As we all have probably realised, this thread has been a divider between different forum members for a while now. One of my goals as community leader is to bring everyone together in unity. This thread dividing members is not its only problem, however.
I ask you now, do you think this thread has gone "too far", or is it fine? Here are some points for keeping the thread, and points against keeping the thread.
- Could be said to provide an easily accessible form of communication between members.
- Allows members to meet new people.
- Too spammy - most posts are just two letters or half a sentence and rarely relate to anything significant.
- Continuing the point above, most of the stuff posted would be better kept in the IRC or said via MSN.
- Unproductive - the thread distracts a number of members of the moderating team from their set job.
- Drain on the forum resources - the more and more posts the server has to receive, send and store stresses the server. These resources could be better spent on productive posts.
- Pointless. The thread has no backing to it other than the fact you have to post last (thus unless the thread is locked it will never truly end). Most other things posted in the SYD have at least some backstory behind them and require some thinking to post in.
- Breaks the rules to a certain extent.
- Counterpoints to the "for" points - the communication and meeting can be easily done through other mediums, such as MSN, IRC, PM or even in a game played online.
I personally believe the thread is a haven for pointlessness, and it handicaps some staff from doing their jobs. I personally believe it should be either locked, or patrolled MUCH more stricter than it currently is (complete rebuild of the goal of the thread encouraging thought into productive posts).
Feel free to build on these points, or to discuss. Please only discuss if you have something productive to add.
~ Alias
Your friendly neighbourhood Community Leader.
If you want to keep the thread, give me reasons WHY.
Edited by Alias, 06 October 2008 - 09:55.