Being picked on at school
Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:17

Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:18
My escape route goes through the enemy.

Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:22
"if u dont fuck off... ill kill you... and i wont think twice..."
Edited by Hinata, 10 April 2008 - 20:23.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:26
Don't try to fight him straight away, but throw some good fitting mobbing Sentences against his head.
He might get provocated or even start a Fight and you shouldn't back of then.
If he realy starts to attack you, take that guy down with Speed ( Hope you have some ).
Only thing fat People can do is punch with extreme Power, but need time to get back in condition for their next attack.
That's the time where you need to get that guy.
Oh and, incase you never had a fight in your Life: Those end more quickly than you think.
Not like in Tekken or such, Real Life fights are mostly over in 10 Seconds, atleast 1on1s.
Those People won't stop if you ignore them.
- E.V.E.

Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:36
E.V.E., on 10 Apr 2008, 21:26, said:
Oh and, incase you never had a fight in your Life: Those end more quickly than you think.
Not like in Tekken or such, Real Life fights are mostly over in 10 Seconds, atleast 1on1s.
But only on balanced maps

Although seriously, if you are gonna fight make sure you get the first shot in, if you are lucky it will be a sucker punch and it wont go get started at all.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:46
(this was cos he thought it was hilarious to throw mud at me)

Posted 10 April 2008 - 20:49
You have those bullies your the boss, or else they'll just continue. You said hes really fat and actually smaller than you.
Tell you what: let him throw the first punch when he does immediatly retaliate. The best way is to give a real good punch or kick into the region where your ribs come together. I dont know the word but since the heart is right behind it, that will knock him out with the first punch.
Trust me i've had to do that several times out of self defence. The important part is to let them make the first move.

Glory to the HYPNO TOAD
Posted 10 April 2008 - 21:01
E.V.E., on 10 Apr 2008, 21:26, said:
Don't try to fight him straight away, but throw some good fitting mobbing Sentences against his head.
He might get provocated or even start a Fight and you shouldn't back of then.
If he realy starts to attack you, take that guy down with Speed ( Hope you have some ).
Only thing fat People can do is punch with extreme Power, but need time to get back in condition for their next attack.
That's the time where you need to get that guy.
Oh and, incase you never had a fight in your Life: Those end more quickly than you think.
Not like in Tekken or such, Real Life fights are mostly over in 10 Seconds, atleast 1on1s.
Those People won't stop if you ignore them.
- E.V.E.
i never fought back with extrme power (yes i was fat) i just used acurate palm blows and occasionaly a flick-kick to the groin
Posted 10 April 2008 - 21:04
Edited by S.O.PAtomicarmy, 10 April 2008 - 21:05.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 21:14
EVE said:
Don't try to fight him straight away, but throw some good fitting mobbing Sentences against his head.
He might get provocated or even start a Fight and you shouldn't back of then.
If he realy starts to attack you, take that guy down with Speed ( Hope you have some ).
Only thing fat People can do is punch with extreme Power, but need time to get back in condition for their next attack.
That's the time where you need to get that guy.
Oh and, incase you never had a fight in your Life: Those end more quickly than you think.
Not like in Tekken or such, Real Life fights are mostly over in 10 Seconds, atleast 1on1s.
Those People won't stop if you ignore them.
- E.V.E.
I guess im lucky i have fast reflexes and that i can hold in pain well (Since my brother follows me around the house and annoyingly punches my shoulder)
Ya know, im not very sure i could actually beat someone up, i came close a year back when this kid turned most of my friends against me by spreading false rumors. Every time i think of beating someone up who picks on me i get extremely nervous.
Btw I really appreciate all the help from you guys ^_^
Makes me feel more confident

Edited by Pandut, 10 April 2008 - 21:15.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 21:19
Close your ears to what he has to say. When he approaches you, move away, but do not acknowledge his existence when doing so. Don't look at him. I'm not saying you should turn your back - 'cos you never know what he might do then - but just treat him like a non-person.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 21:21
Pandut, on 10 Apr 2008, 22:14, said:
I know the feeling.
We're not excpecting you to just hit him on sight the next time you see him.
As nervous as you might be, as soon as he throws the first punch, you find yourself completely caught up in the moment.
Don't be afraid to swing for the jaw.
On a side note, unless forced to, don't use dirty tactics, tripping him up cheesily will earn you no respect. and this is what you want to stop anyone else who thinks they can bowl up and start pushing you around.

