This first piqued my interest when I heard it was a combination of prince of persia, zelda and diablo 2. Further to that I wanted to support THQ who are going through some tough times atm due to shitty management.
First off, the good - The game is massive, you certainly get your moneys worth. The level design is exceptional and the puzzles while sometimes being a little easy, are not frustrating either (at the moment anyway). The gameplay is also for the most part superb, and the game is very stable - all other areas are also pretty top notch; soundtrack, sound design, visual aesthetics ect
The game is really only marred by one thing, it's a console port and it's a very obvious one too. The UI can be a bit of a mess and while you can rebind keys you cannot change the sensitivity of the pan (which is to slow) and the sensitivity in aim mode suffers from obvious mouse acceleration. There is no official provision for AA,AF or any other PC bells and whistles and the textures are all quite low res when you get up close and personal. They have promised to address these issues but it remains to be seen if anything will actually be done about it.
However despite that I am still going to rate this game highly, the port issues are rarely a problem and I'm just having to much fun to care most of the time.
9/10 - Buy it