IPS' Artwork
Posted 29 September 2009 - 20:48

-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 30 September 2009 - 01:22

Posted 30 September 2009 - 08:29

Posted 30 September 2009 - 16:28

(I'm making RA2YR mod, check Revora Forums for more info)

+ equivalents :p
Posted 30 September 2009 - 16:45

Posted 30 September 2009 - 21:45
@Warboss Nooka
It's always an eminently pleasure to read your comments.
You're right, this is not Tiberium, but somekind of magic crystals
belonging to a personal project I'm working on from time to time.
In their origin location they gather magical streams from the air to focus them into masses of energy.
However, these specimens here have been flung, together with some molten soil, many miles, by the eruption of an great underground vulcan, in the eastern wastelands.
In the jungle, magical trees grew out of those stones.
The blossoms of those plants in turn, are now to be gathered by harvesters of the sylvan tribes.
further progress:

-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 30 September 2009 - 23:19

Posted 15 October 2009 - 21:20
but today I got my new d5000 so here are some shots:

Edited by IPS, 15 October 2009 - 21:22.
-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 15 October 2009 - 21:24

man i need to have one of those too

Posted 15 October 2009 - 21:30

Posted 16 October 2009 - 05:16
1). D5000, as in the Nikon D5000? Awesome camera if so. I myself have the Nikon D80. I'm sure you'll agree that Nikon makes ace cameras, and their lenses are fantastic. Speaking of lenses, which one do you have on your camera currently?
2). I noticed you're experimenting with depth of field, and moving the focus of the picture around. That's one of the coolest things I've found I like about DSLR's, and it's a very easy effect to get with minimal input from the photographer. Do you take photos freehand, or do you have a tripod that you can use?
3). Second photo, top row, on the right: What were your camera settings (ISO, aperture, shutter speed)? If you don't know, and you have Adobe Bridge, you can pull up the photo's metadata, and that will tell you just about everything there is to know about the photo, including the time of day. As a personal aside, this photo is also the most striking and artistic of the bunch. It could almost be a Halloween photo, given the colours, or apparent lack thereof. Your ISO is set a little too dark, as some of the railing disappears into the darkness in the photo, but otherwise it's perfect. I'm assuming the desired effect was to get the highlights of where the light was cast on the railing. This photo also shows that you have an eye for composition.
4). This is something not really related to the art or picture itself, but you play Tau?

Posted 16 October 2009 - 15:00
nikons are indeed great cameras
have you uploaded some pictures somewhere?
2) all free hand and 100% manual, I don't like all the automatic settings tbh
3) iso 1600, aperure F/5, shutter speed ~1,5s
I tried higher ISO settings but there was some quality drop so I decided to leave it at 1600

4) that's correct sir! those kroot are painted by me
just like those:

-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 16 October 2009 - 15:03
Posted 16 October 2009 - 17:12
If you can set your F stop lower than 5 (maybe set it to 3 or 3.5 if your lens allows), you'll get more light in your photo. This means that you can operate at a slightly lower ISO setting and get the same effect, or you can leave your ISO at 1600 and get a brighter photo.
Excellent paint work on your models though mate. They look outstanding. Only one thing would make them better: Orks!

Posted 16 October 2009 - 19:42
indeed orks are a lot of fun to paint, and especially to mod
but it like with the IG, try to create a whole army and you will begin to wreck your models or die painting >.<
grey knights would be the perfect army for me, you can spend a year painting one squad and still win all games

but sadly they are nearly unmoddable without a diecasting machine... and an utterly common army is lame

do you play wk40 tabletop, too?
-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 16 October 2009 - 19:58
I don't play WH40k table top as it is a rather expensive hobby, though if I did, you can imagine which race I'd pick.

Somewhat back on topic: I'm looking forward to more of your sketches and pictures mate!

Posted 17 October 2009 - 12:19
I quite like it to have just one art thread

Edited by IPS, 17 October 2009 - 12:20.
-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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....... (-,____==o___.´ ..............` --
Posted 19 October 2009 - 14:23
Well, since cnc Unleashed "died", I decided to release my models to the public.
They are the very basic models + skins (some with dmg status) without bones and anim.
Contact me on msn if you want them. Use only with proper credits.
Oh and I want an "in action" screanshot!

So here are the candidates:
My last WIP, 90% done, one skin detail missing, missile unskinned:
[soon be there again]
the others:

Edited by IPS, 03 November 2009 - 13:39.
-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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....... (-,____==o___.´ ..............` --
Posted 19 October 2009 - 14:57
IPS, on 19 Oct 2009, 22:23, said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but, you told me you were going to send those models to me to be rigged and coded and after 2 months of waiting for your reply, this happens ....
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