Funny quotes
Posted 05 December 2006 - 01:56

Posted 05 December 2006 - 23:44

[00:27] <CommissarCodeCat> We are all Soviets because our leader told us we are all equal!
[00:27] <JerryArr> Equal to what?
[00:27] <JerryArr> x² + x -4?
[00:27] <CommissarCodeCat> To each other!
[00:27] <Cosmo> But.. we aren't!
[00:27] <CommissarCodeCat> Our great glorious leader has declared it so!
[00:27] <JerryArr> Aw, I was hoping it was x² + x - 4.
[00:28] <CommissarCodeCat> I'm sorry, there is little place for intelligentsia in union.
[00:28] <CommissarCodeCat> This place is called Siberia hahahaha
[00:29] <JerryArr> Where are the huskies then?
[00:29] <CommissarCodeCat> Working in gulag like good comrades
[00:29] <ComradeFoxhound> Commissar, where did you put my case of vodka and AK-47 clips?
[00:30] <CommissarCodeCat> Am sorry comrade Foxhound, we are dispensing all in equal amounts. You will have to do with just trigger for now until more parts arrive.
[00:31] <ComradeFoxhound> How can I fire AK-47 with no AK-47? And you still have said nothing about vokda!
[00:31] <CommissarCodeCat> Same thing. We will evaporate vodka into air and transport it freely to all comrades across the union!
[00:32] <ComradeFoxhound> But vodka was in very small quantity! How will it noticably serve every comrade in the Union?
[00:32] <CommissarCodeCat> Just breathe in deeper my friend!
[00:32] <Spray> you must learn not to rely on a weapon. you must learn to BE the weapon
[00:33] <CommissarCodeCat> And not make one step backwards for comrade Stalin!
[00:34] <ComradeFoxhound> Commissar! This is not Stalingrad. We crushed the facists a long time ago!
[00:34] <Spray> if you can't learn to be the weapon, then raid someone's toolshed and improvise
[00:34] <CommissarCodeCat> Of course we shall improvise! A soldier of motherland fights with motherland!
[00:35] <Spray> I hear the short-handled shovels make fantastic weapons
[00:35] <ComradeFoxhound> But giving me a trigger and nothing else is even worse than giving me only a clip of ammo!
[00:35] <ComradeFoxhound> Fine. I will use this M-16 I found.
[00:36] <ComradeFoxhound> The capitalists will never know what hit them!
[00:37] <CommissarCodeCat> You pretend to shoot and enemy will pretend to die.
[00:39] <ComradeFoxhound> Comrades! Grab the anti-tank rifle!
[00:39] <ComradeFoxhound> Wait...where is the anti tank rifle! I only found the barrel!
[00:39] <CommissarCodeCat> Oh am sorry comrade, man who carried rest of rifle was shipped off to camp.
[00:40] <CommissarCodeCat> However he is doing well in gulag making new weapons for union as we speak!
[00:40] <ComradeFoxhound> But why did he take rifle with him? Who even allowed that?
[00:40] <CommissarCodeCat> That was why he went to camp. He gave weapon to enemy.
[00:41] <ComradeFoxhound> Comrades! Help me!
[00:41] <Tavis> But you're supposed to give weapon to enemy! Give grenades, just don't give them pin.
[00:41] <CommissarCodeCat> Hahaha!
[00:42] <CommissarCodeCat> I will drink to that comrade Tavich

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 06 December 2006 - 01:40
IRC channel said:
=-= Topic for #estudios is “Happy 1337 haxor day! | Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh, Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'! Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov, Yediny, moguchy Shockwave Soyuz!”
=-= Topic for #estudios was set by CodeCat on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 9:15:00 AM
<ComradeFoxhound> Hello, Comrade Chakanov.
<BillyChaka> you can call me Billy Chaka in the context of an chinese name
<BillyChaka> but i'm not realy chinese
<BillyChaka> so i guess it doesn't work
<ComradeFoxhound> Chaka Billy then.
<BillyChaka> um
<BillyChaka> i know what you're getting at
<BillyChaka> but just call me Billy Chaka
<ComradeFoxhound> alright, comrade Billy Chaka.
-->| ComradeAilestrik (chatzilla@Acidchat-A23E4B83.ipt.aol.com) has joined #estudios
<BillyChaka> and then he just keeled over and died
<BillyChaka> it was kinda sad
<ComradeFoxhound> Yeah.
<ComradeFoxhound> I know what you mean.
<BillyChaka> i wish the dog didn't have to go like that...
<ComradeFoxhound> True. So tragic.
<BillyChaka> but i guess that's reality, y'know?
<ComradeFoxhound> Yup...
<BillyChaka> the gun was still loaded too
<BillyChaka> and the guy just drove off
<BillyChaka> so i was like "WTF!?!"
<ComradeFoxhound> Oh yeah, I forgot about the gun.
<ComradeFoxhound> How old was that dog anyway?
<BillyChaka> 6
<BillyChaka> :O
<ComradeFoxhound> Yes. Very tragic.
<ComradeFoxhound> Buddy didn't deserve that.
<BillyChaka> *sigh*
<BillyChaka> so what's up, ailestrike?
<ComradeFoxhound> Yes, how are you, comrade?
The funniest thing about it was that Ailestrike wasn't even there.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 06 December 2006 - 02:04

Posted 09 December 2006 - 17:33

Posted 09 December 2006 - 18:21
Im depressed...
General Sic zegt:
Gaia/Blaat -IRC: Join #revora on main.acidchat.net now! zegt:
Aww how about a group hug?

