DOW: Dark Crusade
Posted 26 September 2007 - 18:25
Alias, on 26 Sep 2007, 12:37, said:
-Stinger (as of this Friday, hopefully)
There's 13. There's probably one or two I missed. The only problem would be balancing between all these timezones.
how about the ussual weekend gathering and if we have enuff players at one time then we can organise a tourney at the spot

Posted 26 September 2007 - 18:25

Hamachi Status: :

Much thanks to p4ved for siggy ;)
Posted 26 September 2007 - 18:44

Posted 27 September 2007 - 07:21
About the timezone me and Tiaro are GMT+2 but in the weekends i am nearly all day online sometimes so it wont be a problem for me.Unless you all guys gather up for a game in midnight<<<

Aaamm Hunta how many souls do you think step2ice has for stealing<<i think only one not many<<<.
According to the sloganizer-well "Redscorpio kicks ass" or "Praise GLA".
Edited by Felix, 27 September 2007 - 07:40.
Posted 27 September 2007 - 08:45
nidmeister, on 27 Sep 2007, 4:44, said:
Somewhere between GMT 1300 and 1700 seems sensible. It means late nights for Americans/Australians and afternoons for Europeans.

Posted 27 September 2007 - 10:51

Posted 27 September 2007 - 13:51

Posted 28 September 2007 - 16:50
I just need to work on speed, and assesing the battle so I use the correct tech tree path.

Posted 28 September 2007 - 19:16
First me and felix against Alias, Medve and Teh Killer so a 2 VS 3 game it was hard and lasted quite a while but eventualy we managed to out resource them and break through and immobilze medve and killer and alias soon after even with a back door attack going on and everything.
one of the most epic team games i'v played sofar.
After that we did a 4 player FFA with Alias, Felix, Medve and myself of which i emerged victorious by killing alias early on and taking his req. points allowing me to mass a larger attack force to wipe out felix and eventualy medve too

GG's guys!
Posted 28 September 2007 - 20:13

Posted 28 September 2007 - 21:21
I'll be here sunday though, should be anyway.
and on sunday I should be fine anywhere between 1400 GMT to 2100 GMT

Posted 28 September 2007 - 21:29

Posted 28 September 2007 - 23:56
Somewhere between -9 and -5: SBS-Team.
-7: Comrade.
GMT: Stinger, Nidmeister.
+1: Hunter, Shirou, TehKiller, Step2Ice, Medve.
+2: Tiaro, Felix.
+10: Alias.
Please note this is made by my (crappy) knowledge of timezones and knowing the locations of most of you. Please notify me if any of this is wrong.
Also, good games guys. Bloody Bezerkers.
Edited by Alias, 29 September 2007 - 00:02.

Posted 29 September 2007 - 14:04

Here"s also one of mines today achievements with the mighty Eldar who all hate.For it i guarantee- it is epic 1v1.I ques thats my best eldar game till now because i didnt had any tactics with em so far.Notice what tier 1and 2 can do-a reall masterpiece of mine microing(despite i wasnt watching all mine units all the time)

Number of downloads: 3
Edited by Felix, 30 September 2007 - 14:00.
Posted 29 September 2007 - 14:11
-{Aston Martin 4ever}-

"the earth does not deserve to touch my feet"
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Posted 29 September 2007 - 16:52
I've been watching replays but haven't been able to figure out much of anything yet as the whole thing seems a bit chaotic to me.
Maybe I'll observe some more matches for a while.

Posted 29 September 2007 - 18:59
btw can anyone tell me how to play with IG in lan without WA? (as soon as possible....even a PM would help)

Posted 29 September 2007 - 22:11
Alias, on 29 Sep 2007, 0:56, said:
Somewhere between -9 and -5: SBS-Team.
-7: Comrade.
GMT: Stinger, Nidmeister.
+1: Hunter, Shirou, TehKiller, Step2Ice, Medve.
+2: Tiaro, Felix.
+10: Alias.
Please note this is made by my (crappy) knowledge of timezones and knowing the locations of most of you. Please notify me if any of this is wrong.
Also, good games guys. Bloody Bezerkers.
Thanks for that Alias

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