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Being picked on at school

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#1 Pandut

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:13

I dont know really where to put this, but i'm getting picked on in one my my classes. No matter what i do i cant get the person picking on me to stop. They insult me, tried to spread rumors that im gay and tried to fight me. I need some help, like some comebacks i could say or something. Please people, i need help!
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#2 Wizard


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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:22

Options limited to ignoring him and rising above it, reporting him to some authority figure, kicking his arse. I am guessing perhaps the latter is a no-go? Giving you ideas for witty put downs are pointless as I can guarantee that you won't remember them or use them in the right places. The best thing to do is basically ignore him. He does it for two reasons. 1/ to make him feel better and you worse 2/ for attention for the larger audience, which only works if you feel worse about the whole thing. I suggest next time you simply just flick him the finger and walk away. If he threatens you, don't move. Getting a kicking isn't as bad as it is made out to be. I have been on both ends in my time. Plus if he actually does go for you, you have a very good excuse to he him booted out of school and arrested.

I hope you get this sorted, bullying sucks.

#3 Pandut

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:28

Its kinda hard to ignore him when he jabs a needle in my arm...But the teachers dont do anything...they'll just talk to them but dont punish which really pisses me off. I already cussed him out today becuase he was acting like a 5 year old and kept on annoying me and stabbing me with a needle...
Formerly Sobek

#4 Jok3r

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:31

I found a trick about all this quite a while ago. Tell them to fuck off, piss off, whatever. Just ignore them. but, but heres the important part. They lay a finger on you, in a menacing way of any sort- a punch in the gut tends to do the trick. Let me make this clear- I'm not advocating violence, however, if you stand up for yourself like that, people are much less likely to give you shit. Also, because you asked about comebacks, any time he says your gay, you need to only ask why he's so interested, and make it clear you're not. Works best in front of a group. In case that wasn't clear, heres an example-
"Bully"- Hey, I heard Alex is gay
You- Eh?
"Bully"- You heard me, I said you were gay
You- Umm... why? you want me to be? (backs away)

I hope this helps, I hate seeing kids get picked on (I don't have much of a problem anymore, being 2nd or 3rd tallest in my year, and having "swimmers shoulders"... and having taken a kid out when he shoved me and went to punch me)
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#5 Reaper94


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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:31


i suffered saame shit once

if he/they/them(etc) hit you, just floor them, if they do "your mum..." do something humorous back about their mum

and hope they get a life...

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#6 Crazykenny

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:36

Just ignore and report it.
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#7 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:37

Would have given you some advice that helped me out but i am afraid that it might get the forum on the 9 o clock News. To be honest Passiveness is not always the right answer. Some times you need to be a bit more up front and for the love of god think logically before doing anything.
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#8 Jok3r

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:39

View PostCrazykenny, on 10 Apr 2008, 14:36, said:

Just ignore and report it.

No offense kenny, but I seriously doubt thats going to work. I remembered something else that might help you, but I wanted to ask two things first-
A. How big is this guy?
B. Have you ever done Karate or something of the sort?



Would have given you some advice that helped me out but i am afraid that it might get the forum on the 9 o clock News. To be honest Passiveness is not always the right answer. Some times you need to be a bit more up front and for the love of god think logically before doing anything.

And what would that be Prophet? :). Also- Agreed

Edited by The Swimmer, 10 April 2008 - 19:40.

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#9 Pandut

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:42

The Swimmer said:

A. How big is this guy?
B. Have you ever done Karate or something of the sort

a. Hes reeeeeeally fat
b. No, but im thinking about it....

POTP said:

Would have given you some advice that helped me out but i am afraid that it might get the forum on the 9 o clock News. To be honest Passiveness is not always the right answer. Some times you need to be a bit more up front and for the love of god think logically before doing anything.

I agree with you as well, but resorting to violence is always my last resort.
Formerly Sobek

#10 Crazykenny

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:45

He's fat... there, you have a subject to pick him on!
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#11 Pandut

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:47

CrazyKenny said:

He's fat... there, you have a subject to pick him on!