[CNCRE-Studios] Crazykenny (AKA Ken) zegt:
Group hug?! This is starting to sound like a revalidation center

Gaia/Blaat -IRC: Join #revora on main.acidchat.net now! zegt:
General Sic zegt:
Im qouting this!

Posted 10 December 2006 - 00:00

Posted 10 December 2006 - 01:48
[20:46] <BillyChaka> "come on!"
[20:46] <BillyChaka> duh
[20:46] <Elezzzark> Yes
[20:46] <Elezzzark> Latin, yes
[20:46] <BillyChaka> they're called Romance languages for a reason
[20:46] <Logical2u> ...
[20:46] <Logical2u> er
[20:46] <BillyChaka> Romance - Rome
[20:46] <Logical2u> goddamn
[20:46] <BillyChaka> ...
[20:46] <Logical2u> That makes more sense
[20:46] <Elezzzark> lol
[20:46] <Elezzzark> yes
[20:46] <Logical2u> than them being the language of sex.
[20:46] <Elezzzark> n00b
[20:47] <BillyChaka> oh my god
[20:47] <BillyChaka> the language of sex?
[20:47] <BillyChaka> like
[20:47] <Logical2u> or love
[20:47] <Logical2u> or romance
[20:47] <BillyChaka> "how you doin'...?"
[20:47] <Elezzzark> dude, Romances language are specified to Spanish, italian French, Portuguese and Romanian by Latin
[20:47] <Logical2u> you know what
[20:47] <Logical2u> shut up, Chaka.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 16 December 2006 - 20:54
Dev Team Convo, on 16 Dec 2006, said:
yea i got the technician coming to fix this damn internet from hell
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) sagt:
lol @ comrade
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) sagt:
i bet the technician looks like a priest
[Comr4de] sagt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) sagt:
so he can bannish the evil comcast connection
Revan sagt:
[Comr4de] sagt:
i can almost see him spraying holy water on my modemn
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) sagt:
[Comr4de] sagt:

Posted 17 December 2006 - 01:04
How Many Times Must Another Line Be Drawn
We Could Be Down And Gone
But We Hold On
Posted 18 December 2006 - 21:14
i hate french people actualy...
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
well not all of them but realy some people there
Vidar zegt:
lol as i doo, they hate us germans even more
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
becouse you bliztkrieged their asses LOL!
Vidar zegt:
Posted 18 December 2006 - 21:54

Posted 19 December 2006 - 20:58
Oh and that Tankdestroyer... AMAZING...
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
i like to call it the penetrator
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
becouse of the way the gun looks
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:

[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
you noticed that btw ?
Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
goes through everything than...
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
it ass rapes all those female tanks which are not worthy of ironsides army
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:

[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
I like it...
Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
its my new favorite thing...
Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
Igor(Sexorcist) What do you love when your life is hate? zegt:
first skirmish I play will be a 3some between the 3 new generals...
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

me and judgement

Posted 19 December 2006 - 21:02
Posted 19 December 2006 - 21:12

Posted 19 December 2006 - 21:39
Posted 19 December 2006 - 22:59
but yea
[Comr4de] says:
hopefully my internet wont go out like that
[Comr4de] says:
went out in the afternoon around 3 and didnt come back till this morning
Major Nuker says:
[Comr4de] says:
i called them up too to see what was going on, and they told me they were gonna send someone to fix it, apperantly they did
Major Nuker says:
Major Nuker says:
"needs a little touch up"
Major Nuker says:
or in this case
Major Nuker says:
"Should I uh..bring my friggin' tools?"
[Comr4de] says:
Something for you WG fans

Edited by C0|V|R4DE, 19 December 2006 - 23:01.
Posted 19 December 2006 - 23:06
C0|V|R4DE, on 20 Dec 2006, 09:59, said:
but yea
[Comr4de] says:
hopefully my internet wont go out like that
[Comr4de] says:
went out in the afternoon around 3 and didnt come back till this morning
Major Nuker says:
[Comr4de] says:
i called them up too to see what was going on, and they told me they were gonna send someone to fix it, apperantly they did
Major Nuker says:
Major Nuker says:
"needs a little touch up"
Major Nuker says:
or in this case
Major Nuker says:
"Should I uh..bring my friggin' tools?"
[Comr4de] says:
Something for you WG fans

Constructors and their chronic depression FTW.

Posted 20 December 2006 - 11:15

Edited by General Sic, 20 December 2006 - 11:15.

Posted 21 December 2006 - 23:54

Posted 01 January 2007 - 21:12

When you join the GDI Air Force or as an soilder or member, you'll be joining a dynamic, sophisticated and technologically advanced organisation that will offer you an almost endless variety of opportunities no matter what career you ultimately decide to pursue. The GDI Force provides excellent skills, training and nationally recognised qualifications across a broad range. So no matter what type of career you're looking at, you might be surprised where a job with the GDI Forces could take you.
So what are you waiting soilder you mission is to pick of that phone and call.

:rotfll: :rotfll:
Posted 03 January 2007 - 20:20
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