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#2051 Jok3r

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Posted 27 November 2008 - 03:49

Different icons, my text is black, his is green.
kinda, sorta alive.

#2052 Ghostrider

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Posted 27 November 2008 - 03:52

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(Or I just can't get the meaning of the convo...)
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AJ is responsible for this signature masterpiece... if you see him, tell him I say thanks.
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#2053 Libains

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 20:15


Ben: Dauth: says:
I'm suffering Fallout 3 twitches
AJ says:
uninstall it
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
AJ says:
Ben: Dauth: says:

Edited by Dauth, 28 November 2008 - 20:17.

For there can be no death without life.

#2054 Dauth

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 20:18

Edit to fix some part and its an amusing fail now

#2055 Libains

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 21:16


AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
See the madness we have created?
AJ says:
indeed, even hunter got involved
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
The plan is working, Comrade general.
AJ says:
luls indeed it is
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I believe our control of the system will be complete within the month-
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
A reasonable analysis?
AJ says:
yes, agreed
AJ says:
by chriistmas they shall be ours
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Yes, yes 
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
*Strokes Cat*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
But I worry about this "Red December"
AJ says:
*eats cat*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
What if they bring reinforcements?
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And AJ- you madman!  That was Mr. Fluffykins!
AJ says:
hmmm that could prove difficult what with this red december
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
So what shall we do?
AJ says:
destroy it
AJ says:
virus to comrade and the hunter should be enough
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
That could work...
AJ says:
i'll get round to writing one that detroys all files related to Zero Hour
AJ says:
this should be interetsing!
AJ says:
*evil cackle/laugh*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I think theres only one option.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
We have to nuke Texas.
AJ says:
crash the forums?
AJ says:
buke texas? won't work
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Nuke Texas
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Why not?
AJ says:
hunter is in teh netherlands
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Comr4de is in Texas
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ says:
we need to nuke them both
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
if we nuke Comr4de
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Hunter will be scared
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Then we can have him kidnapped and disposed of.
AJ says:
we should nuke hunter and leave comr4de, he would be a better pawn for us
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Good point.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ says:
we could also take care of a couple of other pesky forumers
AJ says:
it would make out life easier
AJ says:
tho we may have to arrange a hit squad for dauth
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
We don't need a hit squad
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I have a better plan
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
we get a REALLY BIG rubber band.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And put a sword in it.
AJ says:
i like the sounds of this
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And I fire it across the ocean ^_^
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Physics to kill a Physicist
AJ says:
AJ says:
let it be done

Be confused, and maybe slightly scared :P

Oh, and Dauth you flail 8|
For there can be no death without life.

#2056 Hobbesy

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 21:26

View PostThe Swimmer, on 28 Nov 2008, 15:16, said:


*Quoted Stuff*

Be confused, and maybe slightly scared :P

Oh, and Dauth you flail 8|

Which is funny considering the fact that I brought it up, and added you both to a convo.

#2057 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 29 November 2008 - 00:22


[4:18:57 PM] Dr. Nick says: then my connection decided to act like THX
[4:19:03 PM] Corey says: Sketchy?
[4:19:13 PM] Dr. Nick says: Gay and British?
[4:19:34 PM] Corey says: Redundancy is redundant.

Posted Image

#2058 Dauth

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 22:00


Ben: Dauth: says:
Stop flailing
AJ says:
i am flailing by intenet nature
and you are flail by NOT REPLYING... or possibly i am because my reply never got thru for you to reply to.... oh god
Ben: Dauth: says:
those litle bits of quiet must scare you
AJ says:
if we were talking normally, not at all
but with my current internet crapness
i dunno what's going on
Ben: Dauth: says:
Trapped alone in the dark with only a parrot for Company.

AJ begins to lose his mind
In the quiet and the black, strange thoughts appear
AJ, creates a persona for his hate and lonliness, he calls it Dauth
AJ says:
what makes you think i need that persona? i have maurice!
Ben: Dauth: says:

It's not going well for AJ

#2059 Lizzie


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Posted 06 December 2008 - 08:49


Nem says:
tell me, how have you been spending your time latley?
Lizzie says:
Sick as hell
Nem says:
Nem says:
you require additional more extra better health
Lizzie says:

- E.A.B
My escape route goes through the enemy.
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#2060 Zero

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 00:17

View PostLizzie, on 6 Dec 2008, 8:49, said:


Nem says:
tell me, how have you been spending your time latley?
Lizzie says:
Sick as hell
Nem says:
Nem says:
you require additional more extra better health
Lizzie says:

funny as hell from the hound of hell.... oh, sorry, houndess of hell
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[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]

