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My particle gallery :3

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#1 Failure


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Posted 06 April 2009 - 19:10

8| Hey there :P
Since I've found posting on mystique more entertaining, I've still decided to post videos of my work here.
So when I'll update their thread, I'll update this aswell.
Particles from my Reality mod.

1 - MOAB. Old version.

2. Aurora bombs, A10's rockets, Daisy Cutter, Tomahawk missile.

3. Fixed MOAB random colour, USA tactical nuke with wind effect :3

I will update this post with new videos, feel free to post ideas/suggestions.

Goddamnit, wrong forum. Sorry. Could you move it to modding/generals? :Ban:

Edited by Failure, 06 April 2009 - 19:11.

#2 TheDR

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 19:14

*Moved Topic*
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#3 Failure


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Posted 06 April 2009 - 19:28

Thanks mate 8| EXCELLENT!

#4 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 21:57

Hmm the first version of the MOAB looked too blue but you fixed that. I like your particles though I get the feeling that they are a lil over the top. Too much bang for the buck (I know this is a coding thing but you want the FX to match the weapon strength somewhat). The Daisy Cutter would be epic with a parachute but its effect was quite awesome, though the fuel cloud could linger just a little longer. Those aurora bombs pwn and so did the tomahawks. The tactical nuke was a lil too dark. Could do with a stronger glow both the initial flash and the mushroom cloud. Those are my 2 cents worth 8|
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#5 Whitey

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 04:10

Just a few comments: Be careful with lenseflares at the base of an explosion, they often cause a weird symmetrical line of visibility and nonvisibility of the lenseflare within the particle, which is clearly visible in your aurora bomb explosion.

Make sure your particles flow together. Your tactical nuke is a huge culprit of this flow issue. First, the blastwave is minimal. It needs to be spiced up into something more nuclear. I'm talking lots of dust, not just that red gunk at the base of the explosion. Speaking of which, that red stuff looks way too puffy, very clearly a particle system instead of a real nuclear weapon. Up the sizerate, the size, the burst count, everything necessary to fill in the gaps that are so very visible. Also, you might want to try making that cloud at the bottom morph into the mushroom's stem. As far as the stem goes, make sure it rises up properly into the cloud. You also might want to lighten this up as a whole.

Now concerning big blastwaves: Don't go overboard with them. They're not realistic looking 99/100 times. Use dust instead, unless you wish to eliminate lag, but still, don't overuse them.

Dust trails, the ones that get kicked up in different directions, watch yourself with those. Your aurora bomb had them going quite high for the actual bomb's force. They should also fit the explosion's colors better.

I liked your MOAB and Tomahawk the most, the MOAB could do with a bit of work in that you could probably do away with the initial explosion lesneflare and instead add in a burst of lenseflares attached to the explosions to brighten the thing up as a whole, like perparticleattachedsystems that fade out before the actual flame so it looks like a bright flash without causing the issues with ground-aligned flares that I've stated before. Also, the MOAB's stem and mushroom ought to match as I said in the other topic.

All in all, they are great effects, for the most part, but could do with a bit of work.

That's all I recall from the videos, I might or might not further review them later.

I hope this was helpful.

#6 JJ

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 07:59

I like your particles, keep it up. :o

#7 Dutchygamer

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 08:41

I think we have a new particle God in training here :)
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#8 Amdrial

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 12:43

I'm neutral about most of your particles (A bit overdone here and there), but I really seem to like the Aurora Bomb. My opinion is largely neutral because each explosion isn't generic enough. If you use multiple of those weapons at once, you'll notice the explosions are all the same, and we don't want to have that. (Of course, the ''special'' explosions can be used with Generals Powers and Superweapons, since they probably won't be used alot.)

Edit: Oh, and indeed, I think you should scale the particle effect with the area of damage a weapon does. Currently, it looks something like this:

|--------| Particle Effect
|---| Actual Area of Effect damage

Edited by {LP}Admiral-(NL), 07 April 2009 - 12:47.

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The above signature was made by TheDR.
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#9 Failure


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 14:58

Yeah, all of those comments are true.
Will do with the damage.
Also to cboidy ( Can't spell for shit your nickname here, sorry sir ) the issue where lens flare clips through smoke particles is annoying. I am going to fix this by adding the flash effect that can be seen in the tactical nuke ( Sphere of lens flares ).
As for the nuke, yes it could use a bit more of work, dust waves and lightning.
The same goes to aurora bomb, shitty flare clipping :)

Particle god? Nah.

