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Being picked on at school

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#76 LCPL Carrow

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 06:15

Keeping a crowbar at school will probably get you arrested, but you definantely hafta just show you got a pair and beat his ass if he touches you.
Semper Fidelis

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<Aqua> 0311 Roflemen.

#77 nip


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Posted 12 April 2008 - 07:13

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#78 Crazykenny

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 08:22

LOL, where do you get these things Nip? :)
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#79 smooder

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 09:15

They probably dont know they are doing it.
Just get them on the side and ask them why they are doing it and tell them that its really pissing you off. Ask them what have you done to them. The sympathy vote works sometimes and they genuinley dont really mean it.

#80 Crazykenny

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 10:29

The thing that bothers me the most is that they pick on the weakest (No offense Pandut, dunno if this applies on you aswell). Although I really hate to say this, violence does have the tendency to set this straight,
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#81 Sharpnessism

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 04:56

If you can't kick his ass or can't make good comebacks, or don't have friends that can do either of those then you can't do anything. Having popular friends helps. A lot of the suggestions like acting crazy or get sick are too situational (though may work for you anyway). Talking to him may work but 90% of the time even if he feels some guilt or don't really want to do it, they'll end up feeling peer pressured. Usually turning the crowd against the bully is a fairly easy way to win avoid a major confrontation.

Ignoring the problem is one of the worst things you can do IMO. Then the bully can make you anything he wants to when you do that. I know that there's the saying "What others think of you doesn't matter" but it feels better when everyone likes you. So either take the shit for a while or train on comebacks/strength/getting popular.
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#82 LCPL Carrow

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 08:49

It actually does matter what other people think about you, because people's perceptions of you determine how they treat you and the amount of respect and opportunity they give you. Plus, if most people have a generally positive perception of you, then more people will be more inclined to do more to help you out.
Semper Fidelis

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<Aqua> 0311 Roflemen.

#83 Sharpnessism

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 22:35

View PostPFC Carrow, on 14 Apr 2008, 3:49, said:

It actually does matter what other people think about you, because people's perceptions of you determine how they treat you and the amount of respect and opportunity they give you. Plus, if most people have a generally positive perception of you, then more people will be more inclined to do more to help you out.

Was trying to make that point but was too lazy to type out the rest =P
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#84 Thunderstruck


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 03:13

Actually, the best way is a more passive violence. Put the bastard in a headlock and then embarass him in-front of as many people as possible. And to make him/her feel worse, take your thumb and push it into the part of the ear that is behind the earlobe. The corner if you will. Before you try that, try it on yourself to make sure you know where to do it at. Trust me it hurts like a bitch. My friend is a bit bigger than me, but I have about the same muscle mass as him(I way about 155) and it is enough to make us get a little sore. Two other options thatare available, punch him in the nose(it hurts, and if it's happened to you, then you know it is effective), or punch him in the sternum. The sternum is in the center, lower part of your chest. the hole there. It is 90 percent guaranteed to knock the wind out of you. And yes, I live in America, and yes, I love violence. But that should not affect judgement on my post, because if you really want to get someone off of your back, beating the piss out of someone will help/work. And may I add that it is rather fun!!! I love the adrenaline. So, beat em up if they don't stop. I have had an easy time with bullies/fights, but it might be because I feel very little pain, espesially my pretty face lol. So, if you are crazy like an american who loves a good brawl, invite the bastard to the mayor/governor/king/president/premiere/emporer/popes front lawn and challenge him to a gentlemans duel. If you win, the other dies and you have some honor, or he lives and you still have honor. :stickattack3: But, seriously, violence is not the best answer.

Try this first.
1) have a talk with the person.
2)ignore the person.
3)go to an authority figure.
4)get sick and spit a loogey in there face.
5)pick on them. If you choose to pick on them, choose a weakness of the person, not there greatest flaw, because they ,ight get more enraged and just kick your ass.
6)Tell hin to stop, and then shove him/her. Usually leads to a fight.
7)Have your self a good fight.

That should be relatively all ya need to do. But please, do not bring a bomb/gun/sword/axe/taser, or any other weapon to school. I would have to be pretty mad if I seen you on the 6 o'clock news. lol. Hope that is alottttt of help. Later.
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#85 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 04:48

Or steal his identity and sign him up in the military:P
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#86 TehKiller

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 10:14

Bah you yanks dont know how to deal with these shitz in school.... Over here we have only one style and thats the good old classic "beat the shit" style. The dude messes with you then its time for you to mess with him (if youre weaker then bring a gang with yer).

Also Dobbs aint that a bit of Al Bundy style?
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#87 Thunderstruck


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 02:38

A gang? Yeah, smart. Until the bastard tries the same thing on you. A gang is excessive and pointless. Unless they bring there own gang. Be reasonable people.
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#88 TehKiller

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Posted 22 April 2008 - 10:22

I am reasonable....at least when it comes over here at my place cuz thats how these kind of things happen. One will bring you a gang so will the other as these dudes actually want a real fight. Hell over here someone will bring a gang on you even if you look wrong at him and others will jump into the fray (for 2 reasons: To help you and cuz they want some action)
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#89 Sic


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 11:00

Simple. He's fat and can't take hits to the guts. Just grab 'em quickly by the shoulders and do a gutkick or a gut knee hit. Knees are lethal when they hit successfully and penetrate his faggy lipids.
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