Funny quotes
Posted 21 May 2006 - 17:10
[19:00] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: ...My typing... >.>
And my boredom
[19:00] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: Bored again hmm?
[19:00] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: As usua;
[19:01] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: Just waiting on dinner atm...
[19:01] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: So
[19:02] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: Well here I have Microsoft Anti-Boredom 2006 for only 199.95! And it comes with a special feature that rearranges your whole computer so you can easily find all Microsoft services, too.
[19:02] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: Lol
[19:02] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: If it was anti-boredom software
[19:02] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: It'd have to come with unlimited 7+/10 games
[19:03] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: Oh but it does if you get the Anti-Boredom Gamepack Expansion for another 249.95, which has all the latest Microsoft bestselling games like Freecell, Minesweeper and the award-winning Solitaire!
[19:04] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: Lmao
[19:04] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: Those are like
[19:04] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: 1/10
[19:04] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: Maybe 2
[19:04] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: Oh but Microsoft's certified game reviewing team has assured us that all games meet the 7/10 requirement. So you don't have to worry, these are the best games you'll ever play.
[19:05] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: LMAO
[19:05] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: F.E.A.R. Pwns Minesweeper
[19:06] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: We do not advise installation of third-party software unless they bear the 'Approved by Microsoft' logo.
[19:07] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: <a href="http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/-/385/...earchtype=genre" target="_blank">http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/-/385/...earchtype=genre</a>
Mint as...
I'd love one of those
[19:08] CodeCat - Giving life some colour: Haven't you tried the latest Microsoft Shotgun XP yet? It has an automatic reloading timer, meaning you will never be caught without ammo. And due to its built-in Microsoft Network Protocol wireless internet access you can easily stay in touch with all your targets worldwide!
Edited by CodeCat, 24 December 2010 - 13:00.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 21 May 2006 - 20:52
my friend when we were talking about Star Wars: Republic Commando said:

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 24 May 2006 - 01:38
CodeCat42 (7:47:18 PM): WTF?
CodeCat42 (7:47:24 PM): You've been out all the time????
AMR RustyDroid (7:47:28 PM): lol no
AMR RustyDroid (7:47:36 PM): I was just trying to see how'd you react
AMR RustyDroid (7:48:19 PM): I got in about 40 minutes later and then saw a movie (paraphrased for simplicity)
CodeCat42 (7:48:25 PM): LOL me = pwned
AMR RustyDroid (7:48:51 PM): lol definately
Posted 24 May 2006 - 10:49
thats not a qoute potp

edit: What do you mean with to????
sorry for being a pita but I dont understand russian :???:

Edited by killua, 24 May 2006 - 10:52.

Posted 24 May 2006 - 11:51

Posted 25 May 2006 - 11:47
especially the way you talk on msn. I have compared the quotes here with some of the engrish shoujo and it seemed like you where a girl of the ago of 14 to 15.
dont take it as an offence.... I think you are pretty populair with the girls becaus of this fact

Posted 25 May 2006 - 16:49
[18:29] Kal: anyway, are you joining or not?
[18:30] CodeCat - ELJGSCBD!!!: Nah probably not
[18:30] CodeCat - ELJGSCBD!!!: I've enough to do as it is
[18:33] Kal: me and blodo are the only lefties on there
[18:33] Kal: you traitor, Ash!
[18:34] ·$12Razgriz·0: Yeh, whatever. I just wanted an INTERESTING RP position:P
[18:34] ·$12Razgriz·0: So I get to conquer everything.

[18:35] Kal: you could adopt the 'missionary' stance of converting everyone to societism
[18:35] Kal: rather than the isolationist stance
[18:35] ·$12Razgriz·0: Don't you EVER speak of 'missionary' stance again. I'm NOT THAT WAY INCLINED!
[18:41] ·$12Razgriz·0: Thazbindun
[18:41] ·$12Razgriz·0: Just leave it there, man. Thazbindun.
[18:41] Kal: Why do you all talk like William Shakespeare up north anyway?
[18:42] Kal: I was shocked when I first heard it.
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: Lol
[18:42] Kal: "Excuse me, where are the changing rooms?"
"Over yonder..."
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: Lol
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: We only use thee and tha...
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: better than sheffield
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: fuckin scum.
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: They say dee and da...
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: WHY!?
[18:42] ·$12Razgriz·0: And it's a FUCKING TEACAKE! NOT A BREADCAKE!
[18:43] ·$12Razgriz·0: And 'ginnel' is pronounced with 'gi' as in 'git', not 'je' as in 'gemstone'...
[18:44] Kal: anyway
[18:44] Kal: gay sex and teacakes aside...
[18:45] ·$12Razgriz·0: It is a teacake, though, isn't it?
[18:45] ·$12Razgriz·0: And one with currants in is a FRUIT teacake, yes?
[18:46] Kal: indeed
[18:46] Kal: which is better? gay sex or teacakes?
[18:46] Kal: now that's a debate
Edited by CodeCat, 28 December 2010 - 00:19.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 26 May 2006 - 01:56
killua, on 25 May 2006, 07:47, said:
especially the way you talk on msn. I have compared the quotes here with some of the engrish shoujo and it seemed like you where a girl of the ago of 14 to 15.
dont take it as an offence.... I think you are pretty populair with the girls becaus of this fact

unfortunately that is not true
the girls part
Posted 26 May 2006 - 02:17
Trust me, it works!