Sadly i already tried that...Didnt work...
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#12 Reaper94


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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:47

View PostCrazykenny, on 10 Apr 2008, 20:36, said:

Just ignore and report it.

i did that

nothing hapopened

just smack them, i cld give you some of my favourite ways to hit that but unless you have serious control it can cause serious damage so i wont tell u. If they hit u hit them in the stomach or to the groin, (note if u kick them in the groin "flick" the foot - trust me it hurts a lot more) if all else fails, let them hit u once (make sure hard enopugh for bruise, maybe in view of CCTV) and smash them in the ribs (both fists either side) and if done hard enough they'll be on the floor for... quite a while...

im not encouraging violence but self defence, also a thing i was taught about Pre-Emptive Self-Defense, (in england) "if you feel your health is in danger you're legally allowed to strike with enough force to reduce danger to you"

i.e if someone comes near u with a needle or pen or anything in a threatening way, smack em one and call pre-emptive self defense.

View PostPandut, on 10 Apr 2008, 20:42, said:

The Swimmer said:

A. How big is this guy?
B. Have you ever done Karate or something of the sort

a. Hes reeeeeeally fat
b. No, but im thinking about it....

a. i was fat once, thats why ppol tried to start fights with me
b. do it, i was doing it before i startted getting "serious" issues (to the point i was gonna hit em so hard id get locked up for it) you'll learn self-control and how to hit in certain areas and not cause too much damage.

little tip, pressure point: in the wrist (extremely useful if someone comes at you with a weapon to make them drop it). Clench your fist or hold onto something (ruler etc) till the veins in your wrist are clearly visable, then with a thumb apply pressure, it'd take a while until you can find it on someone else but when you do, as soon anyone comes at you with anything, pressure the vein on the wrists and theyll drop it

Edited by Hinata, 10 April 2008 - 19:57.

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#13 Jok3r

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:49

OK, one last question, and a quick statement on the use of violence.
How big/fit are you?

Although I agree, violence is most definitely your last resort, when push comes to shove (which it clearly has if he's poking you with a needle), its pretty much your only option. If you would rather remain "innocent", call me a devil, but I'd say bait him. Because, TBQH, if your not doing anything when he does this, he thinks he can get away with anything. In a situation like this, the best way to end it is, unfortunately, due to the complete hypocrisy and inofficiency that is the american school (and especially discipline) system, is probably violence.



im not encouraging violence but self defence, also a thing i was taught about Pre-Emptive Self-Defense, (in england) "if you feel your health is in danger you're legally allowed to strike with enough force to reduce danger to you"

i.e if someone comes near u with a needle or pen or anything in a threatening way, smack em one and call pre-emptive self defense.

There are laws like this here too, but I think that might be going a bit far. Remember Hinata, we're talking about school here- I'm quite capable of suggesting some... more advanced fighting techniques, but this is really no more than a class bully- most likely the kind of person to go out with one punch.

Edited by The Swimmer, 10 April 2008 - 19:55.

kinda, sorta alive.

#14 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:54

Confront him and do not freaking back down. Look like a crazy maniac and Look directly in the eye. That outta make him shit in his pants and if all else fails then a swift kick in the Family jewels is the only option. I know violence should be avoided but it just doesn't fucking work with bullies they actually feed off of the fear. Once they know they are challenged and have no power over you only then do they leave you alone. The kid is acting out and he has issues but why the fuck should you be his punching bag. Dish it out as good as he gives you. Thats the only way. Unless he is really really really big then errrrrrr............... Try to memorise as many "Yo Mamas so Fat" jokes as possible :)
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#15 Nid

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:55

If he tries to start a fight, and starts hitting you, knocking you around, don't stand for it.
You'l look like much less of a wimpy little kid, if you fight back, to everyone else. Even if you have little physical strength, if you can scrap, then do it.

I used to take that kinda crap off basically everyone for a couple of years back at the start of secondary school (equivallent to highschool) and I ended it, when someone tried to throw my bag over an extremely tall fance, I shoved him, grabbed the bag, and when he swung for me, I swung back.
A few good hits to the face, specifically the nose does the trick. Also, ducking around when you see him swing for you isn't such a bad idea.