Posted 10 April 2008 - 22:17
If, however, he does things like jabbing you with a needle, that's a whole other ball game. Unprovoked violence from a bully is best met with more violence, despite what your teachers might tell you. You don't want the bully to get the impression you are a doormat to be walked all over. Stand up for yourself, but try not to throw the first punch if totally unprovoked (i.e. don't read this and decide to hit him round the back of the head next time you see him in a corridor). It's easier to plead self defence that way, and if the school authorities find out about a fight between one kid and another, and one if them is saying they are getting bullied by the other, they will treat it far more seriously than if it were simply name calling, etc.
Above all, try not to let it get to you. These people will be off to enjoy fulfilling lives as bin men and factory workers as soon as they get the opportunity to leave, so try not to take what they say to heart.

Posted 10 April 2008 - 22:33
It is imperative that you stand up to him, or everyone - including him - will think you're a pathetic little bitch and he'll continue to fuck with you. He's fat, and he's short, he's picking on you to compensate for that because you're making yourself an easy target. The next time he touches you somehow, light his ass up. Here's a tip: don't go for the head. Everyone is so obsessed with punching in the head. Punch him in the solar plexus, then when he doubles over, grab his head and knee him in the face. And that's it, he's done.
0311 Rifleman
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Posted 10 April 2008 - 22:48
Pandut, on 11 Apr 2008, 4:58, said:
A needle!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of school is that?
Edited by Troa Barton, 10 April 2008 - 22:48.

Thanks -Drag- for the sig.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 23:07
Just something to consider among the wall of insight and possible ideas to try.

Posted 11 April 2008 - 00:12
It helps if you're really good at "comebacks" or sarcasm, not only does make them feel stupid, you can gain respect from others. I had a rep in my high school to the point, if anyone complained about a fractured shin or they can't feel their middle finger anymore, they all looked at me.
Self defense courses really help and it can help your esteem if you know you can kick 4 types of snot out of them. And if it comes to that, elbow in the guts, knee to the head and ankle to the shin works. (no joke, i've had to resort to that several times but only do it if they are shoving you around)
Sometimes when the book doesn't work, you gotta use the shotgun. it is a kind of phase, eventually no one bothers you and they take you cool. For me however, I never got over the burst of adrenaline from the fight, but I never ever started a fight because I could and could pick on bullies that once bullied me. You can stomp their ass to make them stop, but you can't scar a person for life. They're humans too, if only because humans are more creative at torture and torment than hell.

Many thanks to Comrade KamuiK, is credit to team
Posted 11 April 2008 - 00:15
Troa Barton said:
What kind of school is that?
Actually the hour he picks on me is a sewing & cooking class...
Posted 11 April 2008 - 00:34
If he does that walk out of the class.

Thanks -Drag- for the sig.
Posted 11 April 2008 - 00:42
Sometimes this helps too well however. I don't like fighting, and im pretty passive and then I just snap. Its like someone else takes over me, scares me sometimes..
However if he still doesn't stop after a good beating just remember this " When you have a good job and a loving family, he will be either dead, in prison or working on some dead end job "
Posted 11 April 2008 - 00:57
@Pandut: Can you be more specific about the asshole? What else does he do? Shove you now and then, trip you when you walk past him? What you are dealing with can either be a low life idiot or a "pr0 n00b" bully who bully because they don't have the brains for anything else.

Many thanks to Comrade KamuiK, is credit to team
Posted 11 April 2008 - 01:07
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