This sick sig was made by da man, Cattman2236. Yeeh boii!

Check da myspace @ Spiderspag's Myspace
You killed my entire family... and I don't like that sort of thing...
Technocracy- it's our only hope.
Posted 26 May 2006 - 07:13
spiderspag, on 26 May 2006, 03:17, said:
Trust me, it works!

Posted 26 May 2006 - 11:09
spiderspag, on 26 May 2006, 04:17, said:
Trust me, it works!
mmm tried it and geuss what, didnt work. I only got a beating.

the best way for me to hook up a women is to kidnap them and then save them.......
Although I will never find the women of my dreams here I think.
things that my women must do/have/understand.
She must be japanese
She must not hate the fact that I love my computer allot (spend allot of time on this thing)
She must speak/understand japanese
She must be willing to have kids preferable a boy and a girl.
She must have a nice education. That way she can also work and get some money like me.
that are the things a girl must have in my opinion. Other girls propably arent good enough.

Posted 26 May 2006 - 14:36
Then they should have known that they just arent good enough to be a gf for me or the other way around

i have one realy funny quote of me on an other forum. I will dig it up for ya all

May 11 2006, 06:31 PM
As you have all geussed already I have got a new account. The account now has the username I also use ingame most.
Although I admit that this username is rather dangerous since it is also my username for my hobbies. HippoJack knows what I am talking about now.
So if all of you will say welcome back I would enjoy that
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VoodooMay 11 2006, 06:40 PM
Silly hackers eh?
killuaMay 11 2006, 06:42 PM
Not realy. Just had tons of spam. So I deleted the hole account. And thus the password isnt up to date just like the email addey and the username. So basically I just updated all those things. And my old account was way to easy to hack. It had my real name sean in it. although they where in it as an algoritme but still.....
Alpha^NumericMay 11 2006, 06:45 PM
QUOTE(killua @ May 12 2006, 02:31 AM)
As you have all geussed already I have got a new account. The account now has the username I also use ingame most.
Although I admit that this username is rather dangerous since it is also my username for uploading all my pictures of young naked boys.
You're sick Pret. You should be shot. Shame on you.
killuaMay 11 2006, 06:49 PM
Well.... What can I possibly do about that one......
I know it. I will give all the blame on microsoft for creatings such big leaks in the security of windows so that my comp is being taken over by an extremely powerfull hacker who is trying to frame me
.....youve got it wrong alpha. Youve got it all wrong.
Just ask hippo some time if he is willing to tell you guys what it is although I prohibit it him to tell this in public. Only in private with game server admins. they are allowed to know my hobbies.
it would be possible if it where girls. I dont realy like young boys. I like girls more. They al least have a nice smell.
Alpha^NumericMay 11 2006, 06:52 PM
QUOTE(killua @ May 12 2006, 02:49 AM)
I realy like young boys. They all least have a nice smell. I like young girls when they look like boys. .
you're digging yourself an even bigger hole here. I stand by my original statement of you should be shot!
killuaMay 11 2006, 06:58 PM
THen I am affraid there is no more hope for me.
Goodbye cruel world.
WolvemarineMay 11 2006, 08:23 PM
WTF pret

Posted 27 May 2006 - 05:43
The_Hunter, on 26 May 2006, 07:14, said:

anyhow back on topic.
I think he's been offensive in general on this matter.
Posted 27 May 2006 - 09:11
RustyDroid, on 27 May 2006, 07:43, said:
The_Hunter, on 26 May 2006, 07:14, said:

anyhow back on topic.
I think he's been offensive in general on this matter.
MMM it isnt ment offensive. So why take it as offensive. the only people who can take it offensive are the people who want to have me as a boyfriend

*unless you also count the gay boys that want me. You should know how much I am pinched in the ass :S :camper:
Edited by killua, 27 May 2006 - 09:12.

Posted 27 May 2006 - 09:25
Posted 28 May 2006 - 17:15
Edited by Rayburn, 29 May 2007 - 11:54.

Posted 28 May 2006 - 17:40
Posted 28 May 2006 - 17:43

so be happy that i didnt push you to much

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