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Best Metal Rock/Metal Band

Poll: Best Metal/Rcok (29 member(s) have cast votes)

Who is it?

  1. MetallicA (10 votes [34.48%])

    Percentage of vote: 34.48%

  2. DragonForce (3 votes [10.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.34%

  3. Iron Maiden (3 votes [10.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.34%

  4. Guns n Roses (4 votes [13.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.79%

  5. Black Sabbath (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. Led Zeppelin (2 votes [6.90%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.90%

  7. Megadeth (1 votes [3.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.45%

  8. Van Halen (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  9. Rammestein (wtf spelling...) (4 votes [13.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.79%

  10. I dont listn to propper music (2 votes [6.90%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.90%

Vote Guests cannot vote

Reaper94's Photo Reaper94 03 Mar 2008

i like 3 of theres

Fox on the Run
Little Willy
Wig Wam Bam

SolidSpartan117's Photo SolidSpartan117 03 Mar 2008

Do you like Iron Maiden or Stone Sour?

Reaper94's Photo Reaper94 03 Mar 2008

iron maiden yeh bro
stone sour nope, never heard of

thru fire and flames is fucking hell fast

SolidSpartan117's Photo SolidSpartan117 03 Mar 2008

You shild lisen to Stone Sour, Its Corrie from Slipknot but its alot slower and is really good

Reaper94's Photo Reaper94 03 Mar 2008

aint corrie a soap lolz :P

not metallica fan so cant honestly say theyd have muich appeal to me :S

SolidSpartan117's Photo SolidSpartan117 03 Mar 2008

No I mean Corrie Taylor (Lead singer of Slipknot)

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 03 Mar 2008

Isn't this the kind of topic were you post what you think and be done with it? If you want to have a conversation use MSN instead of spamming so much.

Back OT.

Alot of my friends like GnR, and all the older stuff and i've heard it so much at parties and the like that im sick to death of it. Still listen to metallica sometimes and I listen to rammstein very occasionally. Im more into heavier stuff, but out of that list it would have to be metallica for me.

Pav:3d's Photo Pav:3d 03 Mar 2008

i voted 'zepplin as they were the pioneers of it all, but imo the award should go to motorhead :read:

and yay for metalheads/rockers on ES-forums :P

Alias's Photo Alias 04 Mar 2008

Wolfmother, Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree.

However, I do like a bit of Led Zeppelin, King Crimson or Frank Zappa every once in a while.

 Hyuga Hinata, on 4 Mar 2008, 5:33, said:

Edited by Alias, 04 March 2008 - 05:18.

MentalAss's Photo MentalAss 04 Mar 2008

Where the hell are Judas Priest, Kittie and Children of Bodom? I guess to each, his own.

Out of the list you provided, the only one I tend to dislike is Metallica. I'm sorry, some of you might disagree and you are entitled to your opinion, but for me, Metallica died with Cliff Burton. Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning cannot be surpassed.

Reaper94's Photo Reaper94 04 Mar 2008

 MentalAss, on 4 Mar 2008, 5:04, said:

Where the hell are Judas Priest, Kittie and Children of Bodom? I guess to each, his own.

Out of the list you provided, the only one I tend to dislike is Metallica. I'm sorry, some of you might disagree and you are entitled to your opinion, but for me, Metallica died with Cliff Burton. Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning cannot be surpassed.

JP only done 1 good song, and i cldnt think of *every* band, ceratain ppol have differant classifications of what a certain type of music is as well, some mighty think The Sweet are *glam* rock others might think theyre rock group so wghat some of u classify as rocck i may not

Pav:3d's Photo Pav:3d 04 Mar 2008

^whaaaa? JP did millions of great songs! agreed with metalass

MentalAss's Photo MentalAss 04 Mar 2008

Millions is an understatment, Pav3d :P. Judas Priest just so happens to be my favourite all time band. Blood Red Skies FTW!

One good song...at least I had a chuckle.

General Kirkov's Photo General Kirkov 04 Mar 2008

G&R Hands down.

General-Maddoc's Photo General-Maddoc 04 Mar 2008

 кเ๔, on 3 Mar 2008, 20:16, said:

Where's SOAD?

Good question you got there ^^ .... System Of A Down is a great band

hm I guess for me out of the given list it's Rammstein though I also like Metallica ...

and Iron Maiden ... and for some talk ... I live quite in the near of Wacken :-D
so perhaps I gonna see them live this year *wuhu*

Pav:3d's Photo Pav:3d 04 Mar 2008

 MentalAss, on 4 Mar 2008, 10:31, said:

Millions is an understatment, Pav3d :P. Judas Priest just so happens to be my favourite all time band. Blood Red Skies FTW!

One good song...at least I had a chuckle.

indeed! sadly my fave song is probs what Hyuga Hinata said was their "only" good song, breaking the law... ;)

Dutchygamer's Photo Dutchygamer 04 Mar 2008

I like Metallica and Rammstein, and I'm going to get some songs from Dragonforce too... Based on the amount of cd's from each band, I voted Metallica :P
Also, SoaD FTW!

Reaper94's Photo Reaper94 04 Mar 2008

 Pav3d, on 4 Mar 2008, 16:42, said:

 MentalAss, on 4 Mar 2008, 10:31, said:

Millions is an understatment, Pav3d :P. Judas Priest just so happens to be my favourite all time band. Blood Red Skies FTW!

One good song...at least I had a chuckle.

indeed! sadly my fave song is probs what Hyuga Hinata said was their "only" good song, breaking the law... ;)

dont recall stating breaking the law but yes it was what i was thinking. and to all who say diff to metallica being da best i have one thing to say to u:

MetallicA said:

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should be
A servant `til I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Just do as we say
Finished here, greeting death
Hes yours to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I say
Back to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman
[end chorus]

Barking of machinegun fire, does nothing to me now
Sounding of the clock that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you bare, glory seeker trends
Bodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends


Why, am I dying?
Kill, have no fear
Lie, live off lying
Hell, hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, moulded day by day
Looking back I realize, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun


Back to the front.

Shirou's Photo Shirou 04 Mar 2008

Should be an option of 'other, please specify' in that poll, cus thats what most people are doing :P

Anyway, that title goes to Dimmu Borgir if it's up to me!

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 04 Mar 2008

Someone should make a proper poll with miles more bands. This one is very limited.

Libains's Photo Libains 04 Mar 2008

Of those i'd have to go with Guns'n Roses cos they're great and never get old. TBH i reckon you might get a few people angry for saying Led Zep are metal - cos they're not metal at all - sorry and all. Metallica are ok and all - but i got tired of listening to them after 200 songs or so played on repeat at every party i went to so i just gave up. Whiskey in the Jar is great, but i prefer the Thin Lizzy original.

Archon's Photo Archon 04 Mar 2008

I listen all of this bands on list but I voted for Rammstein.They just awesome.Songs,concerts everything.Reise,reise best album of this band.

retry_1's Photo retry_1 04 Mar 2008

you are missing a good load of bands there
bullet for my valentine
nickleback(to an extent)
van halenwhoops, didn't see that
breaking benjamin
need i go on?
Edited by retry_1, 04 March 2008 - 23:33.

Archon's Photo Archon 04 Mar 2008

Linkin Park

RaiDK's Photo RaiDK 05 Mar 2008

I'm fans of Dragonforce / Black Sabbath, so one of them I guess :P