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Russia and Georgia in Conflict

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#101 E.V.E.

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 02:48

I don't think a Thread stays open when there has been a Flame War.



Well, I do not think can. why? Because I have had a shitty week, a boring day, lack of smokes, and i am itching for a fight. So, if they must, they can punish me.

Don't know about the other's, but to me that doesn't realy make a valid point to start flaming.
If you are looking for a fight, then don't visit E-Studios.

- E.V.E.

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#102 CommanderJB

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 02:50

You must respect someone's perspective no matter what you believe of it. If you think Al Hassan is wrong, explain to him why so that you might get a productive outcome. Simply saying 'you're dumb, no playing favourites' isn't going to convince anyone, let alone the person in question. And might I suggest if you're feeling particularly ticked off at the world, that here is not the best place to deal with it? My brother has a music teacher who has a poster on his wall which is a simple circle, with text underneath it, saying 'Stress relief; hit head here until stress disappears'. Which is of course inadvisable from some points of view, but it's supposed to work.
Anyway, I digress. On topic, there can be no doubt that Geogia is getting pounded, and unless the war stops soon they probably won't have a military left. I think that it also may be best if Saakashvili steps aside, whether or not his is as unstable as the Russian reports suggest.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#103 Waris

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:04

Latest news: Georgia offers ceasefire

#104 E.V.E.

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:07

They are indeed backing of, big time.

- E.V.E.

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#105 Thunderstruck


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:13

Oh, all right. But
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#106 nip


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 04:26

View PostAL_Hassan, on 10 Aug 2008, 22:48, said:

Right now the casualty ratio is:

Russia: 21 men
Georgia: 300 men

Let me correct this.

Russia: 21 men
Georgia: 300 men
Civilians: >2000 men, women, children

And right now according to German news it seems Russia has begun to invade a sovereign country. Russian tanks moving towards the town of Gori in Central Georgia. The town is being bombed massively from the air and from artillery. The US military began flying 2,000 Georgian troops home from Iraq after Georgia recalled them, we may see some escalation in the near future.

#107 Thunderstruck


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 04:27

Well, the world is just a big shit sandwich. And i get the feeling we will all have to take a bite very soon...
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#108 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 06:25

Well said...this could escalate into a war of several western countries fighting for Georgia against Russia and the former USSR...Which on the other Hand, could escalate into WW3...better not.


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 07:17

This war is Floccinaucinihilipilification
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RIP CommanderJB

#110 TehKiller

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 09:28

View PostMaster_Chief, on 11 Aug 2008, 7:25, said:

Well said...this could escalate into a war of several western countries fighting for Georgia against Russia and the former USSR...Which on the other Hand, could escalate into WW3...better not.

That could happen only in video games ffs

Western nations would hardly even send weapons and supplies to Georgia but manpower is out of the question as they are already in deep shit cause of bogus intel on Iraq and Afghanistan
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#111 Ilves


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 10:36


Sorry about that post. I had to edit it lest I get banned. It was very very harsh, and brutal. But Al Hassan is still dumb. biggrin.gif NO PLAYING FAVORITES!!!!!!!!!!

Dumbo, if you look carefully, then you might spot that I was quoting news agencies 8| And if you don't like what THEY say (not me) - then kill yourself. Don't matter how much you hate the news, the theory of gravity or that the earth is spherical - the news, the theory of gravity and the earth won't even care to listen that you don't like them. :)
So there are basically two choices. Either you admit that the Earth is spherical and that US-puttet Georgia is loosing, either if this facts make you mad... you can relieve your tortures with a katana.


Civilians: >2000 men, women, children

Yes, 2000 people died in ruins of Tshinkvali.. and continue to die more as Georgian snipers avoid mobile hospitals from leaving the city.


And right now according to German news it seems Russia has begun to invade a sovereign country.

It's an another Georgian info duck. Ministry of Defense said the there will be no invasion inside Georgia. However, some forces will be placed in Georgian-Abkhazian frontline, mainly, to stop Abkhazia, not what's left from Georgian army - Abkhazians are willing to capture the Georgian port of Sugdidi and they will if the war won't be over before.
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#112 Crazykenny

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 10:57

Al Hassan, stop defending the Russians goddamnit. In my opinion, you're country shouldnt even be there.
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#113 Waris

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 11:00

How else would you respond to the a foreign government that launch a military assault against civilian that owns your country's passport while killing your peacekeeping soldiers in the process?

#114 Nem


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 11:13

Stop it you guys. If this thread closes how on earth would I get the news about the Russian/Georgia Conflict?

#115 Wizard


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 11:16

Too late

Thread Closed: Politics


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