced the game for more equal playing.

#40 RI-Ravager


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Posted 21 February 2007 - 03:34

Mr. Airforce you play(ed) Ground Control 2? ... never thot i'd find somebody else on here who has played that game. That was an AWESOME GAME. It's still has a few things that needs tweaking but i got more than my money's worth out of it. It was because of that game I'm in the Regnum Irae. I'd tell ya some of my war stories but i don't wanna go too far off topic.

Anyways, the last game i played was Company of Heroes.

9.5/10 - The graphics are VERY nice, if you have the computer to run it. But even on lower settings it's still not too bad. I love the allied campaign. I've played it 5 times lol. Skirmish play is fun and good training tho for new ppl (like my dad) facing an easy can still be pretty tough. It' doesn't have an Axis campaign, however, so that kinda stunk but i started learning to play them in skirmish. I am glad to say that it does include a "training" to teach you the basics about the game which really helps ppl get going into the game. From the sound of my clanmates, online play is full of win + awesome. My net can't stay connected long enough for me to get into a game so i can't play online which really bites because a lot of my clan mates are there. The pathfinding for the tanks/vehicles can be a bit... "meh" but it's still a shitload of fun. It is yet another WW2 game but it's a pretty damn good one and would tottally recommend it to you WW2 junkies out there. The rating PC gamer gave it was about right IMO.

TBH, i was nvr gonna get the game because when i first saw the requirments, my machine woulda' nvr run it but of course i got a demo in the mail w/ my pc gamer magazine so i thot i'd give it a try and i got hooked right away.

EDIT: My favorite unit/defensive object (because it's under that building menu) Would be the Allied 105mm Howitzer. You let me get a couple of these built and i will be spending the battle shoving 105 shells down your throat. I just absolutely LOVE the sound and shear power of those babys.

Edited by RI-Ravager, 21 February 2007 - 03:37.

#41 Alias

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 05:12

I've played Ground Control 1, and GC2.

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#42 Ascendancy

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 05:32

Freelancer - 9/10

If you like futuristic open ended MMORPG's, this one's for you. This game still has a huge cult following with tons of dedicated hardcore roleplayers and plenty of clans about. If you play it though, you should get the Discovery Mod v4.83 Beta 1 along with the Freelancer Mod Manager to play it. (Obviously I'm a hardcore player of it, my Xfire says I've played it a total of 81 hours so far, and I haven't had Xfire long). The graphics are pretty good for a game that's a few years old and most systems can run it with no problem.

Oh, and exploring a huge universe is always fun when you have nothing better to do.
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Thanks to that awesome signature maker, Cattman2236.
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#43 MentalAss

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 05:44

View PostMDW, on 20 Feb 2007, 14:34, said:

View PostCattman2236, on 19 Feb 2007, 14:46, said:

Age of Empres 3 9/10
Great game, love the British Army, Such a cool game.

Nice game, indeed. Only downside was the campaign which was a bit too fictitious for my liking.
Personally, I like the Russians with their infantry coming in packs of 10.
Seems like history designed Russians for the human wave tactic...

Actually I can back up the beginning of the campaign, where the Ottomans invaded Malta when it was occupied by the Knights of St. John.
Talk about awe struck when I played the campaign! Never in my life would I have thought I'd find Maltese history in a game!

Back on topic:

Gears of War - 9/10 (Campaign only. I have dial up so multiplayer is out of the question)
As the Reaper put it.....Awesome! However, to me, it looses a point for being too short. I plowed my way through Insane difficulty in 2 days.

Edited by MentalAss, 21 February 2007 - 05:45.

#44 Guest__Jack_*

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 05:58

damn, I haven't found that many people who've played GC2. I have to ask - was I the only one dissapointed when they said we couldn't play as the terrans?

#45 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 08:13

Yeah, i got GCII at the release and did play the campaing serval times now...about 100-200^^ it never gets boring. never.

and the grapfiks are just awesome. even the bullets of some terradynes are skinned O_O . And the detail at infantry models BOAH,awesome.

a little BTW note: i got inspired for my mod by the gameplay of that game :)

#46 Overdose

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 23:49

Dreamfall - good graphics, well written and it can really draw you in at first. The combat system lacks however, the main character's voice actress sounds like a robot and it ends too abruptly making you wonder what the hell happened. The other characters don't get enough time on the spotlight and it seems like it takes after too many underground culture movie stuff from The Ring, The Matrix and Minority Report.
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#47 E.V.E.

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Posted 22 February 2007 - 13:07

Supreme Commander

6 / 10

I expected more from this Game ...

- E.V.E.

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#48 Cattman2236

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Posted 22 February 2007 - 13:53

Scarface: The world is yours

10/10 This is such a cool game, but i suggest you watch the film before you play this to understand the storyline.
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#49 Golan

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Posted 22 February 2007 - 14:20

View PostOverdose, on 22 Feb 2007, 00:49, said:

Dreamfall - good graphics, well written and it can really draw you in at first. The combat system lacks however, the main character's voice actress sounds like a robot and it ends too abruptly making you wonder what the hell happened. The other characters don't get enough time on the spotlight and it seems like it takes after too many underground culture movie stuff from The Ring, The Matrix and Minority Report.

Did you also play TLJ? If yes, which one do you find better?
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#50 Rayburn


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Posted 22 February 2007 - 16:08

Soul Calibur 3 (PS2) 8 out of 10
As a Beat 'em Up, a great game, especially against friends. It also offers a lot of stuff to unlock and comes with a Create A Character feature. Only downside which is also quite a heavy one is the AI which tends to be very unfair at times since it's designed to be able to predict your moves. There are also some annoying parts in the Campaign...
Other than that, a great game. If you're having some friends around, this game is awesome fun.

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