And even if you get copped by the teachers, the story isn't pretty hard to explain, and staff are usually more leniant towards the "victims" in this, I.E. the ones who didn't start the fight.
There are always people who observe other's behaviour, so don't worry about not bieng backed up, should the bully lie, and twist the story.

Edited by Duo Maxwell, 10 April 2008 - 19:57.

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#16 Pandut

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:56

The Swimmer said:

How big/fit are you?

Im not fat, but im not skinny. The bully is like 3 times wider then me though, and I'm taller then him.

And whenever i refuse to fight, i get made fun of even more...I've even earned the nickname ''Tough guy''
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#17 Soul

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 19:59

I know the feeling of getting bullied, it put me in a depressive state for awhile and I even thought of suicide :) .

I've been told ignoring them is the best idea, however I've always failed at that. If he hits you, kick him in the shin, that's all I got if you plan on fighting back.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#18 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:02

Live up to your name and be a tough guy. Use your height to your advantage and look down on him and constantly hurl fat jokes at the idiot. If it comes down to a fight make sure his heads not clear so you will end up getting in better shots then him. For once get the situation so bad so that the fat guys parents gets called in and then let them hear your side of the story.
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#19 Reaper94


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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:05

View PostProphet of the Pimps, on 10 Apr 2008, 20:54, said:

Try to memorise as many "Yo Mamas so Fat" jokes as possible :)


yo mommas so fat she goes bungy jumpiung and goes straight to hell
yo mommas so fat she was baptised at sea world
yo mommas so fat she goes the beach and green peace throw her in the water
yo mommas so fat she got busted at the airport for having 10 lbs (pounds) of crack
yo mommas so fat she walked into the fbi and they renamed it to "fat bitch inside"
yo mommas so old she knew burger king when he was a prince
yo mommas so old she farts dust
yo mommas so old she breast-feeds powder
yo mommas so fat NASA are sending her into space to fix the whole in the ozone layer

i have MANY more and am more than willing to share :P

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#20 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:06

FOR THE LAST TIME IGNORING DOES SHIT. ANYONE WHO RECOMMENDS IT DOESN'T LIVE IN REALITY BECAUSE THE WORLD IS NOT A FAIRLAND WITH PRINCESSES AND BUNNY RABBITS ALL LIVING HAPPILY TOGETHER. Authorities are fucking stupid and would rather push this kind of stuff under the rug so the only option you have is to force the Authority to act or Take care of it on your own.

You mentioned that people tease when you back off if he is bullying you. This is what is fuelling him. Once this factor is no longer there then he have no point in annoying you any more.
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#21 Nid

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:12

I think the best way to do this, is deal with it yourself, push him to the point of doing something drastic to you.
It will earn him little respect, and getting him to do it infront of a figure of authority earns you extra brownie points.

And insulting his problem, will hit harder than insulting his mother.
Try to pull a few nasty jokes about his weight, or any other weakness he has.
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#22 Overdose

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:13

Here's what I did once:

I happened to have a cold. The guy came up to me and started to make fun of me. I gathered the god of loogeys, it was so thick and heavy it could balance on its own weight inside my mouth. When the guy started laughing, I spit on his face. His face got plastered with the green goo. He never made fun of me again. Ever.

Another good thing to do, is to have your friends spreading rumors that you are crazy. Nobody wants to fight with a potential serial killer, especially the bully who's too afraid of losing his reputation.
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#23 Crazykenny

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:13

Ugh.. why do most people always resort to violence. I had regret when I broke the arm of my bully, ok he never teased me again but it didnt gave me a good feeling either.
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#24 Dauth

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:15

Ignoring does do sod all, bullies know the advice as well.

Hopefully you can avoid him, failing that taking him down a peg or two works, be inventive, coat him with tar and chicken feathers (maybe a little over the top).

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#25 Nid

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:15

Well, you have to think of bullying as a phase, every child experiences it, every child shakes it off.
You know the bast way to shake it off :)
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