#2061 Jok3r

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 03:13


Nem says: (10:03:40 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:03:46 PM)
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:03:56 PM)
So does alcohol, you like that though right?
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:04:25 PM)
and yes, go ahead and start a peititon
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:04:50 PM)
I only have 60 ES contacts amyway, most of which I don't talk to
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:10 PM)
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:05:15 PM)
I must be the only person on ES without EVE's msn I think.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:32 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:34 PM)
I have hers
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:38 PM)
from C13 stuff.
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:05:39 PM)
The * OMG A GIRL* effect, doesn't affect me./
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:44 PM)
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:05:55 PM)
No they don't.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:05:56 PM)
I got hers after joining C13.  Funny story, actually.
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:06:21 PM)
Its not like I have my name exactly the same, only the first few letters.
AJ - Not my initials, just adding to the general confusion says: (10:06:26 PM)
Better idea!
Nem says: (10:06:39 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:02 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:04 PM)
I mean
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:08 PM)
they're not even all the same.
Nem says: (10:07:08 PM)
Now he nerd-rages
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:18 PM)
Erm... what?
Nem says: (10:07:27 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:34 PM)
Which part?
Nem says: (10:07:43 PM)
You always wanted to take over the world, did you not.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:47 PM)
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:07:58 PM)
Yes.  But I fail to see the relevance.
Nem says: (10:07:58 PM)
Great, i've confused you now as well.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:08:00 PM)
Oh god
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says: (10:08:02 PM)
Nem says: (10:08:15 PM)
I'm a bastard.
Nem says: (10:08:20 PM)
It would appear so.
Nem says: (10:08:26 PM)
I muse agree with myself here.
Nem says: (10:08:29 PM)
Nem says: (10:08:30 PM)
If I don't say so myself.
Nem says: (10:08:34 PM)
Will the real Nem please stand up.
Nem says: (10:08:38 PM)
Nem says: (10:08:39 PM)
Nem says: (10:08:50 PM)
We all know who the real Nem is
Nem says: (10:08:54 PM)
the guy with the voice
Nem says: (10:09:26 PM)
The more the merrier I always say./
Nem says: (10:09:31 PM)
It would appear so.
Nem says: (10:09:33 PM)
Nem says: (10:09:43 PM)
I have to admit.  I only started this whole thing because I was jealosu.
Nem says: (10:09:48 PM)
I wanted everyone to be Nem
Nem says: (10:10:04 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:20 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:26 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:31 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:32 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:34 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:36 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:41 PM)
Nem says: (10:10:55 PM)
Nem says: (10:11:09 PM)
Nem says: (10:11:29 PM)
We have succeeded.
Nem says: (10:11:35 PM)
Nem's brains are all over the wall...
Nem says: (10:11:57 PM)
Nem says: (10:11:59 PM)
Nem says: (10:12:14 PM)
Nem says: (10:12:26 PM)

kinda, sorta alive.

#2062 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 03:18

There are also plenty of voice clips, shame we can't include them as well.
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#2063 Comr4de


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 03:27

View PostThe Swimmer, on 28 Nov 2008, 15:16, said:


AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
See the madness we have created?
AJ says:
indeed, even hunter got involved
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
The plan is working, Comrade general.
AJ says:
luls indeed it is
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I believe our control of the system will be complete within the month-
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
A reasonable analysis?
AJ says:
yes, agreed
AJ says:
by chriistmas they shall be ours
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Yes, yes 
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
*Strokes Cat*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
But I worry about this "Red December"
AJ says:
*eats cat*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
What if they bring reinforcements?
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And AJ- you madman!  That was Mr. Fluffykins!
AJ says:
hmmm that could prove difficult what with this red december
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
So what shall we do?
AJ says:
destroy it
AJ says:
virus to comrade and the hunter should be enough
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
That could work...
AJ says:
i'll get round to writing one that detroys all files related to Zero Hour
AJ says:
this should be interetsing!
AJ says:
*evil cackle/laugh*
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I think theres only one option.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
We have to nuke Texas.
AJ says:
crash the forums?
AJ says:
buke texas? won't work
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Nuke Texas
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Why not?
AJ says:
hunter is in teh netherlands
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Comr4de is in Texas
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ says:
we need to nuke them both
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
if we nuke Comr4de
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Hunter will be scared
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Then we can have him kidnapped and disposed of.
AJ says:
we should nuke hunter and leave comr4de, he would be a better pawn for us
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Good point.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ says:
we could also take care of a couple of other pesky forumers
AJ says:
it would make out life easier
AJ says:
tho we may have to arrange a hit squad for dauth
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
We don't need a hit squad
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
I have a better plan
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
we get a REALLY BIG rubber band.
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And put a sword in it.
AJ says:
i like the sounds of this
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
And I fire it across the ocean ^_^
AJ - Yes, these are my bloody initials too! says:
Physics to kill a Physicist
AJ says:
AJ says:
let it be done

Be confused, and maybe slightly scared :P

Oh, and Dauth you flail ;)




SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#2064 Foxhound

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 06:15

I can only describe these conversations with a facepalm. I lack, however, the non-laziness to find the macro.
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#2065 Dutchygamer

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 13:24

Conversation between Kenny and me. Warning: it's Dutch, sorry for that :P


Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:12):
Plus mijn eigen PC handel ;)
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:13):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:13):
Kevin / Kamikazi wil misschien een PC bij mij laten bouwen 8|
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:13):
als ie in de buurt woont waarom nie |8
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:14):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:14):
geen idee waar dat ligt
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:14):
topografie = niets bij mij |8
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:14):
Millingen aan de Rijn *zuchy*
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:14):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:14):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:15):
limburg ofso :/

You have failed to receive file "pcw2008_v1871.exe" from Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!].

Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Gelderland EI
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Boven Nijmegen
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:16):
zoals ik al zei, slechte topografie FTW xD
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:16):
Ga jou GOUW in de Aardrijkskunde boeken bladeren :P
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:17):
fock it, ik haatte die gast voor dat vak :P
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:17):
zo droge klootzak
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:17):
met zn nephumor
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:17):
randstad okay, maar verder naar het oosten of zuiden word al moeilijk :P
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:18):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:18):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:18):
dit is quotemateriaal, alleen jammer dat het in het NL is :P
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:18):
Dat wou ik net zeggen weet je dat :P
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:18):
Agja, kan voor de Nederlanders op het forum :P
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:19):
laten we het gewoon doen, en dan alleen voor de NL ers :P
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:19):
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:19):
Richard / Dutchygamer / Dus... says (14:19):
quote jij of quote ik :P
Crazykenny [Today's news: 4GB 800+ mhz D.O.T RAM installed!] says (14:19):
Doe jij maar :P Heb te veel open staan

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#2066 Chyros

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 13:48

Jullie hebben gelijk, buiten de Randstad is het er toch alleen maar wildernis :P . En Dutchy zit er maar half naast, Millingen ligt toch maar twee meter van de grens met Duitsland ;) .

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#2067 Dutchygamer

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 14:06

Laat de mensen uit jouw zogenaamde 'wildernis' dit maar nie lezen :P
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#2068 Chyros

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 14:14

Heheheh, jk :P .

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#2069 Razven


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 17:20

Hahaha! That was funny.

I don't speak Dutch.

#2070 CodeCat

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 22:44


[23:30] * Tibe (ac@AB1D729E.55B74953.3A6BBF6F.IP) Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[23:30] * Tibe (ac@AB1D729E.55B74953.3A6BBF6F.IP) has joined #furrycoffeeshop
[23:31] * Tibe growls an slaps his connection
[23:32] <Itami> It likes that


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2071 Dauth

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Posted 09 December 2008 - 00:20


Ben: Dauth: says:
mm menthol sweets keeping me alive
PacMan says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
man flu
PacMan says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
well its actually sars+ shock from being in and out all day going from hot to cold
PacMan says:
Ben: Dauth: says:

It's man flu, DON'T TELL THE WOMEN!

Edited by Dauth, 09 December 2008 - 00:20.

#2072 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 02:30


[6:25:53 PM] Dr. Nick says: They DID call Vista Longhorn before
[6:26:15 PM] Dr. Nick says: People probably thought Microsoft was making a fertility drug instead of an OS though
[6:26:52 PM] Corey says: It was more a reference to the fact that people who bought it were being screwed by Microsoft, big time.

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#2073 Overdose

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 22:15

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#2074 Jordan

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 21:56

Quoted from LPTPW:

View PostDestiny, on 12 Dec 2008, 16:02, said:

I am in a state of awe, uncertainty, confusion. What should I do?

View PostBob, on 12 Dec 2008, 16:03, said:

I don't know, I am in a state of awe, uncertainty, confusion. What should I do?

View PostJordan, on 12 Dec 2008, 16:17, said:

I don't know either. Try doing something random, like skydiving.

View PostTactical_person, on 12 Dec 2008, 16:23, said:

Well you know what I say; If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you.

C&C Crazy Mod Version 0.55
^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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#2075 Rich19

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 20:59


Hobbes/Sean says:
Build more pipe bombs!
Richard says:
we can make them with fanta cans!
Hobbes/Sean says:
But then they would be Fanta bombs
Richard says:
fanta bombs > pipe bombs
Hobbes/Sean says:
Pipe Bombs with nails taped to them > Fanta bombs
Richard says:
fanta bombs with ball bearings and nails taped to them > pipe bombs with nails taped to them
Hobbes/Sean says:
Pipe Bombs with all manner of sharp things attached to it > Fanta bombs with ball bearings and nails taped to them
Richard says:
fanta bombs with ball bearings and nails taped to them placed inside a truck carrying broken glass and compressed gas canisters > pipe bombs with all manner of sharp things attatched to it
Hobbes/Sean says:
Gordon Freeman with pipebombs and Fanta bombs > Everything

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