7:00 AM - Liten: Boo, ze~
7:00 AM - Destiny: ...
7:00 AM - Liten pokes
7:00 AM - Destiny: ...
7:00 AM - Liten: WIC GET!
7:00 AM - Destiny: ...
7:01 AM - Liten: Stop that D;
7:01 AM - Destiny: ...
7:01 AM - Liten: ;(
7:01 AM - Destiny: Dauth will become Libains if he reads
http://forums.swr-productions.com/index.ph...amp;#entry22132 .
7:02 AM - Liten: The hell...
7:02 AM - Destiny: Believe me, MSWord and F7 will do wonders.
7:03 AM - Destiny: But Dauth will still turn in his grave.
7:03 AM - Liten: Is Dauth dead?
7:03 AM - Liten: WAT!?
7:03 AM - Destiny: Isn't the meaning of Dauth = Death?
7:03 AM - Liten: Death isn't dead
7:04 AM - Destiny: ...
7:04 AM - Destiny: Well my body certainly did turn underground.
7:04 AM - Destiny: I feel like...a grammar Nazi.
7:04 AM - Destiny: No, an English Nazi.
7:05 AM - Liten: Burn some books then
7:05 AM - Destiny: But I am IDK IDC NMP so I won't do anything about it :v
7:07 AM - Destiny: Oh my god, the cat sneaked into the house...again.
7:07 AM - Liten: PUSH IT!
7:07 AM - Destiny: Aww crap man..
7:07 AM - Liten: OUT!
7:07 AM - Destiny: I knew something was wrong.
7:07 AM - Liten: Use gloves
7:08 AM - Liten: And for gods sake...
7:08 AM - Liten: Get some good doors >_>
7:09 AM - Destiny: ...
7:36 AM - Liten: Rape Alert 3, ze~
7:36 AM - Destiny: Some...problems won't let me play fullscreen'd games.
7:36 AM - Liten: The cat!
7:37 AM - Liten: You seem to have too much trouble
7:37 AM - Destiny: ...
7:37 AM - Liten: Get a computer that isn't stupid
7:38 AM - Destiny: I'm the stupid one here, not my PC-chan.
7:38 AM - Liten: Yes, you are stupid since you are reffering to your PC as an older female |:
7:38 AM - Destiny: Older?
7:38 AM - Destiny: OLDER?!
7:38 AM - Destiny: OLDER?!?!?
7:38 AM - Liten: Younger than :V
7:38 AM - Liten: *then
7:39 AM - Liten: I tend to mix those things up
7:39 AM - Destiny: Hahaha, take it easy and indulge in Japanese.
7:39 AM - Destiny: You'll learn not to make mistakes sooon
7:40 AM - Liten: I don't learn japanese
7:40 AM - Liten: It is a silly place
7:40 AM - Destiny: Wrong
7:40 AM - Destiny: Japanese is not a place.
7:40 AM - Destiny: ...yet.
7:40 AM - Liten: GIGA FORTRESS!
7:41 AM - Destiny: no
7:41 AM - Destiny: Jet Tengu
7:41 AM - Liten: *Defeats tengu with Giga Fortress*
7:41 AM - Destiny: *Respawn in 3...2..
7:41 AM - Liten: *Destroys Respawn*
7:41 AM - Destiny: Reload in 3...2...
7:42 AM - Liten: *Wins*
7:42 AM - Destiny: Losing in 10...9...8...
7:42 AM - Liten: 3...2...1...
7:42 AM - Liten: You
7:43 AM - Liten: No
7:43 AM - Destiny: You just lost the game.
7:43 AM - Liten: This
7:43 AM - Liten: Hint
7:43 AM - Liten: Enters
7:43 AM - Liten: Gods
7:43 AM - Destiny: Gods?
7:43 AM - Liten: Armor
7:43 AM - Liten: Mass
7:43 AM - Destiny: ???
7:43 AM - Liten: Epic
7:43 AM - Destiny: ...
7:44 AM - Liten: [|
7:44 AM - Destiny: ...
7:45 AM - Liten: This is the Cuprising
7:45 AM - Destiny: B-cup?
7:45 AM - Liten: No
7:45 AM - Liten: Ecchi-Cup
7:45 AM - Destiny: Hen...never mind.
7:45 AM - Liten: Yes!