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You know you're [Insert Culture/Nation] When

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#51 Dauth

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 20:16

View PostRayburn, on 8 Feb 2009, 20:15, said:

You know you're German when native English-speakers keep teasing you about your alleged inability to pronounce the th properly.


#52 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:38

You know you live in Southern California when the building the events documented in The Falcon and the Snowman took place in is within walking distance.

You know you live in Southern California when the water is so hard that you can rub the calcium residue between your fingers.

You know you live in Southern California when you have illegal immigrants doing janitorial work in the local police station, and they know it the mayor is an ilegal immigrant, and you don't really care.

You know you live in Southern California when you can walk from a neighborhood where the average income per family of four is $500,000 a year to one where most of the people live off of welfare

You know you live in Southern California when you visit The Boneyard in Fallout and expect to see your house.

You know you live in Southern California if your governor says "ECONOMIC GIRLY MEN!".

You know you live in Southern California if you've ever rang Ronald Reagan's doorbell.

You know you're a Libertarian if you've ever thought of Barry Goldwater as a 'moderate'.

Edited by Dr. Strangelove, 10 February 2009 - 03:08.

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#53 DerKrieger

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:53

You know you're from the Southern US if you know all four seasons: almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas.

You know you're from the Southern US if you only own four spices: salt, pepper, Texas Pete/tabasco and ketchup.

You know you're from the Southern US if you measure distance in minutes.

You know you're from the Southern US if you use "fix" as a verb. Example: I am fixing to go to the store.

You know you're from the Southern US if you think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.

You know you're from the Southern US if you make friends while standing in lines. We don't do "queues", we do "lines," and when we're "in line," we talk to everybody!

You know you're from the Southern US if you find 90 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm."

You know you're from the Southern US if you think catfish is the other white meat.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know grits come from corn and how to eat them.

You know you're from the Southern US if you have had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on the same winter/fall day.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know tomatoes with eggs, bacon, grits, and coffee are perfectly wonderful; that redeye gravy is also a breakfast food; and that fried green tomatoes are not a breakfast food.

You know you're from the Southern US if sweet tea can be served at any meal.

You know you're from the Southern US if it's not soda, cola, or pop, it's coke, regardless of brand or flavor: 'What kinda coke you want?'

You know you're from the Southern US if you know and understand the difference between a redneck, a good ol' boy, and po' white trash.

You know you're from the Southern US if you can show or point out to someone the general direction of "over yonder."

You know you're from the Southern US if you understand the futility of exterminating cockroaches.

You know you're from the Southern US if you think everyone from a bigger city has a northern accent.

You know you're from the Southern US if you think a six-foot alligator is actually pretty average.

You know you're from the Southern US if you can pronounce Okeechobee, Kissimmee, Ichnatucknee and Withlacoochee

You know you're from the Southern US if everyone knows what chicken wire is.

You know you're from the Southern US if the first day of hunting season is a valid reason to skip school.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know instinctively that the best gesture of solace for a neighbor who's got trouble is a plate of hot fried chicken and a big bowl of cold potato salad. (If the neighbor's trouble is a real crisis, they also know to add a large banana pudding!)

You know you're from the Southern US if you know at least 10 people who go by their middle name.

You know you're from the Southern US if NASCAR and home state college football are practiced religions.

You know you're from the Southern US if a '65 Mustang is the equivalent to a 24k diamond.

You know you're from the Southern US if during the summer, you can run out of food and not go shopping for a week because everyone you know invited you to a "fish fry".

You know you're from the Southern US if barbecuing is not only a pastime, it's a sport, or a way of life, depending on what region you're in.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know what snipe hunting is.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know what frog gigging is.

You know you're from the Southern US if you have gone "cow tipping".

You know you're from the Southern US if you never insult your elders to their face until you've learned words that they don't know.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know what cantankerous means.

You know you're from the Southern US if you know the difference between a hissie fit and a conniption, and that you don't "have" them, you "pitch" them.

You know you're from the Southern US if you have more than one gun rack.

Southern US rules:
* Pull your droopy pants up. You look like an idiot.
* Let's get this straight; it's called a "gravel road." I drive a Pickup truck because I want to. No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Lexus. Drive it or get out of the way.
* They are cattle & fishing lakes. That's what they smell like to you. They smell like money to us. Get over it.
* So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed. We have $250,000 combines that are driven only 3 times a year.
* So every person in every pickup waves. It's called being friendly. Try to understand the concept.
* If that cell phone rings while a bunch of ducks are coming in, we WILL shoot it out of your hand. You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.
* Yeah, we eat Crappi and Catfish and love it. You really want sushi & caviar? It's available at the corner bait shop.
* The "Opener" refers to the first day of deer season. It's a Religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of November.
* We open doors for women. That is applied to all women, regardless of age.
* No, there's no "vegetarian special" on the menu. Order steak. Or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the pound of ham & turkey.
* When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, meats, and meats
* You bring "coke" into my house, it better be brown, wet, and served over ice. You bring "Mary Jane" into my house, she better be cute, know how to shoot, drive a truck, and have long hair.
* Yeah, we have golf courses. But don't hit the water hazards --it spooks the fish.
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#54 Whitey

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:16

"You know you're from the Southern US if you use "fix" as a verb."

Fail statement is fail.


