Funny quotes
Posted 21 April 2006 - 00:29

Posted 22 April 2006 - 20:04
how can i make my pc faster
Troy |so i like keirstan whop-de-frekin-do says:
upgrade it
*****TYLER***** says:
and how do i do that
Troy |so i like keirstan whop-de-frekin-do says:
that or tie it to a truck and flor it

Posted 23 April 2006 - 04:06
Mr. Coffee says:
If its a copy, its warez
Waris says:
Waris says:
you want a warez of my model?
Major Nuker says:
Waris says:
Waris says:
Waris says:
Major Nuker says:
Waris says:
Waris says:
EA suxx so i dumped it
Major Nuker says:
Waris says:
salute - e - a = slut
Mr. Coffee says:
Major Nuker says:
Waris says:
thats what i meant
Posted 23 April 2006 - 04:07
Also from the same conversation:
he warezed my topic
Edited by Jermies, 23 April 2006 - 04:28.

Posted 24 April 2006 - 00:41
Edited by BillyChaka, 24 April 2006 - 00:41.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 24 April 2006 - 01:06
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: Like America deviated from all its good aspects.
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: So America 2
[01:28] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Why not just Anthonyland
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: Will be America like its supposed to be. e.e
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: No.
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: Thats gay.
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: Fucking gay.
[01:28] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Kacenia
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: NO
[01:28] Komissar Kacen: AMERICA FUCKING 2
[01:29] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: What about Noviy Soyuz Sovyetskih
[01:29] Komissar Kacen: Nah.
[01:29] Komissar Kacen: America 2
[01:29] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Ok
[01:30] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Pruimenboomeiland
[01:30] Komissar Kacen: o.o?
[01:30] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Prume tree island
[01:30] Komissar Kacen: O-o
[01:30] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: For lack of a better name
[01:30] Komissar Kacen: K...
[01:30] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: America 2 as a name sucks bitterballen
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: e.e
[01:31] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Maybe Americadia (with 'di' meaning 2)
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: Okay fine
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: Americadia
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: No
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: Fuck no
[01:31] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: LOL
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: America 2
[01:31] Komissar Kacen: America Two
[01:31] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Ok I'll shut up

[01:41] Komissar Kacen: IMAGINE THAT
[01:41] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: What?
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: I SAID IMAGINE THAT!
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: IMAGINE NOW!
[01:42] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Umm ok
[01:42] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: What for?
[01:42] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: It's called a sombrero BTW
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: Sorry I'm just really bored right now.
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: I'm aware.
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: But hat rhymes with that
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: Mexican hat, imagine that
[01:43] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Your chances are fat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: Give me your bat
[01:43] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Shut your chat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: Before I spat
[01:43] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: 'Silence!' says the cat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: With my mexican hat
[01:44] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Which doesn't hurt a gnat
[01:44] Komissar Kacen: With some...brat(wurst)
[01:44] Komissar Kacen: O_o
[01:45] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: And a beer that's flat
[01:45] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: For the proletariat!
Edited by CodeCat, 18 December 2010 - 22:30.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 24 April 2006 - 01:09
CodeCat, on 24 Apr 2006, 01:06, said:
[01:42] Komissar Kacen: Mexican hat, imagine that
[01:43] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Your chances are fat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: Give me your bat
[01:43] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Shut your chat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: Before I spat
[01:43] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: 'Silence!' says the cat
[01:43] Komissar Kacen: With my mexican hat
[01:44] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: Which doesn't hurt a gnat
[01:44] Komissar Kacen: With some...brat(wurst)
[01:44] Komissar Kacen: O_o
[01:45] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: And a beer that's flat
[01:45] Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: For the proletariat!

Edited by Jermies, 24 April 2006 - 01:09.

Posted 24 April 2006 - 16:38
Edited by Rayburn, 08 July 2007 - 20:01.
Posted 25 April 2006 - 16:56
It appears as if he got banned when I was pwning a US-Aircraft-Carrier with a HIND on BF2...Hähä...
Waris says:
Waris says:
and your a's got umlauts cool
MDW says:
All German Keybords have...
Waris says:
But what 'Hähä' sounds like?
But I fear that I'll have to wait for tomorrow...As I said: I gotta go early...
MDW says:
Time-Zones are such a stupid idea...
Waris says:
Waris says:
no you're not to blame God
MDW says:
He COULD have made the earth flat, but he didn't XD
Waris says:
Waris says:
then my ship would fall off the edge XD
Posted 25 April 2006 - 17:02
Edited by Rayburn, 16 December 2009 - 09:26.
Posted 25 April 2006 - 17:10
Edited by Rayburn, 29 May 2007 - 11:50.
Posted 25 April 2006 - 17:13
MDW says:
Stalin approves.
Waris says:
ah okey
Waris says:
looks like stalin posseses you lol.
MDW says:
Waris says:
O Stalin?
MDW says:
Ya Stalin!
Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:26
Cookie to whoever finds out who said that. :minigunner:
And onto an internet quote
Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:38
Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:47
CodeCat, on 18 Apr 2006, 17:00, said:

Rusty, just remember CodeCat's words of wisdom the next time you post, okay?
My best,
Major Nuker

Posted 27 April 2006 - 20:52
yea i got a screeny of that
Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) :
And of the particle cannon?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
parties don't make stuff fly
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
there's no fun in that
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) :
You should make them
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
No-Skillz :
What psyics are behind that
Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) :
Hunter physics
How about a nuclear party cannon
Ciarán Good (CodeCat/ImmoMan) :
A continuous stream of nukes
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
No-Skillz :
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
i'll nick it the lag o cannon
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) :
me,codecate and no-skillz talking after a skirmish with 3 ai comps

Posted 28 April 2006 - 02:50

Posted 28 April 2006 - 02:55

Lag 'o cannon...


Posted 28 April 2006 - 21:17
Cattman2236, on 28 Apr 2006, 21:15, said:
Edited by Cattman2236, 28 April 2006 - 21:20.

Posted 29 April 2006 - 22:05
[00:03] Gaia/Blaat - Cycled 90 kilometres (55 miles) in one day!: lol.. I wonder how that'd look like XD
[00:03] Callum.... I F%kin Hate Revision....: lol#
[00:03] Troy: eww
[00:03] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: ROFL
[00:03] CodeCat - Cycled 90 km and ended up back home??!: pwned
Edited by CodeCat, 18 December 2010 - 22:30.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 29 April 2006 - 22:09

Posted 29 April 2006 - 22:10

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