Edited by Failure, 07 April 2009 - 14:59.

#10 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 15:41

First the Aurora bomb - Reduce the height of the debris trails and also reduce the delay between the bomb exploding and the debris trails starting. They should both start at the same time. You may also want to reposistion the origin of the debris trails so they come from the explosion, not slightly above it.

On the tomahawk FX the shockwave hangs around to long, once it reaches its maximum radius it should dissapear completely and shouldn't hang around after the explosion has finished.

Third your A10 Missle explosion either uses a default FX. Or thats one I created, because I know I used that for alot of generic bomb explosions.

Finally, I really liked your MOAB, just clear up the lenz flare issues cboidy noted and thats a very good particle.
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#11 Failure


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 16:38

The A10's missile fx is defeault game's FX. :)
It's from the strategy center shell detonation.

#12 Erik

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 17:13

Am i the only one that thinks that the tommahawk explosion would make an awesome impact effect for the earth shaker cannon? :)

Edited by Erik, 07 April 2009 - 17:13.

#13 Failure


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 19:28

There isn't earth shaker in defeault generals/ my mod, so that's why it's on tomahawk :)

#14 Ascendancy

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 19:34

Those particles are pretty amazing, yes indeed.
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Thanks to that awesome signature maker, Cattman2236.
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#15 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 20:13

View PostFailure, on 7 Apr 2009, 15:28, said:

There isn't earth shaker in defeault generals/ my mod, so that's why it's on tomahawk :)

Yes but he's asking whether it would look good on the earthshaker and my answer is 'probably yes'.
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#16 Whitey

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 20:15

I had something else in mind for the earth shaker, to be quite honest.


#17 Failure


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 20:35

View PostScope, on 7 Apr 2009, 21:13, said:

View PostFailure, on 7 Apr 2009, 15:28, said:

There isn't earth shaker in defeault generals/ my mod, so that's why it's on tomahawk :)

Yes but he's asking whether it would look good on the earthshaker and my answer is 'probably yes'.

But it's not going to be for earthshaker, sorry.

Edited by Failure, 07 April 2009 - 20:35.

#18 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 07 April 2009 - 20:37

View PostFailure, on 7 Apr 2009, 16:35, said:

View PostScope, on 7 Apr 2009, 21:13, said:

View PostFailure, on 7 Apr 2009, 15:28, said:

There isn't earth shaker in defeault generals/ my mod, so that's why it's on tomahawk :)

Yes but he's asking whether it would look good on the earthshaker and my answer is 'probably yes'.

But it's not going to be for earthshaker, sorry.

Of course that is your call and not mine 8|
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#19 Failure


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 18:56


This time went into smaller fx's :cry:

#20 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 08 April 2009 - 19:05

Dust cloud should fade faster, otherwise it obscures the next explosion FX.
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#21 Failure


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 19:18

Usually when a big tank shell explodes, the dust that went up stays a little longer.
It also does not lag so that's good I think :cry:
Still, someone wanted this for tank shell explosion that's bigger than overlord, so explo shall stay longer and be bigger.

But if this would be normall tank explo, you're right sir.

Edited by Failure, 08 April 2009 - 19:19.

#22 Nem


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 21:41

Failure mind posting your system specifications?

#23 Whitey

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Posted 09 April 2009 - 00:36

One suggestion: Make the dust cloud always created at ground height, specified in the FXList ini. I think it's like "CreateAtGroundHeight = Yes" or something.


#24 Failure


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 12:31

Thanks Rorschach. That's what I've been searching for :)

System -
Windows XP,
GeForce 9600
1x 35 gb disc/1x 150 gb disc
2gb ram

I can run crysis on medium, but it's unoptimized as shit.
Of course in generals it lags if I spawn 5000 particles |8

New stuff.

#25 Nem


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 15:18

The beauty of your particles comes from the absurd amount of bursts that would lag most people. Its fine with Gen power explosions but when you apply that to little things like tank fire fx things can get messy fast.

A good particle artists job is to get that same amount of beauty with the limited resources he or she has.

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