I've got two new finished GDI Units, the Light Infantry and the APC.
Armed Personel Transport - Cost: 900$
The APC is not exactely the fastest way to get across the battlefield, but pretty much the safest one. It has a relatively weak auto cannon on top,, which can only fire to the sides and forwards, not backwards however but a tank like armor. Has a capacity of 6 infantry units.

Light Infantry - Cost: 200$
The backbone of the GDI Forces is the Infantry. Commanders can train them with several different configurations, like assault infantry, anti vehicle solder or jumpjet trooper. The Commando configuration also features a jetpack and a nanomechanical suit which help to move faster and aim with more accuracy.

That's all for now.
Greets, the Tiberian Apocalypse team.
Edited by Master_Chief, 09 October 2008 - 15:50.