Here are 2 tutorials, initially by DetoNato in icq^^
Stealth generator:
First of all:
Add this into your unit´s or structures code which should be affected by the stealth effect:
StealthUpdate ModuleTag_98 [...] RequiredStatus = STATUS_RIDER8 End
And this into the stealth generator´s code:
StealthUpdate ModuleTag_98 RequiredStatus = STATUS_RIDER8 End FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_99 Weapon = StealtGenerator ExclusiveWeaponDelay = 0 InitialDelay = 0 End
Now, copy and paste the avenger targetdesingnator weapon in the weapon.INI.
Change "FAERIE_FIRE" to "STATUS_RIDER8". The PrimaryDamageRadius decides the are of effect (350 = range of a nuke cannon)
Create 7 different objects, (2 dummy's, 1 tiberiumtree and 4 different crystals)
Tiberium tree:
Create a new structure first, call it..TiberiumTree.
Now: give it 2 fireweaponupdates:
FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_90 Weapon = CristalSpawner InitialDelay = 20000 End FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_91 Weapon = CristalKiller InitialDelay = 0 End
Tiberium Cristal:
Create a structure with 2 fireweaponupdates, Call it "Cristal1":
FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_90 Weapon = CristalSpawner InitialDelay = 20000 FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_91 Weapon = CristalKiller InitialDelay = 0 ;and add this too: SpawnBehavior ModuleTag_92 SpawnNumber = 1 OneShot = Yes SpawnTemplateName = OCL_Cristal2 SpawnedRequireSpawner = No InitialBurst = 20000 End FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_90 Weapon = CristalGrowArea InitialDelay = 0
Now create 3 more cristals:
Call them from cristal2 up to cristal 4:
SpawnBehavior ModuleTag_92 SpawnNumber = 1 OneShot = Yes SpawnTemplateName = OCL_Cristal3;everytimes one above the actual cristal (if it is Cristal2, put cristal 3 etz.) SpawnedRequireSpawner = No InitialBurst = 20000 End
Now the dummys:
call it "CristalDummy"
SpawnBehavior ModuleTag_90 SpawnNumber = 1 OneShot = Yes SpawnTemplateName = OCL_Cristal1 SpawnedRequireSpawner = No InitialBurst = 2000 End CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_91 ExemptStatus = STATUS_RIDER4 End CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_92 RequiredStatus = STATUS_RIDER4;Increase with each cristal CreationList = OCL_Cristal1 End LifetimeUpdate MinLifetime = 100 MaxLifetime = 100 EndNow create another dummy:
Call it CristalGrowingArea, this one will limit the growing of the field and it allows you to make somethink like a road where the tiberium grows.
FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_90 Weapon = CristalGrowArea InitialDelay = 0
Now lets go to teh weapons:
CristalKiller;it´s a staus weapon [...] PrimaryDamageRadius: 2 [...] STATUS_RIDER1;as status set by the status weapon [...] End
Next one:
CristalSpawner [...] OCL_CristalDummy [...] End
CristalGrowArea [...] STATUS_RIDER4 [...] End
Now teh OCL´s
OCL_Cristal1;Increased with each cristal grow-staus [...] Cristal1 Y = 3 [...] Cristal1 Y = -3 [...] Cristal1 X = 3 [...] Cristal1 X = -3 End
Teh Cristal Dummy:
OCL_CristalDummy;Increased with each cristal grow-staus [...] CristalDummy Y = 3 [...] CristalDummy Y = -3 [...] CristalDummy X = 3 [...] CristalDummy X = -3 End
I think that´s it^^
Special thansk to:
DetoNato -> Show me how it works
Chris (Yayo01) -> Giving me the module list^^
-ill edit soon again -
Edited by Master_Chief, 14 May 2007 - 12:37.