This is pretty much what happens when Liten and I chat.
2:06 AM - Liten: Little Silly Ecchi
2:06 AM - Destiny: ?
2:06 AM - Liten:
2:06 AM - Destiny: How the hell do you know I'm looking at ecchi right now?
2:06 AM - Destiny: Are you spying on me again?
2:07 AM - Liten: I know your thoughts..
2:07 AM - Destiny: You're not Yuri(ko)
2:07 AM - Liten: I am Yuri
2:07 AM - Liten: Obey me
2:07 AM - Destiny: You'll have no desert tonight!
2:07 AM - Liten: I already had it D:
2:07 AM - Destiny: Oh.
2:07 AM - Destiny: Too bad.
2:07 AM - Liten: Nou
2:08 AM - Liten: Oh god
2:08 AM - Destiny: ?
2:08 AM - Destiny: What happened?
2:09 AM - Liten: 6 Battlefortresses loaded with Chrono Legionares = Epic Win!
2:09 AM - Destiny: Liten, come in! Bravo-2-
2:09 AM - Destiny: ...
2:09 AM - Liten falls over
2:10 AM - Destiny: Well it took you ages tor ealize the BFort-Cleg combo >_>
2:11 AM - Liten: The fact that I hardly play the games makes up for that.
2:11 AM - Destiny: Ehh?
2:11 AM - Destiny: You must be kidding me.
2:11 AM - Liten: .
2:11 AM - Liten: First time I touch this game for years
2:11 AM - Destiny: ...
2:11 AM - Destiny: ...never mind.
2:11 AM - Destiny goes back to ecchi
2:12 AM - Liten: Unlike you I have an economy that allows me to buy games
2:12 AM - Destiny: ...
2:13 AM - Liten: And since I just got a VISA youth card, I can buy games over Steam <3
2:13 AM - Destiny: I see.
2:13 AM - Liten: You don't.
2:13 AM - Liten: Rape Alert 3~?
2:13 AM - Destiny: I read you loud and clear, Bravo One.
2:13 AM - Liten: D:!?
2:14 AM - Destiny: Well if I can't see then I must read, duh.
2:14 AM - Liten: You can always listen
2:14 AM - Destiny: ...
2:14 AM - Destiny: ...fine.
2:16 AM - Liten: I fine you with a 300 £ bill.
2:16 AM - Destiny: I don't pay in Euros dear Swedenish.
2:16 AM - Liten: Fine
2:16 AM - Liten: I fine you with 6000000000000000000000000000 Singaporean dollars?
2:16 AM - Destiny: CAn't
2:16 AM - Destiny: Doesnt' exist
2:17 AM - Liten: What the hat do you use as cash then D:
2:17 AM - Destiny: ERr
2:17 AM - Destiny: Notes and Coins and sticks and stones
Liten is now Offline.
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
Liten is now Online.
Liten is now Away.
Liten is now Online.
Liten is now Away.
7:41 AM - Liten: Some kind of game get?
7:41 AM - Destiny: Ehh?
7:41 AM - Destiny: I...might have some problems
7:42 AM - Liten: *Acepalm*
7:42 AM - Destiny: Well what kinda game?
7:42 AM - Liten: Any game
7:43 AM - Destiny: You suggest it.
7:43 AM - Liten: Waa... D:
7:43 AM - Destiny: I'm a follower, Liten.
7:43 AM - Destiny: I do not lead.
7:43 AM - Liten: D:
7:44 AM - Liten: Maybe Ra2 Co-Op? V:
7:44 AM - Destiny: It doesn't work.
7:44 AM - Destiny: We tried that already.
7:44 AM - Liten: Hat in hell?
7:44 AM - Destiny: Yeah remember it wouldn't load at all.
7:44 AM - Liten:
7:44 AM - Liten: I don't remember it at all
7:44 AM - Liten: *:S
7:45 AM - Destiny: Of course not, people tend not to remember bad experiences.
7:45 AM - Liten: :S
7:45 AM - Liten: Then why do you...
7:45 AM - Destiny: I am...not human, Liten.
7:45 AM - Liten: I am afaird you lies!
7:45 AM - Destiny: I have never spoken the truth, Liten.
7:46 AM - Liten: That was a lie!
7:46 AM - Destiny: I have never spoken the truth, Liten.