#55 Flechette?


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 08:15


You know you're from the Southern US if you know what snipe hunting is.

Isn't that how we got the term sniping from? Apparantly they were hard to hunt, taking patience to stalk and successfully kill, hence sniper, one who hunts snipes.


It's well known fact that a vital ingredient of success is not knowing what what you're attempting can't be done. A person ignorant of the possibility of failure can be a brickwall on the path of history.

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#56 deltaepsilon

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 08:16

View PostRorschach, on 10 Feb 2009, 8:16, said:

"You know you're from the Southern US if you use "fix" as a verb."

Fail statement is fail.



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#57 Whitey

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 08:38

Actually just one watchman. =P


#58 Major Fuckup

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 11:50

you know your Australian when you jump over board with an Esky full of beer instead of a life jacket
you know your Australian when you say 4WD instead of SUV
you know your Australian when Ute instead of truck
you know your Australian when you do a burnout in front of parliament house and other government buildings and police stations
you know your Australian when you use your fingers to pick up a snagg from the barbe and cool them down with holding a beer
you know your Australian when you can do a 30 meter burnout in a 4WD
you know your Australian when you have a beer with a cop who's breath testing you
you know your Australian when you have an Australian flag some where in your house
you know your Australian when you make fun of your mates and they do the same
you know your Australian when you say "mate"
you know your Australian when you drink a VB
you know your Australian when shoot your own international icon aka the kangaroo
you know your Australian when you run out of "you know your Australian when" lines and need to actually think for once

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#59 Warbz

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 12:06

I think only Americans say SUV.

so, yeh.

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#60 Whitey

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 12:22

You know you're Australian when you consume Vegemite


#61 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 16:00

View PostMajor Fuckup, on 10 Feb 2009, 6:50, said:

you know your Australian when you say "mate"

I'm pretty sure people around the UK say "mate" as well though Australians tend to pronounce it "might".
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#62 General Kirkov

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 16:15

View PostWarbzy, on 10 Feb 2009, 7:06, said:

I think only Americans say SUV.

so, yeh.

Canadians too, but then again predominantly English speaking nations are limited so yeah.

You know you're Canadian when you skate down the street when it's iced over (or just shuffle down it instead of walking, cause if you try to walk you fall on your arse)

You know you're Canadian when you find the alternate definition of terms and use them instead of the primary one.
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#63 DerKrieger

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 21:07

View PostRorschach, on 10 Feb 2009, 8:16, said:

"You know you're from the Southern US if you use "fix" as a verb."

Fail statement is fail.


Alright, so it would be "to fix." Happy now? :D

View PostFlechette?, on 10 Feb 2009, 9:15, said:


You know you're from the Southern US if you know what snipe hunting is.

Isn't that how we got the term sniping from? Apparantly they were hard to hunt, taking patience to stalk and successfully kill, hence sniper, one who hunts snipes.

A snipe hunt in this case is what is more popularly known as a wild goose chase. Basically you get some n00b to run around in the woods hunting some fictional animal, feeding him more and more ridiculous info about the bird and its characteristics until he wises up. But there is an actual bird named a snipe that is quite hard to sneak up on and shoot; that's where "sniper" comes from.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#64 deltaepsilon

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:07

View PostRorschach, on 10 Feb 2009, 12:22, said:

You know you're Australian when you consume Vegemite


You know you're American when you consume PEANUT BUTTER JELLY!
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Edited by deltaepsilon, 11 February 2009 - 03:10.


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#65 Major Fuckup

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:19

View PostRorschach, on 10 Feb 2009, 21:22, said:

You know you're Australian when you consume Vegemite


gah vegemite taste like diesel i hate that stuff

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#66 deltaepsilon

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:24

View PostMajor Fuckup, on 11 Feb 2009, 3:19, said:

View PostRorschach, on 10 Feb 2009, 21:22, said:

You know you're Australian when you consume Vegemite


gah vegemite taste like diesel i hate that stuff

And yet your profile pic is of Sam Kekovich.

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#67 Major Fuckup

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:29

and he's funny as hell XD
You know you're Australian when you consume lamb- I'm Sam Kekovich

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#68 Whitey

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 04:43

Erm... lamb is delicious.


#69 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:43

View PostDerKrieger, on 10 Feb 2009, 7:53, said:

* Pull your droopy pants up. You look like an idiot.

My favorite.
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#70 deltaepsilon

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 07:59

View PostRorschach, on 11 Feb 2009, 5:43, said:

Erm... lamb is delicious.


I thought Americans weren't allowed to eat it?

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#71 Whitey

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 08:05

You thought wrong.


#72 Saint


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 08:14

This will bring back memories.
1. You know you're with the Reds when Hunter approves.
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#73 deltaepsilon

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 08:17

View PostRorschach, on 11 Feb 2009, 8:05, said:

You thought wrong.


Well they shouldn't.

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#74 Major Fuckup

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 11:13

yer lets start a anti-lamb movement to embargo lamb from america lol
then the greenies will win XD

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#75 Stinger


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 11:47

You know you're from the internet and a latent Grammar Nazi when you take note of the fact that there are people in this thread who cannot make the distinction between "your" and "you're".

You know you're from the internet when you paraphrase everything you read on Wiki and pass it off as learned knowledge two seconds later.

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